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1.) What is in that "spa initiator product"?
2.) What is in the "Spa Shock" and what's it's purpose if it isn't strong enough to kill bacteria?
I don't want to speak too soon, but I haven't gotten any rashes yet at all once I ran bleach in the brominated water, drained the tub, wiped down the tub with a diluted bleach solution and then refilled the tub up with fresh water and began using Dichlor... NO MORE BROMINE!!! I think the Bromine might of been giving me that rash, not sure though because it could of been something else that was in the water, but since I bleached the water first, then drained it, anything that could of been living in the water is definately dead now. Weird thing is, everytime I go away on vacation to a tropical place (which is usually the only places I vacation), I get this same rash on the insides of my arms, on my wrists and sometimes on my inside upper thighs. Â I could never figure out what the heck this was from. Â Then I started thinking, you know everytime I go on vacation I am going in a hottub at the resort or cruise ship I am on. Â So therefor, maybe it's BROMINE that is in the hottubs causing my rash. Â Because the rash was EXACTLY the same rash I got from using my hottub at home when I was running Bromine in it. Â Now I switched to Dichlor, been in the tub 3 different times so far and still no rash (knock on wood!). Â Plus I like the feeling of my skin better after getting out of the tub with Dichlor. Â No more smell, no more different feeling of the skin, etc. Â When I get out of my Dichlor tub now, my skin feels as though I just got out of my regular shower and I have no smell. Â I actually don't mind NOT showering now after using the hottub and just going to bed as is. Â When I was using Bromine, I HAD to shower after getting out of the hottub, I didn't like the smell left on my skin. So far, THUMBS UP for Dichlor in my opinion. Â Now I still have yet to shock the tub with MPS, that comes this weekend for my weekly shocking. Â But so far I have just been putting in about 2 teaspoons of Dichlor after each soak.
PH is at 7.9, Â Total Alk is at 115