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Author Topic: Finally some peace and quiet.(Diverter noise)  (Read 5320 times)


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Finally some peace and quiet.(Diverter noise)
« on: November 10, 2007, 09:32:12 am »
As some of you already know I have an '06 Jacuzzi J-345. It has 2 therepy/jet pumps with one diverter valve for each one. The valve for pump one is virtually silent no matter what position it's in. However, the valve for pump two has always been a little on the noisy side when in position to divert all/most of the flow to the footwell jets. I knew this going in to my purchase of this spa and didn't mind it as it's really not that bad. Sure I would have liked it quieter but that's alot of water pressure being divetered straight down to the bottom of the spa. So w/o it's own pump or diverter, I'm pretty much s.o.l, right?
I actually became acustomed to the sound now over a year later but just the other day I had a new discovery. When I close the jets for the seat that is in conjunction with the footwell, there is no more noise when all the water is being diverted to the footwell. I don't know why this is for sure but I have a feeling it's because the water is just going to one place and not being pulled from multiple directions. Anyways, I'm very happy about this discovery and thought I'd share it with ya'll who might be experiencing the same noisy diverter valves.

Cheers to a peaceful soak in any position,

« Last Edit: November 10, 2007, 02:03:14 pm by WHY_NOT »

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Finally some peace and quiet.(Diverter noise)
« on: November 10, 2007, 09:32:12 am »


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Re: Finally some peace and quiet.
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2007, 10:41:55 am »
Chad, I didn't opt for ozone on my 335.  Do you have it?  Do you think it makes enough of a difference, that I should go ahead and add?  Using reserve and renew and using tub pretty heavy, I am going through a lot of renew.  Also do you use a mineral cartridge?


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Re: Finally some peace and quiet.
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2007, 11:41:55 am »
Chad, I didn't opt for ozone on my 335.  Do you have it?  Do you think it makes enough of a difference, that I should go ahead and add?  Using reserve and renew and using tub pretty heavy, I am going through a lot of renew.  Also do you use a mineral cartridge?

Yes, I have an ozonator. It's the standard one offered by Jacuzzi, not the upgraded, higher output one. I also have been using a Nature 2 mineral cartridge with every fill except my first. Imo, to get the full benefit of both the N2 and the low output ozonator, one must use both and have a 24 hr circulation pump.
Personally, I don't mind spending the extra $30 every 4 months for the added benefits that the N2 provide. Such as less frequent dichlor dosing, it's ability to help stabilize one's water chemistry, and the silky-like way the water feels. I went from dosing to a 3 ppm after every soak to two 3-5 ppm doses a week along with a shock every 10-14 days with either mps or dichlor.* I'm definetly a proponet of N2.

*keep in mind that my tub's bather load is just me 95% of the time.

« Last Edit: November 10, 2007, 11:45:16 am by WHY_NOT »


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Re: Finally some peace and quiet.
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2007, 01:04:01 pm »
I also didn't get the ozonator on my new J480...The dealer actually talked me out of it. He claimed the corona generators? are only good for a year or two, forcing you to replace them every other year for max effectiveness. Anyway, I'm finding that a small dose (2oz) of renew (MPS) every other day and a good 4oz MPS shock once a week has kept my levels near perfect. (along with the brom tabs floating).
I also am soloing in the tub most days.
I still may look into the N2 system though, I've heard alot of good things about it

 Back to the original subject, my 480 also has one noisy diverter valve between the lounger and the other chair on that pump. The same pump also drives the footwell center volcano. When I turn the volcano valve on, it makes a noise similar to a fog horn. This noise persists unless the volcano is either fully on or fully off.
 I'll have to try shutting off some jets to see if your method does anything for that.
 If not, I just crank up the stereo a bit more (subwoofer vs. fog horn)  :P

Lovin' Jacuzzi!
Ain't the beer cold!


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Re: Finally some peace and quiet.
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2007, 02:09:10 pm »
I also didn't get the ozonator on my new J480...The dealer actually talked me out of it. He claimed the corona generators? are only good for a year or two, forcing you to replace them every other year for max effectiveness.

I think he has CD an UV mixed up. I beleive UV ozonators utilize a chip that has to be replaced every few years while CD ozonators will last about 5 years(?).


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Re: Finally some peace and quiet.
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2007, 02:27:46 pm »

I think he has CD an UV mixed up. I beleive UV ozonators utilize a chip that has to be replaced every few years while CD ozonators will last about 5 years(?).

The CD ozonators I've seen typically last 5 years or more.  It's tough though, since the only way really for a home owner to tell if it's working or not is to see if they can smell it when they open the cover.

Unless someone else has a way to test for it that I'm not aware of...


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Re: Finally some peace and quiet.(Diverter noise)
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2007, 02:42:13 pm »
Ozone test kit by LaMotte


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Re: Finally some peace and quiet.(Diverter noise)
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2007, 02:51:14 pm »
CD ozones with chips do need the chip replaced every couple of years.

UV ozones need bulb replaced every year or so.
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Re: Finally some peace and quiet.(Diverter noise)
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2007, 02:55:53 pm »
 CD is the chip one should last 5 years plus, UV is the bulb.    

Chad interesting observation on the divertor issue,next time I fill a 345 I will check it out.  

Orbitaljoe, what you are hearing is air being sucked through the knob that you turn to turn the IX (volcano) jet on.  It should be fixable with a bit of magic lube,call your dealer and tell him about it, and see what he can do.  It shouldnt sound like that.


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Re: Finally some peace and quiet.(Diverter noise)
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2007, 03:19:15 pm »
I don't know how this thread too got turned into an ozone discussion but what theheck... CD Ozonators are suppose to last FIVE years.  That's one of the reasons they are about twice as expensive as the UV versions.  Most UV ones last about 2 years.  This seems to be pretty common industry knowledge on a large number of sites as well as the manufacturer's when I talk to them about their product lines 4 years ago.   Not real certain where hot tub dan is getting his feed from but I don't think his projections are accurate.
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

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Re: Finally some peace and quiet.(Diverter noise)
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2007, 04:44:56 pm »
Hottubdan was right on.  CD units with chips need the chips replaced every two years.  UV units with bulbs every year.  CD units without chips, such as the Jacuzzi units should last five or more years.

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Re: Finally some peace and quiet.(Diverter noise)
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2007, 04:44:56 pm »


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