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Author Topic: Tragedy in our church  (Read 13398 times)


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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2007, 01:36:41 pm »
it is the right to bear arms!!!!!!!!  It is not a relative position, not some arms but all arms.  YOU HAVE TO BE AS ARMED AS THE CRIMINAL.  IT IS A NICE DAY FOR MY AK........Don't buy into a dilution of your rights......if you do....pretty soon......mums the word.....the term will be silenced, along with millions of others....free speech and right to bear arms......Live free or die.....Tom

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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2007, 01:36:41 pm »


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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2007, 01:39:24 pm »
Thanks for taking the time, Term.

This is an issue I have wondered about everytime I hear a news anchor talk about that kid in a trenchcoat who just killed a bunch of people with an "assault rifle".  How come nobody calls them on this?  

As a sidenote, I do, however, take issue with your use of the term "leftist" mainstream media.  I came to the conclusion a long time ago that the corporate media lords could give two shakes as to whether its "left", "right" or sideways.  These corporate devils look to advertising dollars, media share and nothing more.  

O'Reilly may be on the "Right" and Obermann on the "Left", but if the ratings for either of them should drop, they would be out the door with a drop-kick.  
(This, I believe, also explains the existence of Nancy Grace.)

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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2007, 01:43:32 pm »
My son works in an outdoors sporting goods store (hunting, fishing, trapping, etc).  He tells us about people who come in to buy a gun/rifle but don't 'pass' the state/government ownership requirements.  One person told him, ' I'll just have my brother/cousin, some relative, pick it up for me'.  Fortunately, it is a fairly known group of regular customers so the staff knows not to sell the particular weapon to his brother/cousin.  Not that the guy is a potential 'problem' but he didn't qualify to own a weapon.

Imagine this being in a large city and the same situation happened?  The store employees wouldn't know brother Billie Bob from Adam and would sell the gun.  Like it was said, the government has laws to restrict ownership but even 'safe' people will go around the corner to get a gun, imagine the extremes a 'deviate' will go through to get one?
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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2007, 02:00:51 pm »
Here in Florida the licensing is fairly strict......submit to questions and return in three days to find out of you qualified.  If a person can legally buy a gun then so be it.  Florida is a conceal carry and a shoot first state......mmmmmmm...crime is dropping......the dilution of your rights is the issue, speech, assembly, religion, to bear arms........these are why USA is a great country.......live free or die.......that is three instances in 7 days that the murderer carried an AK........the right is to bear arms....not particular arms.......not up to but excluding the following....the constitution is absolute or the country will crumble......this isn't france.


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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2007, 02:15:17 pm »
No amount of laws will prevent criminals from getting the tools of their trade.  Just like prohibition was a collosal failure, so has been the war on drugs, and gun control.
Demands are supplied when there is enough demand.  It's not the gun, it's the person.  And an assault rifle isn't any more deadly or menacing than any other firearm.  But most people don't have a clue as to what an assault rifle really is, they just glom on to the media hysterics.  Our local media couldn't describe an assault rifle in any meaningful way, but they sure love to toss the word around.  
Maybe when people have had enough of being victimized by criminals and psychopaths, and start defending against them, the behavior will change.  

As for this particular instance, in my earlier posts I didn't mean to imply that this one person was necessairly a victim of the public schools, etc....  I was trying to say that there seems to be a whole generation of people coming of age that can't tolerate being told no, or who can deal with their problems without having to commit murder.

I suppose we'll find out someone was picking on him.......  


A very close friend of mine was murdered about 3 months ago.  He was riding his bicycle when a couple of gang bangers who'd just been released from prison decided to rob him.  They beat him to a pulp with a baseball bat.  
So now I suppose we need to control the sale of baseball bats, becasue they kill.



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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2007, 02:27:50 pm »
brew...sorry about your friend...preach on.......Tom


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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2007, 02:32:51 pm »
He tells us about people who come in to buy a gun/rifle but don't 'pass' the state/government ownership requirements.  One person told him, ' I'll just have my brother/cousin, some relative, pick it up for me'.

This is called a "straw man purchase" and is covered by a multitude of the 20,000 existing firearms laws.  It is illegal.  Adding more laws will not make it more illegal.

I wish we sold guns alongside hot tubs.  I think we're going to start selling tanning beds. ::)  Time to break out my ol' thong and get a tan.

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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2007, 02:45:56 pm »

  I think we're going to start selling tanning beds. ::)  Time to break out my ol' thong and get a tan.


Time to break out the ol' blindfold  :-/ :'(
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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2007, 03:03:29 pm »
No amount of laws will prevent criminals from getting the tools of their trade.  Just like prohibition was a collosal failure, so has been the war on drugs, and gun control.
Demands are supplied when there is enough demand.  It's not the gun, it's the person.  And an assault rifle isn't any more deadly or menacing than any other firearm.  But most people don't have a clue as to what an assault rifle really is, they just glom on to the media hysterics.  Our local media couldn't describe an assault rifle in any meaningful way, but they sure love to toss the word around.  
Maybe when people have had enough of being victimized by criminals and psychopaths, and start defending against them, the behavior will change.  

As for this particular instance, in my earlier posts I didn't mean to imply that this one person was necessairly a victim of the public schools, etc....  I was trying to say that there seems to be a whole generation of people coming of age that can't tolerate being told no, or who can deal with their problems without having to commit murder.

I suppose we'll find out someone was picking on him.......  

Now what a minute the media and being responsible... wait where did I hear that...I think what you touch on about an up coming generation of people....can very much be related to video games and violence in entertainment...that they are totally desensitized to death and it finality. I not suggesting that these things be outlawed but I think it is naive to think they do not have an effect on people who spend countless hours...playing these games.....which the more you kill...you more you score...


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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2007, 03:26:58 pm »
I wouldn't argue with your there.  

 You gotta wonder, though, where the line between fantasy and reality is, and why it's so blurry for some.

I watched the three stooges when I was 6 years old, but even at that young age I knew that raking a saw across someones head, or hitting them with a hammer, or pinching their nose with a pliers (you get the picture), wasn't to be done- I knew it was faked for TV and just funny.  Never did occurr to me to try it on someone.  There was a definite line there, and I and everyone I was around knew it.  
Plus there were definite consequences for any of us who got out of line.  Even teachers back then were empowered to use discipline on unruly students.  
 Now they're too worried about being sued or political correctness to enforce discipline.  Somewhere along the line the animals began running the zoo.    

 Don't get me started on the whole "gangsta" lifestyle, or the numerous wannabee's that mimic it.  


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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2007, 05:27:55 pm »
Dang, I started writing this response an hour and a half ago, but some lady came in and bought a Sovereign.  Sorry it's taken so long to reply.  
I was going to say! I figured it had to be that. I don't have your web cam up, so I couldn't be sure.

I started the application process for a concealed carry permit. I am working with the local sheriff's Office to obtain it. They have said no problem after I documented several threats  - two of which came from these boards!

Our church is much smaller, and so it's not likely to be a target. But these days, any public place where thousands of people can congregate should have some sort of security plan in place, and armed guards would make total sense to me. As our church grows, I will be part of that plan.

I'm sorry we have come to this, but we have, and I think we need to fight just as hard to maintain our freedoms as others have to win them for us.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 05:28:50 pm by Chas »
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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2007, 05:34:56 pm »
I was going to say! I figured it had to be that. I don't have your web cam up, so I couldn't be sure.

I started the application process for a concealed carry permit. I am working with the local sheriff's Office to obtain it. They have said no problem after I documented several threats  - two of which came from these boards!

Our church is much smaller, and so it's not likely to be a target. But these days, any public place where thousands of people can congregate should have some sort of security plan in place, and armed guards would make total sense to me. As our church grows, I will be part of that plan.

I'm sorry we have come to this, but we have, and I think we need to fight just as hard to maintain our freedoms as others have to win them for us.

You actually had to document threats to get a concealed carry permit in your state?  All you have to do in Maine is pass the extensive background.  I carry without a permit  ::)

« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 05:35:47 pm by AstaLaVista »


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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2007, 06:29:00 pm »
They have said no problem after I documented several threats  - two of which came from these boards!

Gee, I wonder who on earth it could have been????  I'll bet one was hottubdan!

If the other one was who I suspect it was, he finally proved himself useful...for once.

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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #28 on: December 11, 2007, 06:30:54 pm »

You actually had to document threats to get a concealed carry permit in your state?  All you have to do in Maine is pass the extensive background.  I carry without a permit  ::)

Chas is actually out in the far, far western part of Texas that we kicked out, so he is more of a subject than a citizen...kind of like being from Canada or Massachusetts.

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...

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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #29 on: December 11, 2007, 06:52:07 pm »
I legally carry a gun in one of the 2 states (IL) that doesn't allow ANY form of concealed carry for private citizens.  And, other than on the issue of gun control, I'm pretty liberal too.  I think one of the larger issues, that nobody wants to talk about, is the failure of the mental health system in this country, and our criminal justice system's balancing act between our rights as citizens and their duty to keep us safe.  This is not the first young man to have shown violent, mentally ill tendencies LONG in advance of their shootings (VA Tech and many others) that went unchecked, unchallenged and were still allowed to legally purchase a weapon.  Unfortunately, I think the answer will require a lot of government dollars to get these mentally ill people screened and treated.  On to another debate.......

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Re: Tragedy in our church
« Reply #29 on: December 11, 2007, 06:52:07 pm »


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