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Author Topic: What happened??? water/electrical problem???  (Read 16264 times)


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Re: What happened??? water/electrical problem???
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2007, 11:27:34 pm »

Sorry but unless your spa is made from solid steel or glass it is not waterproof. In all other materials the molecules are not tight enough to stop water but as in acrylic, plastics... is does greatly slow it down. ;D

Well that does it! I'm getting glass toilets!

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Re: What happened??? water/electrical problem???
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2007, 11:27:34 pm »


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Re: What happened??? water/electrical problem???
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2007, 02:05:15 am »
Update: They called late afternoon, and left a message for me. (I did not get in until after 7pm, so I was a bit irritated that they did not call the cell phone # I left.)

Here's some history to help this make sense: when I bought the spa, I did a lot of reading here for education. Because of that, one of the questions I asked my dealer was how long he had been in business, and was he sure that he'd continue being an Arctic dealer long term, since I saw 5 years ahead of potential warranty calls. He swore up and down that he loved Arctic, and planned to be with them "a long time"......and then not 2 months after I took delivery of my spa, he quit selling Arctics, and moved on to Phoenix spas!!!!!!! Un feakin' believable! And you *know* that was not a business decision made overnight! I shall now refer to his as Mr. Wanker.

 So now "my" dealer is not the one I bought my spa from, but he is now the closest, and about 2 hrs away, and they came out to install my ozone after Mr. Wanker went to the dark side. It sounds like they *may* be able to come out later this week, but if not, it woudl be at the end of the month. Yep.....the end of OCTOBER!

I understand that this is not their fault that Mr. Wanker was a lying piece 'o feces, but I also think that waiting a month is unacceptable. Am I asking too much? It is finally cold enough to soak, and considering things lately, I could REALLY USE A TUB!!!!!! I would think that Arctic would have to compensate this other dealer for his time to make things right for both of us, and find a way to make that happen SOON!  Am I wrong?
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Re: What happened??? water/electrical problem???
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2007, 07:10:12 am »

I'm sorry to hear about your tub troubles....however, I'm more concerned with your furkid!  How is he...she?  I love dogs, especially chow chow, shih tzu, schnauzer and pugs.
I don't work for a dog rescue, but I pick up stray dogs off the streets when I see them.  I specialize in chow chows.  The local shelters call me when they have a chow and I work with the chow to help he or she become more adoptable.
Unfortunately, it is a breed that is very mistreated.

I hope you get your tub fixed soon.
Just a guess here, but how did you get the water back to normal level?
Could one of the pumps need to be primed?


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Re: What happened??? water/electrical problem???
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2007, 01:43:06 am »
Thanks, Bama. My dog, for the moment is sort of OK, and at least comfortable, but it has been a heck of a week. He's 13, and has been my friend, companion and self appointed protector for that whole time. He developed severe spinal problems this week, and is currently unable to use his back legs, incontinent, and has some other medical issues that complicated everything. As of today, we *think* and hope that what he has is a vascular condition that will slowly correct itself, but for now I'm getting limited sleep, taking him to work with me, doing physical therapy and trying to lift/carry a 75lb dog around, doing lots of laundry, and it'll be 2-8 weeks before we'll know for sure if he'll improve, and then up to 4 months for full or at least mostly complete recovery. I was fairly convinced before his MRI that I was going to have to consider putting him down very soon, and though I deal with that sort of thing everyday, it is from the semi-objective position of the clinician, not the agonizing pet owner. We're still not sure he'll get better, but I'm doing my best to think positively, since he absolutely locks on to all of my emotions.

So you are right, the tub is just gravy, but the timing stinks, cuz my back hurts! Whatever.....today I think my furry buddy will be with me for a bit longer, and for the three previous days, I was feeling like I had already lost him.

As for rescue work, good for you! Chows can tend to be aggressive and a little unpredictable, but raised and treated well, some of the sweetest, most wonderful patients I have ever had have been chows. It is hard to find rescue groups who will really embrace them. Keep up the good work!!! And thanks for your thoughts.
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Re: What happened??? water/electrical problem???
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2007, 09:19:11 pm »
Anne, I just have to ask...did you test him for Lyme?  It is moving across the US unbelievably fast...Maybe you wouldn't look for it since it isn't typical in your area. When my dog first got it, she couldn't walk, she would just sit and cry. Since I had it, I recognized the symptoms right away...just a thought Dogs do really well with Doxycycline and in two days, she could walk, go out to do her business and within a week, she was running again...I guess I have Lyme impregnated in my brain!
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Re: What happened??? water/electrical problem???
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2007, 02:17:29 am »
Thanks Boni, but no, this is spinal damage, either degenerative or caused mini clots, so to speak. He is non-painful, but he is basically a paraplegic. I am lucky enough to have considerable diagnostic options available to me, but I guess unlucky to have him dealing with such an unusual and quite possibly irreversible disease.
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Re: What happened??? water/electrical problem???
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2007, 02:17:29 am »


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