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hot tub in enclosed room help
« on: October 21, 2007, 08:27:37 pm »
I am about to purchase a hot tub and I am adding on to my house a 10x10 room for the tub.Any suggestions on putting in a exausht fan to keep the moisture out,and if I put a self vented gas heater will that help with the moisture.And last I wanted to hang a 32inch lcd tv in the room and my cotractor stated the tv would not function well because of all of the moisture.The room will have only a tub and a chair I live in the chicago area with cold winter temps.eVER HEARD OF THIS OR GETTING A MARINE TV

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hot tub in enclosed room help
« on: October 21, 2007, 08:27:37 pm »


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Re: hot tub in enclosed room help
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 09:27:17 pm »
I also have a similar situation.  I currently have a tub on my enclosed back porch that we are wanting to watch TV from.  From the research that I've done, your contractor is right.  There are tvs that can withstand that amount of moisture but they'll cost you an arm and a leg.  You may want to look into putting the TV behind a window inside the house (that's what I'm about to do) and run outdoor speakers into the tub room.  I'm going to use an LCD arm mounted to the wall so that I can turn the TV around and watch it from inside the house as well.  I'm now onto the search for some good outdoor speakers that are loud enough to be heard over the roaring water :-)
BTW: I don't have an exhaust fan on my porch but if I was building a room, I would put one in.  I have windows all around the outside of the porch and we just leave the screens open a few inches at the top and run a fan when we're in the tub and for an hour or so after to help with the moisture.

Take Care,

IL Parrothead

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Re: hot tub in enclosed room help
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2007, 10:01:13 pm »
Yeah, Keepit, if you're building the room from scratch, throw an exhaust fan in .  Not just for the TV, but for the wood, windows and the general comfort leval in the room.  Without ventilation, it would be like taking 5 or 10 showers in a small bathroom.  The room will get quite damp.


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Re: hot tub in enclosed room help
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2007, 06:04:53 pm »
Yeah, Keepit, if you're building the room from scratch, throw an exhaust fan in .  Not just for the TV, but for the wood, windows and the general comfort leval in the room.  Without ventilation, it would be like taking 5 or 10 showers in a small bathroom.  The room will get quite damp.
And in cold weather,  the moisture will condense on walls and windows and either puddle on the floor, or freeze, depending on the outside temperature.

We had our spa in an unheated solarium with a rubberized, waterproof floor and sliding patio doors all around.  In the  winter, we would open the windows on the down-wind side for ventilation.  Ice on unopened patio doors sometimes built up, and water or ice on the floor didn't bother us much -- it would disappear on a sunny day (when we again had doors open).  Worked for us.  But if I were doing it again, I'd have a vent fan!
« Last Edit: October 22, 2007, 06:06:01 pm by Graybeard »


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Re: hot tub in enclosed room help
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2007, 03:05:07 pm »
Think like mildew.....it goes everywhere.  Ventillation, fan is good.  A 10' x 10' room is very small.  A hot tub is a wet environment, your flooring is critical too.  If there is every a leak what might happen to the water and your walls.  Green gypsum board is good stuff, it is basically waterproof.  Double check on the type paint you are going to finish off the room with, as I recall an oil base is suggested.  As far as the TeeVee goes......I don't know, may be start cheap and see what happens.  Also be cognizant of electrical supplies and such, overhead lights and fans could be deadly when standing in a water filled hot tub......these are a few things I have expenienced when installing a hot tub in doors


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Re: hot tub in enclosed room help
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2007, 04:01:07 pm »
How do you plan to make-up the air you are exhausting?
Bullfrog 562


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Re: hot tub in enclosed room help
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2007, 07:23:16 pm »
I was thinking of keeping a window partially open when I am in the tub.


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Re: hot tub in enclosed room help
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2007, 01:31:03 am »
You may wish to look into the new wallboard that is NOT fiber based. It's a bit more expensive but, not that much more. It is mold/mildew/rot resistant. It has no paper backing on it at all. A best buy for moist areas.

I would also suggest the ventilation fan you use is not of the bathroom type exhaust/moisture fan. They do not pull enough moisture out of the area for a spa.

Loosenupspas also has a very valid point. Your flooring is also a critical factor. Are you on a slab? If so, put down a ceramic tile or pavers for the flooring. You will have less of a problem with clean up, spills, and wet areas. A non skid type would be best.

When you do the walls and you use a moisture/mildew/mold resitant backer board make sure that the paint is oil based made for high moisture content. i.e. marine paint comes to mind but, ther are other paints on the market made for use in moist areas.

Good luck with your spa space.


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Re: hot tub in enclosed room help
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2007, 10:09:09 am »
You may wish to look into the new wallboard that is NOT fiber based. It's a bit more expensive but, not that much more. It is mold/mildew/rot resistant. It has no paper backing on it at all. A best buy for moist areas.

I'm not sure, but are you talking about the new basement wall system they have been advertising on TV lately.  Its made by the "Pink Panther" insulation people.  (I can't for the life of me, remember the company's name)  I think its a whole wall system which is impervious to moisture.  Looks like panels that lock together.  That might work well for your purposes.
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Re: hot tub in enclosed room help
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2007, 05:41:52 pm »
The wall board is made by Georgia-Pacific...it is PAPERLESS. I should have been clearer when saying fiberless. It contains no paper fiber. Mold loves to live on paper. Lowes and Home depot carry it as do many construction supply stores.

 DensArmor Plus® Paperless Drywall

Sorry for the confusion.

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Re: hot tub in enclosed room help
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2007, 05:41:52 pm »


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