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Author Topic: Do spa manufacturers "lock out" features on tubs.  (Read 3347 times)


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Do spa manufacturers "lock out" features on tubs.
« on: November 05, 2007, 03:50:50 pm »
In the cellphone world, it's common for carrier's to lock out functions on phones.  You might have the same phone as someone with a different carrier, yet their phone does things that yours won't.  Both phones were made the same, but the carrier chose to modify them.  Does this same practice hold true in the spa industry?  Might a manufacturer choose to "lock out" certain functions that a control system is capable of?  Perhaps enabling them only in certain packages or at certain price points?  If so, is an owner able to change this?  I know many people like to reprogram their phones to get the most out of them.

Hot Tub Forum

Do spa manufacturers "lock out" features on tubs.
« on: November 05, 2007, 03:50:50 pm »


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Re: Do spa manufacturers "lock out" features on tu
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2007, 04:04:09 pm »
Yes they do.  Lockout functions are used for "trouble logs" that are there for service tech's.  There are also different "set up" functions that are empowered or disabled, such as 50 hertz or 60 hertz operation.  The same circuit board can be used in the same spa model with different functions, such as, one with a blower and one without a blower.  It does no good to enable such a function if the blower isn't there.

When these are consumer selected functions (i.e. 50 amps or 60 amps), they are commonly covered in detail in the owners manual.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: Do spa manufacturers "lock out" features on tu
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2007, 04:37:09 pm »
tb....what is it you are attempting to accomplish?  While my Colemans use Balboa M7 controls and I'd hazard a guess that if you are looking at your dip switches......that you are in over your head.  On the current M7 controls, you turn off switch 10 and then program certain functions for the tub.  Remote control operation, speeds of pumps, all sorts of things can be done with the top side controls.  However, this really should be done by a service tech.  The dip switches are turn off with the system fully powered up and if you slip you will get shocked.  Going back to your original question, a circ pump runs 24 hours and your tub could still have extra filter time.  As I recall Sundance does something like that.  TB is you are have these kinds of issues, call your manufacturer and describe your problems to them.  They should call the dealer and get him headed in the right direction.  TB be patient, don't get in so deep that you regret your actions.  Your dealer sounds like he could get block headed and mess with your warranty.  Call the manufacturer now and get the ball rolling from that end.  Your circuit board is very live, 240 and 50 amps and if you are in a puddle......then poof......be careful


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Re: Do spa manufacturers "lock out" features on tu
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2007, 05:58:28 pm »
Balboa and Gecko will customize their standard controls for various manufacturers.

In esscence, they are lockiing out some funtions depending on what the manufacterer has specified they want the contoller to do.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: Do spa manufacturers "lock out" features on tu
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2007, 04:27:03 pm »
Thanks for your replies.  I promise, I won't touch anything.  I am just really curious.  I have talked to balboa and I am going to call the manufacturer next.  I need to get my serial number off my spa so that I can do that.  I had a hunch that the same control system might do different things on different spas.  I was just curious if they can be reprogrammed or not.  I just looked at my dip switches, I didn't touch.  In fact, I tucked my hands under my legs!  It was a good warning though, thanks.  Good point about the puddle.  As a consumer, you just feel helpless when you are being told conflicting things.  

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Do spa manufacturers "lock out" features on tu
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2007, 04:27:03 pm »


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