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I have read somewhere that if your CC is at a certain level(it seems like the amount was 1.5.) it may not be worth it to do a superchlorination, but do it when your CC is around .2. I was going to superchlorinate our spa today and ours was 1.0. Should I wait or go ahead and superchor? The water has been in use 30 days without a superchlor.BTW we have ozone and silver, if that makes any difference.ThanksJim
If you do a superchlorination, you need at least 10x the amount of the combined chlorine (CC) level to break the bond. I have said in the past that I look at the CC and if it is over 0.5 then I use MPS.If you don't plan on using the tub for a while then it might be a good thing to superchlorinate as you would need at least 10 PPM free chlorine. If you are planning on using the tub use MPS and then superchlorinate next week. Try not to go so long on shocking especially if you use the tub a lot.Also remember you need to trade off the CYA vs TDS when deciding to use chlorine or MPS. 10 PPM chlorine will raise your CYA by 10 PPM as well. MPS will raise your TDS faster than chlorine will.
Tony,On the pool website they were suggesting that MPS prvents CC from happening as long as you add it on a weekly basis and that info wasn't provided by chem geek. I could not find anywhere to prove or disprove this. Ony thing I could find was shocking with MPS. Where did you find the info?Of course thinking about it if you're using MPS on a weekly or more basis then CC would not have a chance to form or not form to higher levels.As far as bleach, I'm convinced that it is OK to use but the idea of measuring out 3 oz or more of liquid is a PITA to me.Thanks!Vinny