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With winter right around the corner, my hubby and I were talking during one of our leisurely soaks about ice forming on the steps in the winter. Â When we get out of the tub now, the steps are completely wet. Â What happens in the winter? Â This will become a hazardous sheet of ice! Â Looking for hints or tips to help with this foreseeable problem...Thanks,Renee
Your darn tooten it will be a sheet of ice......almost broke my neck last winter! Â Not just on the steps but on the deck leading to the door as well. Â I started doing as Steve suggested and laying a towel over the steps - then crawled over the deck floor to the door. Â But those winter nights in the tub are worth ice skating for.Just be careful.
I can SO see myself falling on my a** getting out onto slick steps. That would be a fun one to explain in the emergency room!
Yes, it is!Especially when you're in the ER getting a bunch of stitches in your head, and still dripping wet in your swimsuit!But it makes for a great story at work the next day, especially if it looks like you got in a bar fight.Not that I know anyone this happened to.