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yes but is it okay to dissipate into a closed garage and then you be in the garage?
ah okay so just the circ pump produces those little bubbles I see? Â I always thought those little bubbles were ozone because whenever the circ pump was on, the little ozone icon is on in the lcd panel and I can hear the high pitched noise if I put my ear to the cabinent over the ozonator. Â now if I'm in the spa with the jets on, those are so loud and disturb the water so much of course I can't tell if those little bubbles are coming up..
wow you really know your stuff Tony... why did you take out your ozonator? Â is your tub indoors?oh btw.. I was having a cloudy water condition.. I use Dichlor everyday, a Sunpurity N2 mineral cartrige and shock weekly with MPS. Â I bet you since my circ pump and ozonator really weren't on much at all (just when the tub needed to get heat), that my water wasn't getting properly sanitized and oxidized.. thus it was getting cloudy. Â Basically the water was just sitting there stagnent most of the day because the tub being indoors very rarely called for heat, thus the ozonator and circ pump just stayed off..
Ozone in fact is heavier than air and will sink.Ozone can be a great irritant to some people respiratory system.Some people have been known to have asthsma(SP?) attacks caused by ozone..... and they never knew they has asthma(SP?).Ozone's life is rated as a half life, and while in hot water it may have a half life of seconds, in cooler air that half life can be extended to 1 to 2 hours.Ozone will destroy some type of plastics. I knew a guy that had a tub indoors and it ruined his plasma TV in less than a yearMore, a lot more here;http://www.rhtubs.com/indoor-ozone-danger.htm