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Author Topic: Need professional advise on board problem  (Read 9971 times)


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Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2007, 07:21:09 pm »
Pathfinder,   If its under warrenty, they can replace the whole damn tub as far as I am concerned.
 What I am worried about is if they replaced parts they shouldnt have due to a bad diagnosis and then charge me for them...  

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Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2007, 07:21:09 pm »


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Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2007, 07:39:59 pm »
The best way to solve this issue is to call Pacific direct explain your concerns and you should have a resolution.  They are pretty good about warranty issues and Pacific dealers get reimbursed pretty well for warranty. So you shouldnt be charged anything.  I couldnt see why the tech couldnt call the tech dept at Pacific  or Gecko while working on the tub if he couldnt diagnose properly.  Thats a problem Im seeing lately techs that cant diagnose and are afraid to ask for help so they just start changing packs.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2007, 08:15:02 pm »
 I wouldnt call them till I see a bill, no use giving them an excuse to send one.


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Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2007, 08:31:53 pm »
I believe that the dealer is a stand up guy.  I also know that the tech that came out is not a direct employee of the dealer but more or less a contractor.  He made a total of 5 trips here so I think that it is fair that he gets paid.
 I also think that if he had to make 5 trips rather than 2 due to his poor diagnosis than he should chalk the extra trips up to experience.
 I have sent a e-mail to the manufactures rep that I deal with explaing the ordeal and asking her who is responsable for repair costs and diagnosis.
 Either way, I will not leave the dealer left holding the bag.


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Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2007, 03:42:41 pm »
Here is the end result.  

 The equipment warrenty on my Pacific tub was only 3 years.   My tub was about 3 years and 5 months old when this problem started.  
 I was told that the flow switch and circuit board were replaced and the dealer only wants to recoup their cost of $500.
I feel that this cost is reasonable IF the board did need to be replaced, but how can I prove otherwise?

 What do you guys think?   Pathfinder?
« Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 03:43:47 pm by rubadubeh »


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Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2007, 06:25:55 pm »
Call them up and ask for the board back, since the board is yours.  Then either get an electrician or another service company to reinstall the board on your tub. If the same error problems pop up then I would pay.  Or you could call Pacific and ask them to test the board for you and send it to BC.   Your problem didnt sound like a board issue.

I dont want to start issues but your tubs only a few months outta warranty and your board "goes"  I would have at least tried for warranty.  Since you paid a good chunk of change for your tub.  I guess the warranty switched to 5 years when they went to the XM pack.


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Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2007, 06:58:56 pm »
Call them up and ask for the board back, since the board is yours.  Then either get an electrician or another service company to reinstall the board on your tub. If the same error problems pop up then I would pay.  Or you could call Pacific and ask them to test the board for you and send it to BC.   Your problem didnt sound like a board issue.

I dont want to start issues but your tubs only a few months outta warranty and your board "goes"  I would have at least tried for warranty.  Since you paid a good chunk of change for your tub.  I guess the warranty switched to 5 years when they went to the XM pack.

I know what you mean about getting the old part back, but having it installed to test it would be like throwing good money after bad.   Would I really know if the board they give me back is mine???   They could give me a mother board for a 386 computer and I would not know the difference. Also, being in the repair business I am sure the repair guy has a whole truckload of pooched boards....
 Yes I spent a large chunk of change on this tub, but I did speak directly with a CSR @ Pacific in Ontario and she clearly said the warrenty was over....
 The funny part is that between this recent down time due to having no heat and the time it was in storage when we moved this tub has only been in service for a total of 2 years and 3 months.....  Not that that gives me an argument with Pacific.  I understand 3 years is 3 years.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 07:01:36 pm by rubadubeh »


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Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2007, 09:06:11 pm »
I sent an e-mail to the Pacific warrenty guy and he basically gave me the brush off.  A very nice brush off, but never-the-less a brush off.
 I explained that in the 3 years I have had the tub (less than 2 1/2 years in operation)  I have replaced the cover that fell apart and the keypad, the lazy buttons just simply never worked from day one and all the jets are falling apart.  Now the board????  
 To many repairs IMHO for a premium tub that was not very old.

 This is the response I recieved:

Thank you very much for communicating the issues to us. We have reviewed the issues with your dealer who feels that the parts were replaced because of existing faults. I do understand your concern and we would like to do our very best to assist you. I have reviewed your email with our senor technical manager; ******, who would be happy to review them further with you.

 I did talk to the Senior tech manager via e-mail.   He was very nice as well.  He explained that they use the best quality components on the market......  He also explained in hot tub language why it took 5 visits to dianose and repair the problem.     The message that I recieved from the dealer was that they would be charging me "their cost only"  for the board, flow sensor and relays.

 I e-mailed the dealer with my visa.....


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Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2007, 07:15:30 am »
I work in a similar field and I have to tell you that the level of technical expertise is very weak, and spotty at best. There simply aren't enough qualified techs out there so the average customer is left with parts changers and trial and error guys. Sensors are simply thermistors, that is variable resistors that change resistance with temperature change. Their failure rate is very low, almost negligible. It is the boards job to read these thermistors, and perform an output. The chances that the board is at fault is much higher relative to the sensor fault. A laptop with the proper software and the training in their use  is needed to check each properly. Sounds like your dealer was lacking both.  The manufacturer is going to back the dealer, unfortunately at your expense.
Bullfrog 562


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Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2007, 08:48:55 am »
I work in a similar field and I have to tell you that the level of technical expertise is very weak, and spotty at best. There simply aren't enough qualified techs out there so the average customer is left with parts changers and trial and error guys. .

 I compare it to the car business.   If I take my Nissan to the dealer, they hook it up to a computer and in 5 minutes they know exactly what needs to be replaced.  If I was to take it to a "back yard" mechanic, he would make an educated guess of what it is and start replacing parts on my nickle untill the problem is fixed.   A little knowledge is very dangerous.
 Either way the tub is fixed, the manufacturer chose to wash their hands of it and the dealer is payed.  

 I will make wiser choices in the future.


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Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2007, 02:44:26 pm »
The board if defective is different than a sensor if defective.  The board, if it is the problem, will not show any icons, lights or heater information on your topside controls.  The sensor if out of balance can be checked via a dip switch on the circuit board.  The board is easy to replace and expensive, most techs like to do this type of work.......which causes the board to be the default solution to most weird problems.  I think you have a high limit sensor that is a problem, or something temostatically related.  I know nothing about the model of tub you own.  I will support that hot tub repair can be a process of elimination, however the process should begin at the least expensive part and work up.  Starting from the board and working back is a little sketchy.  Good luck and email me if you have further questions


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Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2007, 03:17:01 pm »
The board if defective is different than a sensor if defective.  The board, if it is the problem, will not show any icons, lights or heater information on your topside controls.  The sensor if out of balance can be checked via a dip switch on the circuit board.  The board is easy to replace and expensive, most techs like to do this type of work.......which causes the board to be the default solution to most weird problems.  I think you have a high limit sensor that is a problem, or something temostatically related.  I know nothing about the model of tub you own.  I will support that hot tub repair can be a process of elimination, however the process should begin at the least expensive part and work up.  Starting from the board and working back is a little sketchy.  Good luck and email me if you have further questions

Thanks for the message Loosenupspas.
 You may have missied part ot the thread, but the tech said I needed a board after his 4th visit.  After changing some relays and flow switch.
 BTW,   after his 3rd visit and replacing the flow switch and sensors absolutely everything in the tub was functional including the display.  The only probllem was that the heater would not turn off and the heat went to 109 degrees before I shut the power off.....    This in the techs mind and Pacific required a board change.
  I was charged a total of $500 for the new board, flow switch and sensors.

 I can see it from the manufacturers side as they must trust the word of thier technicians.  Not to mention they deal with winey customers like me all day long.   Either way, I will never really know if I got screwed or not and I am happy the tub is working.
 Next time I will call another company for repair.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Need professional advise on board problem
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2007, 03:17:01 pm »


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