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Author Topic: No hard feelings to any dealers  (Read 6034 times)


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No hard feelings to any dealers
« on: September 27, 2007, 07:25:53 am »
At various points in time, I have felt slightly decieved or misled (and in at least one instance just bold faced lied to). I have also felt pushed to lower model spas. But I understand that these guys are just trying to make a living in a competitive market and trying to meet my budget in a way that's good for them too.   And I think the guys I have spoken to are probably fairly typical for the industry.

Now that I've shopped around and heard most everyone's schpeal, coupled with the fact that I am simply taking my time and trying to enjoy the experience, I can see that. I really don't think any of the spa dealers that I spoke with are bad people and would probably feel comfortable working with any of them.  

At this point, I feel like I have lots of options (4 tubs I like, must still wet test one of them).  Now it's just a matter of time...

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No hard feelings to any dealers
« on: September 27, 2007, 07:25:53 am »


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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2007, 08:55:56 am »
OK  I was going to post the below but then realized how childish it would be

Could it be that Solo is a "TROLL" that already owns a tub?


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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2007, 09:19:43 am »
OK  I was going to post the below but then realized how childish it would be

Could it be that Solo is a "TROLL" that already owns a tub?

....and posted it anyway?!?


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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2007, 11:04:14 am »
Troll?  I don't possibly see why anyone would want to go "troll" at a website.  What fun is that?

I am a consumer looking to purchase a hot tub.  Why is that hard ot believe?  I just happen to thoroughly research my major purchases before buying.

Once I actually own a hot tub, you will not see me here unless I am researching water or spa problems.


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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2007, 12:16:30 pm »
Solo would not be in the predicament he's in if the lollygagging dealers would've been straight forward with him from the get go, and it is primarily my fault for not intervening at an earlier junction.  Although late to the fray, I did step up and offer my valuable assistance and I'm sure it has made a world of difference in his quest.

The dealers were negligent in not providing an environment conducive to his needs as a consumer.  The enlightened consumer should look for a few things when shopping for spas:

1.  Frito pie- if a dealer is willing to go the extra inch in providing Frito pie for the shopper's enjoyment whilst perusing his/her merchandise, you can be assured the dealer is top shelf.

2. Laminated Loincloths- never wet test if a dealer does not supply laminated loincloths in order to prevent shrinkage (which creates distrust between shopper and peddler).  A quality dealer will know this.

3.  Pet Monkeys (and their etiquette)- I have never seen a quality dealer not have well-behaved and mannered monkeys in the showroom.  If the monkeys are smelling each other and slingin' poo, DO NOT BUY from that dealer.  There is no more sure fire way to evaluate spas and spa dealers than observing the behavior of their monkeys.  Properly breeded and cultured monkeys are a direct reflection upon the dealership and don't let anyone tell you otherwise because they're just slingin' poo themselves and it WILL stick to you...and others will know.

4.  Peep Holes- this instills trust in knowing the dealer is watching out for you and your assets.

5.  Don't be afraid to look into the dealer's eyes and tell him you know his markup and you are not some babe in the woodpile, so give you the playa's discount.  He will respect your candor and cut to the nut and you WILL get what you're looking for.

Use this information but keep it to yourself.  But it should be widespread knowledge if you want to know the truth, and you should.

Go forth and be fruitful...

Terminator (with one less Jetsetter monkey this morning)  
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2007, 12:26:22 pm »
Troll?  I don't possibly see why anyone would want to go "troll" at a website.  What fun is that?

I am a consumer looking to purchase a hot tub.  Why is that hard ot believe?  I just happen to thoroughly research my major purchases before buying.

Once I actually own a hot tub, you will not see me here unless I am researching water or spa problems.

Solo - I thinks it's already been verified that you are not a "troll" on this site.  I think Daaw realized that but still wanted to post this pic on the site.  I will re-use that pic on another site when actual trolls DO exist.  Glad to see that you've decided to slow down on your own.  I think you truely will enjoy the process moving forward.

You may recall that I almost became a dealer and part of my motivation (at that time) was the EXACT same sales approach many (like you) have recieved.  Dealers acting like car salesman.  Hopefully, you now see that not ALL dealers are like that.  Some (not all) on this site are pretty darn straight up with their clients.
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

Quickly approaching a mid-life crisis one day at a time.


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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2007, 01:36:34 pm »
Reminds me of a Simpson’s episode where Bartender Moe is playing a computer game, and his character, that looks like a troll (and Moe for that matter), runs under a bridge and yells over and over, “Why does everyone think I am a troll”?  

I could be way off base but I suspect that majority of Solo’s post are to yank someone’s chain.  I now check this forum daily not just to see the POTD (thanks CoolToy and others) but to see what Solo has posted this time!

Solo on the remote chance that you are serious about buying a spa, and are not a troll, I apologize.  Maybe you could select some of your words better.  

If you happen to pay several hundred dollars more for a tub than the next guy, who cares.  You got what you wanted and that several hundred dollars is chump change when compared to everything else.  Hell, I would gladly pay that much $$ just to be a guest at one of Term’s gatherings.  


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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2007, 01:38:12 pm »

The monkey comment had me rolling  ;)


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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2007, 02:45:58 pm »
Is it me, or are there others out there who think you can overshop an item. I know if I shop too much I find myself getting confused. There seems to be too much for my fragile grey matter to comprehend. I wonder if Solo fell into this conundrum? When I shopped I looked at a half dozen or so tubs. Eliminated 4 due to budget concerns. Two had what it takes to make me happy. One wet tested better than the other and BINGO. I am not a person who has a champaign apetite on a beer budget. Beer is fine for me. I drive Fords and Chevys ( purchased used). Why would I look at a new Lexus for comparison?

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2007, 03:18:39 pm »
 I have seen people do it at fairs and at the store as well,they get so much info they get system overload. Well he said this,she said that, what and who am I suppose to believe? Kids screaming or dripping ice cream all over the spas running loose in the tent the works.  Basically mass hysteria.  ;D
A lot of times these people never buy a spa at all,  or they wasted the entire day at a fair looking at spa's.   Some shoppers do it right, either the husband or the wife shop the booths at the fair narrow it down to what the want come back to the fair the last day to make the deal, or if they already know what they want put money down to hold a specific price and finish up back at the store when ready to order,easy as that!!

 Solo went at it wrong from the beginning but hey so do a lot of other people so I wouldnt hold that against him, he will find one he likes and hopefully a price he likes as well.


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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2007, 03:37:29 pm »

The monkey comment had me rolling  ;)

Deride me and my spa monkeys all you like, but me and them little varmints have spent the last two and a half hours selling a Bengal, Vanguard, Envoy, and Solana TX without nary a poo fling.  I put up a sign on the door saying "Gone to Bank, be back at 3:00", but me and the monkeys are really sitting in the back office eating Frito pie and pulling each others tails ('cept mine ain't really a tail but those dumb ol' goomers don't know any better...stupid monkeys!)

« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 03:39:19 pm by East_TX_Spa »
Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2007, 04:08:44 pm »

Deride me and my spa monkeys all you like, but me and them little varmints have spent the last two and a half hours selling a Bengal, Vanguard, Envoy, and Solana TX without nary a poo fling.  I put up a sign on the door saying "Gone to Bank, be back at 3:00", but me and the monkeys are really sitting in the back office eating Frito pie and pulling each others tails ('cept mine ain't really a tail but those dumb ol' goomers don't know any better...stupid monkeys!)


Boy, I sure wish that your in-store internet camera was working.  Just to be able to view that Frito pie party.  I keep visualizing the ape scene from 2001 except with Shiner-Boch bottles and BBQ rib bones.

Spa Monkeys......Who wooda thunk it?
If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, come sit next to me.


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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2007, 04:54:53 pm »
Great flamin' monkey nads, what a day!

Just sold another Envoy and Jetsetter.  7 spas today ties my record.

I'm whooped.

The internet cameras are working, I just haven't posted the link yet.  I probably will Saturday when I have my new margarita machine running. :)

Thank ya'll for your support and well wishes!

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2007, 05:03:03 pm »
Great flamin' monkey nads, what a day!

Just sold another Envoy and Jetsetter.  7 spas today ties my record.

Wow, congratulations Term! 8-)


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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2007, 05:32:08 pm »

I can't believe you haven't posted the prices of the sales for Solo to look at... ;D

Then he could completely change his strategy again.

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Re: No hard feelings to any dealers
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2007, 05:32:08 pm »


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