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Off the top of my head...1) Determine what you want by asking questions and researching2) Don't get caught up on marketing stuff3) The 3 major fators in this purchase for long term benefit are COMFORT, THERAPY & VALUE.4) Determine your budget5) Go look at local dealers6) Get in the tubs dry and move around to each seat.7) Bring the entire family Narrow your search to 2 or 3 spas9) Wet test them with the family10) Compare total costs including delivery and added options (ie. cover lifter, chemicals, etc.)11) Determine comfort with your dealer and if they are going to look after you12) Sit down with them and negotiate the best price13) BUY IT AND ENJOY IT!!
If nothing else, this post proves the old adage "different strokes for different folks". I think it's unfair for you to say what someone's decision should or shouldn't come down too. You yourself put value as one of the 3 major factors in a spa purchase. It could be argued, and quite reasonably, that insulation of a spa as well as the use of a circulation pump effect it's long term value. Would these be the sole issues that I myself would cosider? No. Would I make a decision without considering these factors? No. So Bankr, don't substitute anyone's judgement for your own. We are just throwing out our own opinions and they might help you form your own.