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Author Topic: Any suggestions on ways to keep heat bills down  (Read 4303 times)


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Any suggestions on ways to keep heat bills down
« on: November 18, 2007, 05:58:04 pm »
I know that this was touched on before but I am looking to see if anyone has some creative ways to help keep the heat in the hot tub.
I have not notice a big loss, I am just making every attempt  to help my fuel bills this year.

I have a Chelsee- (ps all seems to be working well). My cover does not have a suction when I lift it. I have noticed that on three of the corners I can easily put my finger under the lid. I have placed weights on each of the corners hoping to encourage a seal.

Is this crazy? Will it help any or could I damage the cover? Are some covers better than others? What are signs that you are lossing heat without having to learn the hard way with a huge electric bill.

As usual thanks for all the good advice!

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Any suggestions on ways to keep heat bills down
« on: November 18, 2007, 05:58:04 pm »


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Re: Any suggestions on ways to keep heat bills dow
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2007, 06:26:51 pm »
First, the Chelsee is a Sundance I believe so it is full foamed - nothing to worry about there. Any quality full foamed or thermopane tub will be as efficient as you can get. Non quality tubs will be a different story.

Second, don't put anything on top of the cover if you don't lock it - they might become projectiles. If yoiu don't lock the cover, then lock it. If these areas can be got to with the cover latched and the gaps are still there then either the cover is on too loose or you have a problem.

Third, and this has been debated - spa blanket. I notice that without a spa blanket my water is always at set point or 1 º below. Last year with a spa blanket it was always 1º above set point whenever I opened the cover. My take on this is that it doesn't retain the heat as it did with a blanket.

Fourth, keep the bubbles out of the spa. Don't have your spa inject air when you're not using it. Remember that air that's injected (we're not talking ozone bubbles) is at the air temp. My spa only runs the pumps for 30 seconds 2x a day but if you used the pumps for filtering and the jets are adding air - it will cool down the water somewhat.

Finally, remember that the $30,$40 or $50 a month in the winter goes down in the spring, summer and fall - it might cost $2.00 a day in the winter but only $0.50 a day in the summer.

Hope this helps!


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Re: Any suggestions on ways to keep heat bills dow
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2007, 08:46:46 am »
Unless you have some really big heat loss happening, then anything you do with this spa will probably produce such a small return it might not even be notcible.  
 Your cover doesn't need to suction to the spa to work.  
 If you go a long time between uses, and know generally when you might use the spa, the econonmy mode MAY produce a bit of energy savings.  But I don't even bother.  I like the spa to be ready at anytime so I just leave the temp set accordingly and accept the power cost as part of enjoying the winter- soaking in the winter is more fun than in the summer, IMHO.


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Re: Any suggestions on ways to keep heat bills dow
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2007, 06:46:59 pm »
Thanks for the suggestion on the locks-I had not though about that.

My main concern with heat loss is just with the cover especially since I could easily slip my finger under the corners almost like it wasn't sitting flat with the tub.

I will look further into a spa blanket.

I definetly don't go for long times between soaks-use almost everyday!! I am prepared to look at expense as a cost of the enjoyment- which there is much but just trying to tweak it wherever I can!!


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Re: Any suggestions on ways to keep heat bills dow
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2007, 06:57:28 pm »
Your cover should not fit like that. It may not have the seal but the gap on 3 sides is not right. How old is your cover ?


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Re: Any suggestions on ways to keep heat bills dow
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2007, 08:06:13 pm »
My cover is not yet a year old.

I did not notice this with the first Chelsee that I had ( that tub was replaced at the beginning of the month with this new tub). I am wondering if the cover got warped while it sat waiting for the new tub to get up and running?

I know Vinny said not to put weights on it but I might try that for a couple days just to see if it flattens it out some.

In Canada eh

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Re: Any suggestions on ways to keep heat bills dow
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2007, 08:09:35 pm »
I know that this was touched on before but I am looking to see if anyone has some creative ways to help keep the heat in the hot tub.

You could add a piece of ridgid insulation to the back side of your equipment compartment door.  There could be quite a lot of heat loss if your door isn't insulated.  Make sure its removable because you will want to remove it in the summer months
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Re: Any suggestions on ways to keep heat bills dow
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2007, 09:10:18 pm »
Be careful if you don't lock down the cover. The wind could get under the cover and lift it up ... throwing whatever you put on it around. I've had my cover open the wrong way because of the wind, I now lock the cover whenever I learn it's going to be real windy.


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Re: Any suggestions on ways to keep heat bills dow
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2007, 07:32:31 am »
That happened to me once in the middle of a cold snap in January.  Forgot to lock the cover, strong wind came up and flipped it open.  Get a call from the neighbor telling us about it.  I lost around 50 gallons of water and used plenty of electricity, I'm sure.
 Outside tap was shut down for winter, so I got to schlep the water out in 5 gallon buckets.  Really fun when the windchill is -20.  

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Re: Any suggestions on ways to keep heat bills dow
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2007, 07:32:31 am »


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