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Author Topic: First time hot tub owner...  (Read 15464 times)

2 8

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First time hot tub owner...
« on: September 23, 2007, 12:03:15 am »
So I am in the market for a hot tub.  My local dealers carry sundance, D1, and hot springs.

The spa that has caught my attention is the Tiger River Sumatran.  The guy gave me a price of 5800 with cover, cover hanger, ozone, and cheapo step.   How much should I be able to get the price down?

I feel like I want to go with a watkins because I hear they are reliable and long lasting.  

does anyone else have any recommendations for a party seating hot tub in that price range?

Edit: also have a question about the temp.  I know the new tubs are regulated at 104 F, is that going to be hot enough?  I really like HOT water.  
« Last Edit: September 23, 2007, 12:36:23 pm by 2_8 »

Hot Tub Forum

First time hot tub owner...
« on: September 23, 2007, 12:03:15 am »

mark 2550

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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2007, 02:59:38 am »
I got this same quote for a tiger river (bengal) was about $5000.00 for the sumatrin, keep checking and find the best deal for you


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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2007, 09:37:31 am »
I am a relatively  new tub owner...bought in early summer...and I worried a bit about the tub being hot enough at 104 degrees.  Last night was the first time all summer that I set it for 104 even though our evening air temps haven't come down much after a long, hot summer.  104 was hot!!  And I like HOT!  Not sure how I will feel when the air temp is 20 degrees this winter.  I am sure one of the old timers can give you a clue...


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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2007, 12:29:40 pm »
Hey 2 8 depending on the area of the country you live in $5800 for a sumatran is a good price.  Other places throughout the country will be selling the sumatran for $5200-$6000.  Depending on business costs dealers have to choose which price to set their prices at.  Their is nothing wrong with asking for a better price, though.  Remember the 2 most important factors in choosing a spa are 1.You are happy with the spa you choose. and 2. You are happy with the dealer you choose to do business with.  Without these two things, your expirience with owning a spa will not be as great.  Good luck shopping, and the spa is  a Tiger River Sumatran.

2 8

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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2007, 12:39:01 pm »
whats the average amount of negotiation people do on a spa?  $500 less?  I'll be paying with cash/check so there should be some negotiation in that.   The dealer seems good.  They only deal in spas, nothing else.   they have been there for 15 years.

I keep calling it two rivers... I have no idea why.  

as far as I can tell watkins is a good company compared to a lot of the other brands.  Am I correct on that?


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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2007, 12:59:12 pm »
whats the average amount of negotiation people do on a spa?  $500 less?  I'll be paying with cash/check so there should be some negotiation in that.   The dealer seems good.  They only deal in spas, nothing else.   they have been there for 15 years.
I think that $500 off for paying with cash/check is definetly fair for both parties. I figure their saving a couple percent with the credit card company and you're getting a couple percent off their asking price. Both should be happy with that offer.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2007, 01:00:49 pm by WHY_NOT »


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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2007, 01:11:02 pm »
I am a relatively  new tub owner...bought in early summer...and I worried a bit about the tub being hot enough at 104 degrees.  Last night was the first time all summer that I set it for 104 even though our evening air temps haven't come down much after a long, hot summer.  104 was hot!!  And I like HOT!  Not sure how I will feel when the air temp is 20 degrees this winter.  I am sure one of the old timers can give you a clue...
During the warmer months I keep the spa at 101, maybe 102 for short soaks. In the winter, especially when it gets below freezing I set it at 103-104 and that's plenty hot for me. Although most new tubs can't be set higher than 104, you can still get it to 105/106 by running the pumps for a little while with the cover closed. It really depends on how long you like tos oak for. Me?, I like to only soak for 15 minutes, so soaking in 104 water for that length of time is tolerable. If you like to soak for an extended period of time, I don't think you'd want it any hotter than what it's limited to.

2 8

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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2007, 04:12:14 pm »
Thanks for the input.  This isn't a really fancy hot tub that I am looking at.  It doesn't have very many jets and its not huge.   It says it fits 4 adults, but I am guessing I could get 5 in there.

does anyone own a sumatran on this forum?

Does anyone have anything bad to say about hot springs or tiger river?


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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2007, 04:21:47 pm »
2 8  It would be more than fair for you to ask for a little more off for paying cash, but realize some dealers out there vaule every CUSTOMER the same.  Sometimes the dealer will take the lose to finance companies to keep prices the same for everyone!  The hottub industry is a very referral based industry and so companies want every customer to have the same deal to keep everything on the same playing field.  
Along the same lines as the sumatran, Does the particular Hotsprings dealer carry the HotSpot Line?  If the do, take a look at the Mallorca,  Very roomy spa, should be around price of sumatran.  Warrananties are alittle different, but a watkins product none the less.


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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2007, 09:09:35 pm »
I purchased the Sumatran. As some know, on this forum, I had space requirements. (I had a Hot Springs Classic prior to this latest purchase)

My purchase included, Ozonator, Cover, EZ cover lifter, Steps, 3 month chemcal supply, Install, Set-up, and Delivery for $5,100.00. That included the Tax. (If anyone out there know's anything about TN tax, in my area,...it's 9 1/4%, one of the highest in the nation, as we have no state income tax).

I thought I received a very good deal on my spa. Also, dealer went above and beyond with help and info on the spa I finally bought. ....

The day I wet tested I brought 3 friends to give me their opinions. We had a great soak, changed seats often, finally just soaked. The dealer was very accomodating to the mini-soaking party we had going on. I really liked the Sumatran after we looked back over my space requirements. (I almost got a 3 seater from another dealer, a Coleman. Which was very good IMO)

The Sumatran does not have waterfalls, stereo's, moto massage and whistles and bell's... just straight forward jets that felt good and did all the area's of concern to me, I didn't float out of the seats, seats were a good depth for me  (the primary user), has a strong a foot jet, lights w/option to up grade to multi color lights and a dealer that has a VERY good reputation in middle TN....Delivery is scheduled for mid-October.....Yup, I WannaSoakNow!!!!!.....Right Now!!!!

Good luck with  your search.....for me w/my requirements the Sumatran filled the bill and I can still have more than two over for a spatopia experience. Plus the price was RIGHT!!!! Much less than I was prepared to spend.

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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2007, 11:43:48 pm »
I purchased the Sumatran. As some know, on this forum, I had space requirements. (I had a Hot Springs Classic prior to this latest purchase)

My purchase included, Ozonator, Cover, EZ cover lifter, Steps, 3 month chemcal supply, Install, Set-up, and Delivery for $5,100.00. That included the Tax. (If anyone out there know's anything about TN tax, in my area,...it's 9 1/4%, one of the highest in the nation, as we have no state income tax).

I thought I received a very good deal on my spa. Also, dealer went above and beyond with help and info on the spa I finally bought. ....

The day I wet tested I brought 3 friends to give me their opinions. We had a great soak, changed seats often, finally just soaked. The dealer was very accomodating to the mini-soaking party we had going on. I really liked the Sumatran after we looked back over my space requirements. (I almost got a 3 seater from another dealer, a Coleman. Which was very good IMO)

The Sumatran does not have waterfalls, stereo's, moto massage and whistles and bell's... just straight forward jets that felt good and did all the area's of concern to me, I didn't float out of the seats, seats were a good depth for me  (the primary user), has a strong a foot jet, lights w/option to up grade to multi color lights and a dealer that has a VERY good reputation in middle TN....Delivery is scheduled for mid-October.....Yup, I WannaSoakNow!!!!!.....Right Now!!!!

Good luck with  your search.....for me w/my requirements the Sumatran filled the bill and I can still have more than two over for a spatopia experience. Plus the price was RIGHT!!!! Much less than I was prepared to spend.

my dealer doesn't have a sumatran for me to try.  I'll probably wet test a hot springs they have on the floor just to feel the jets since they are the same according to the salesman.

so was it comfy with 4 people in there? Think 5 would be pushing it?

I don't really have space requirements, but I do have budget requirements.  One thing I like about the tiger river is the 5 year warranty.  

wow, so you paid 4630 before taxes.  we have 6% sales tax here.   That makes me want to offer 4600 and see what happens


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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2007, 12:44:36 pm »
It was the one on the floor. Actually, it had never been filled. The dealer offered to fill it for me and told me the price after the test soak. I knew it was a good deal so I said sold....I found a few of the other dealers willing to cut prices because of the high sales tax here. It is a very common pratice here on high ticket items.  I was figuring on about $5,500. So, I'm happy w/price I got. Wish we had 6% sales tax

It was very comfortable. No real issues with 4 people in it. I agree with you that 5 would be pushing it, unless he/she is a midget.

Good luck. Keep us posted.

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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2007, 05:34:03 pm »
I am going to cedar rapids, next city over, too look at some dynasty, marquis, and a local company called QCA Spas.  stands for Quad Cities Area.  qcaspas.com     They have over 50 spas at their location so that could be promising.

D.P. Roberts

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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2007, 08:43:39 pm »
I am going to cedar rapids, next city over, too look at some dynasty, marquis, and a local company called QCA Spas.  stands for Quad Cities Area.  qcaspas.com     They have over 50 spas at their location so that could be promising.

I'd love to hear more about Marquis. If you do test soak one, please let us know about it!
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain

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Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2007, 08:57:07 pm »

I'd love to hear more about Marquis. If you do test soak one, please let us know about it!

I will post up the results after I look at the marquis.

As for the QCA Spas we looked at tonight I was a little turned off.  The prices are very low, but I think the quality may not be there.  The guy said none of them have 24hr circulation pumps and it didn't seem like they had much for insulation.  The control panels also looked a little cheesy.   The prices were starting around 3500.  There were a couple 400 gallon 6 seaters for only 4600.    I will stay away because of the circulation pump.  Thats a necessity on a new tub isn't it?

I also looked at the D1 spas a few days ago and wanted to get pricing on the Arena.  The salesman took my # and said they would call me as soon as they find out?  What kind of dealership doesn't have even a ballpark price on hand?  No call from the salesman and its been almost a week.  My wife and I have agreed that they don't consider us serious customers because of our age (early 20's)... so D1 might be out.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2007, 09:00:51 pm by 2_8 »

Hot Tub Forum

Re: First time hot tub owner...
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2007, 08:57:07 pm »


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