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Author Topic: Aqua Finesse?  (Read 12570 times)

D.P. Roberts

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Aqua Finesse?
« on: September 27, 2007, 02:27:27 am »
Has anyone heard of this?

As far as I can tell, it's a slow-dissolving tablet with "trace amounts of chlorine", but the trace amounts are trichlor, not dichlor. Sounds bad, but it was designed for hot tubs. It seems to be more popular in Europe, maybe it's just catching on here. Has anyone tried this?
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Aqua Finesse?
« on: September 27, 2007, 02:27:27 am »


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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2007, 01:53:25 pm »
Several EU countries do not allow bromine in spas so this is their easy alternative to bromine tablets. Bottom line they are a bad idea just like bromine tablets.

It does not matter what the label states if the spa manufacture says no triclor, then do not use it.


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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2007, 02:07:44 pm »
Has anyone heard of this?

As far as I can tell, it's a slow-dissolving tablet with "trace amounts of chlorine", but the trace amounts are trichlor, not dichlor. Sounds bad, but it was designed for hot tubs. It seems to be more popular in Europe, maybe it's just catching on here. Has anyone tried this?

Hairy armpits and legs on women is more popular in Europe also but I don't think we need that to catch on here either. ;)
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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2007, 01:19:32 pm »
If you read on Aqua Finesse it provides the TriChlor tablets if your spa does not use ozone.  You can also use nature II with the product but because of NSPI it suggests the use of another sanitizer.  In Europe they dont provide the trichlor tablets because they feel the product will keep the spa completely sanitized without help from another chemical.

I have personally used the product and liked it.  I worked san diego county fair (del mar fair) and we used the product on our tubs for an entire month.  It smells nice, easy to use and kept the water very clean.  We still tested water to make sure it was doing its job and I dont believe we ever had to adjust it.  I have alot more information on this product because I fell inlove with it, it made selling the tubs so easy just because it is so simple.  If you want more info on it you can PM me and I can get you MSDS or anything you want to know.
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D.P. Roberts

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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2007, 03:32:43 pm »
TSG - you think Aqua Finesse, ozone, & N2 would be enough without adding a chlorine residual?
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain


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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2007, 05:16:34 pm »
Aqua Finesse looks close to many enzyme systems on the market.  This just seems to be distributed in Europe and supplies trichlor to give constant residual chlorine.  The company gives very little information about the product which would make me apprehensive.  If you look at Eco One or the Natural, they seem to do the same thing except they provide a whole lot more info regarding their product.

BTW, there is a post over on the poolandspa forum from March where a poster from the UK who was a user of Aqua Finesse ended up with hot tub lung and was extemely dissatisfied with this product.


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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2007, 11:13:37 pm »
If you google customers who have used any chemical system they will show you they have been disatisfied.  Thousands of customers use this product and have no problems what so ever.  Same with buying a nice tub like d1, hot springs, sundance ect...most customers happy some not.  The product does not actually use the enzyms like alot of the other "no hassle" systems.  They do keep alot of the components to the system secrete so the formula isnt duplicated by other companies.  I know a dealer in SD who sells 1000 spas a year, every customer that walks in there door uses aqua finesse...and everyone loves it if they take care of it correctly just with everything else.
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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2007, 08:29:18 am »
If you google customers who have used any chemical system they will show you they have been disatisfied.  Thousands of customers use this product and have no problems what so ever.  Same with buying a nice tub like d1, hot springs, sundance ect...most customers happy some not.  The product does not actually use the enzyms like alot of the other "no hassle" systems.  They do keep alot of the components to the system secrete so the formula isnt duplicated by other companies.  I know a dealer in SD who sells 1000 spas a year, every customer that walks in there door uses aqua finesse...and everyone loves it if they take care of it correctly just with everything else.

Well, to me it looks like the same thing and until proven otherwise I say its the same.  The secret component answer makes me question it even more.  Any competitor can find out what the components are.  Only the customers are in the dark.  I am sure dealers like it because it is not inexpensive and puts dollars to their bottom lines.  I would not put anything in my spa unless I knew what it was.  By the way, enzyme systems are not necessarily sold as "no hassle" systems, but alternatives.  Like Aqua Finesse, they require the use of chlorine or bromine to truely sanitize but many get by without...though this can be risky.  There are many slow acting bacteriacides on the market including enzymes, silver, copper and polyquat algicide, but they can quickly become overwhelmed in a spa..thus the need for a sanitizer.

Aqua Finesse seems to be no different than other alterantives on the market.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2007, 08:31:03 am by tony »

D.P. Roberts

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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2007, 10:45:13 pm »
TSG was kind enough to e-mail me the MSDS - the only thing listed on there is "inorganic salts". I assume this means no enzymes? Perhaps it's basically a good water conditioning product? It seems like the tablets are to maintain a chlorine residual, so one could substitute those for something else (like regular dichlor).
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain


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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2007, 12:08:23 am »
Thing is you cannot patent a formula.  If they listed everything in product you could duplicate system.  No one knows exactly whats in product, like dp said its a water conditioning product that keeps biofilm out of tub while using sodium to help sanitize product.  The only thing in question is what products are used to keep the ph and alk levels.  Not an enzym system, thats why Aqua Finesse makes sure you use a sanitizer with the system.  The system is more to keep water levels balanced and clean in conjunction with a sanitizer...so it is unlike the dangerous systems you speak about.  Maybe you should try it before you burn it, not all new things are bad.
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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2007, 09:45:14 am »
Thing is you cannot patent a formula.  If they listed everything in product you could duplicate system.  No one knows exactly whats in product, like dp said its a water conditioning product that keeps biofilm out of tub while using sodium to help sanitize product.  The only thing in question is what products are used to keep the ph and alk levels.  Not an enzym system, thats why Aqua Finesse makes sure you use a sanitizer with the system.  The system is more to keep water levels balanced and clean in conjunction with a sanitizer...so it is unlike the dangerous systems you speak about.  Maybe you should try it before you burn it, not all new things are bad.

I am not saying these are dangerous.  All these systems require and advocate the use of a sanitizer with them.  IMO, this makes all these good sanitizer companions, but in reality it is the sanitizer that does the real work.  So Aqua Finesse is now a water conditioning product.

From the Aqua Finesse sit:

AquaFinesse is a completely different spa maintenance alternative to chlorine or bromine.  We provide clear clean and odor free water with only one dose per week.  Aqua Finesse also softens water by eliminating calcium and scale buildup from tubs equipment.  Our product not only makes your life easier, it also extends the life of your hot tub up to three time longer than with use of traditional sanitizers.  When used in combination with a good working ozone or silver ion system, NO ADDITIONAL SANITIZERS are needed.  However the NSPI recommends that hot tub owners maintain a minimum level of 1.5-ppm chlorine is the spa water.  To meet these standards, we strongly suggest using the provided sanitizing tablets as directed in the slow release dispenser.  Soon, your water will be in the best shape of its life-no pH products, clarifiers or additional chems needed.

Along with some short directions on how to add the product to your water and the reiteration of the non need for additional sanitizer if you use a good working ozone or silver system, this is all the information that is given about the product.  Contrary to what you stated, Aqua Finesse does NOT make sure you use a sanitizer.  They do just the opposite.  They claim you don't need one if you use ozone or silver but because the NSPI recommends use of one they do too.  Not one place is there a mention about reducing the risk of a biofilm.  Biofilms are caused by lack of sanitation over a period of time.

Quite a claim for "inorganic salts."  Are you sure that the MSDS sheets you have are for the "Aqua Finesse Hot Tub Watercare Solution"....they also carry a product for hot tubs called "SPA SALTS."  Aqua Finesse therapuetic aromatherapy salts to soothe your worries away and calm your senses.  I have a feeling this is the sheet you have.

I have used ozone and silver.  I have been tempted to try enzymes, but have not yet because I don't like how they deal with calcium and pH (sound familiar).  Copper products are out of the question for me.  I no longer use any of these because I find I can maintain my spa with very little work and just my sanitizer and shock.  I would not try this without knowing what kind of magic formula I am putting in my water that eliminates the need for everything else.  I am sorry, but there is nothing here that looks in any way responsible and can't help but question it.


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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2007, 10:50:44 am »
I wish I was a smarter man who could some how explain this to take away your doubts on this product.  Funny thing is when I first saw it I didnt want to sell it because to me it sounded lik voodoo rather then water care.  I used the system for a month, tested the water a few times per week and we never had one problem...I guess its one of those things that if your ensuring you keep sanitizer in the spa it will do the rest.  Maybe you just have to have faith...or dont try it, but dont critise a product because its unknown to you.
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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2007, 11:48:41 am »
I'm with you Traveling Spa Guy...I am using the E-Z Spa chemicals and after a period of time experimenting, with little help from my dealer, I have found it to be a great system.  But initially, when I asked questions on the forum I found that the more experienced tub owners had no desire at all to help me research the new stuff and basically told me to stop using it and get on the old basic, time tested methods.  Too bad, most of them are missing an easy and inexpensive way to treat their spas.  Oh, well... ::)  


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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2007, 12:53:30 pm »
I wish I was a smarter man who could some how explain this to take away your doubts on this product.  Funny thing is when I first saw it I didnt want to sell it because to me it sounded lik voodoo rather then water care.  I used the system for a month, tested the water a few times per week and we never had one problem...I guess its one of those things that if your ensuring you keep sanitizer in the spa it will do the rest.  Maybe you just have to have faith...or dont try it, but dont critise a product because its unknown to you.

Well, this forum is available across the world and I am sure someone who knows a little about it will chime in. :)

I will post to you that there are a number of similar systems, such as enzymes, that you could use for a month and test the water with the same results.  My only issue with this product is its lack of information.  I suggest that it looks markedly similar to other products on the market.  I could be dead wrong, but there has been nothing that tells me different and until then I will be skeptical.  People can spend their money any way they wish.  My experience is that you don't need a lot of extra stuff and that with all these additional products, you still need one of the registered santitizers to do the heavy work.  I don't dispute that these products help, but you are paying a big price for a little help.

Now you're asking me to have faith in a product that will not divulge what that product is, needs either trichlor (which will void the majority of spa waranties), ozone and/or silver to work and they are going to charge me $140.00.  If it is a salt based product, why can't they just state what it is and how this effectively helps keep a sanitized.  Thats all I'm asking.


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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2007, 10:08:45 pm »
I have been told (cannot personally verify this) that watkins, vita, jacuzzi, bullfrog and marquis have ok'd this system to be used in the spa without voiding the warranty
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Re: Aqua Finesse?
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2007, 10:08:45 pm »


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