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Author Topic: Erratic Jumpy Topside Control Panel. New overlay or new panel?  (Read 2589 times)


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I have the following topside control panel for my old (probably 10-14 years old) Caldera Spas Paradise series.

The control panel plugs into what I think is a ST-9715-DCA (or maybe it's a 51413-03) Balboa system board with a cable that looks like a phone cable.

The control panel is acting very erratic. It jumps around when you press any of the buttons. If you press the down temp button, it jumps 2-5 degrees at a time and the display flashes. If you press the light button, the light goes on/off multiple times. Same thing with the jets button.

This control panel does not have a blower button, as you can see.

Do I need just a new overlay (which is $20), or do I need a completely new topside control panel (which is $150)?

I can't find an exact overlay or panel which matches the one I have. Most of them have 2 pump buttons or a blower button. I don't have a 2nd pump or a blower.
Can I use a control panel that has these extra buttons (which I assume just won't do anything)?
Which replacement control panel can you recommend? The one I have measures about 7-3/8" W x 3-1/4" H.


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