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Is it just me or is anyone else disturbed by the fact that a church feels the need to employ armed security guards?
Is it just me or is anyone else disturbed by the fact that a church feels the need to employ armed security guards? Is there a history of violence in this community or congregation?
Put the blame squarely where it lies- on the shooter. Â The media didn't make him do that, his gun didn't make him do that, his twisted sick mind made him do that. Â Â They need to start putting a little discipline back into the public schools, and parents need to get their nads back, stop acting like their children's friends, and start being parents. Â I've seen so many expamples of children mis-behaving out in public while the parents ignore or even encourage their behavior. Â These kids don't stand a chance in the real world when they learn it's not all about them- that sometimes you loose, sometimes people will dis-agree with you. Â No coping skills. Â They simply aren't being taught to live in the real world. Â
With that said, however, I do have a question about these "assault rifles" the media keeps talking about. Â It seems like most of these shootings involve these kinds of weapons.
 Why can't the Gub'mint regulate these weapons like they do hand grenades and land mines.
It would seem to me that the legitimate value of these rifles as a defensive and/or recreational weapon is vastly outweighed by the "mass killing power" they also have. Â Especially, if they constantly turn up as the weapon of choice at these tragedies.