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Author Topic: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!  (Read 13798 times)


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2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« on: September 24, 2007, 05:51:48 pm »
I just got my 2005 Sundance Altamar home.  I bought it used and it has been disconnected for the past 9 months.  The prior owners said everything was working 100% when they disconnected it.  They THOUGHT it was set up for 60 amp service but weren't sure.

Anyhow, if I look at the jumpers on the board, I have under JP19 = NO JUMPERS AT ALL

under JP9 = 5, 7, 9 are jumped.

I have 60amp service hooked up.

When I turn on the breaker I hear TWO clicks come out of the spa circuit board BUT I get no lcd display and nothing else at all happens, the spa is just dead.

So I called Sundance, they told me that I should ONLY have jumpers 7 and 9 jumped, so I took OFF jumper 5 and tried again.  Turned on the circuit breaker, same thing, two click noises came out of the circuit board, no lcd display, nothing.

Does anybody know what is going on here?  do I have a bad circuit board, lcd display, etc.?


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2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« on: September 24, 2007, 05:51:48 pm »


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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2007, 06:44:51 pm »
At this point, I'd bite the bullet and get a service tech out there.  They could evaluate your electrical setup to make sure you wired it correctly, they could make sure your circuit board has all the jumpers set correctly and verify if you have 60 amps active, and also diagnose your display problem.


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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2007, 07:05:52 pm »
well I know I have 60 amps definately.  It's weird that the circuit board makes 2 click noises when I turn on the breaker, and yet nothing else happens on the display or anything.


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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2007, 08:46:31 pm »
okay did more testing.. the spa is on now and working.  Weird this is this however...

on the wires that come OUT of the spa.... there are 2 blacks (power), 1 green (neutral), and then a bare copper wire (ground).  Well I hook the 2 blacks and green up to the circuit breaker that is in the spa disconnect box.  Then the bare copper wire I hook to the GROUND terminal in the spa disconnect box.  When the bare cooper wire is hooked up, the circuit blows.  When the bare copper wire is DISCONNECTED from the spa box, the spa turns on and everything works just fine.

Problem is... now it seems the spa IS NOT grounded?????  The spa is currently ONLY hooked up with 3 wires..... 2 black and 1 green into the spa disconnect panel.  The bare copper wire from the spa is just sitting on the floor NOT hooked up to anything...

why is this?  is it dangerous to run the spa WITHOUT the copper wire hooked up?


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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2007, 09:44:49 pm »
okay did more testing.. the spa is on now and working.  Weird this is this however...

on the wires that come OUT of the spa.... there are 2 blacks (power), 1 green (neutral), and then a bare copper wire (ground).  Well I hook the 2 blacks and green up to the circuit breaker that is in the spa disconnect box.  Then the bare copper wire I hook to the GROUND terminal in the spa disconnect box.  When the bare cooper wire is hooked up, the circuit blows.  When the bare copper wire is DISCONNECTED from the spa box, the spa turns on and everything works just fine.

Problem is... now it seems the spa IS NOT grounded?????  The spa is currently ONLY hooked up with 3 wires..... 2 black and 1 green into the spa disconnect panel.  The bare copper wire from the spa is just sitting on the floor NOT hooked up to anything...

why is this?  is it dangerous to run the spa WITHOUT the copper wire hooked up?

Now, I am not going to pretend I know anything about wiring a spa, but aren't Sundance Spas three wire hookups?

I am going to make a suggestion.  Go to the forum at www.rhtubs.com.  There are two techs who post regularly there..n1oty and Rob...who are Sundance experts and help many people.  If you post your questions there, I'll bet you get some very detailed answers back.


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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2007, 10:01:03 pm »
I think I figured it out.. that bare copper wire coming from the spa SHOULD NOT be used at all.  Instead only the 2 power wires and the 1 green neutral wire out of the spa should be used.  The green neutral wire out of the spa SHOULD be connected to the GROUND lug on the spa disconnect panel.  Before I had the green wire out of the spa connected to the load neutral on the GFCI which was wrong.


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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2007, 09:30:25 am »
When you say it is a 3-wire setup (and it also says this on the cover of the sentry control box inside the tub) does that mean you only need to hook up a total of 3 wires coming OUT of the hot tub into your GFCI spa disconnect box?  I always thought that you needed to hook up 4 wires, 2 power, 1 neutral (green), and then a bare copper (ground) wire.

But when I did this the tub kept throwing the breaker.  If I DO NOT hook up the bare copper ground wire at all then the tub works fine.  Instead I put the Green wire coming out of the hottub to the Ground bar located inside my spa disconnect panel.

So that means I now ONLY have 3 wires coming out of my hottub connected.


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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2007, 09:34:26 am »
When you say it is a 3-wire setup (and it also says this on the cover of the sentry control box inside the tub) does that mean you only need to hook up a total of 3 wires coming OUT of the hot tub into your GFCI spa disconnect box?  I always thought that you needed to hook up 4 wires, 2 power, 1 neutral (green), and then a bare copper (ground) wire.

But when I did this the tub kept throwing the breaker.  If I DO NOT hook up the bare copper ground wire at all then the tub works fine.  Instead I put the Green wire coming out of the hottub to the Ground bar located inside my spa disconnect panel.

So that means I now ONLY have 3 wires coming out of my hottub connected.

I am not qualified to answer that question.  That is why I suggested posting at the Doc's forum.  They answer these type questions regularly.  Be prepared, though, as you may get a remark such as...if you have to ask this question you should get a licensed electrician to install. ;)


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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2007, 09:43:34 am »
I would, at the very least, consult a Sundance dealer. Do you have a manual for the spa? That should tell you what you need to know. It does not seem to me that connecting the wires in different ways to see what happens is a very wise thing to do. You could damage the spa, or do something that could otherwise be hazardous.



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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2007, 09:46:05 am »
well it's hooked up according to the manual.  I was just concerned because I am NOT using the bare copper ground wire coming from the spa anymore.  I ONLY have 3 wires in total from the spa hooked up... 2 power, 1 ground (green).


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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2007, 09:51:55 am »
Your terminology is a teeny bit confusing.  There are wires going TO your spa, not from it.  

 Â From your disconnect (GFI) to your spa you need to run the 2 hots and the insulated ground.  No neutral is necessary- don't connect one to your ground bus or to the bonding lug.  Each hot provides 120 volts for a total of 220.
That is exactly what a 3  wires setup is.  The reason for the neutral in a 220 volt circuit is to provide a 120V leg.  Many (most?) 220v spas need a 4 wire circuit becase some components in the spa need 120 volts, like the lights.  The heaters and pumps use 220, provided by the 2 hot leads.  

Sundance uses a transformer to power the components in the spa that don't run on 220- like the lights, and radio, etc.....  They chose to not use any 120 volt components in some of their spas for whatever reason.

Make sense?

« Last Edit: September 25, 2007, 09:52:48 am by Brewman »


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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2007, 10:02:08 am »

I am not qualified to answer that question.  That is why I suggested posting at the Doc's forum.  They answer these type questions regularly.  Be prepared, though, as you may get a remark such as...if you have to ask this question you should get a licensed electrician to install. ;)

I just saw your post over there...and you got the remark :(.  Stick with them and you will get your answers, but Brewman looks like he'll get you to the proper result here. :)


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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2007, 01:03:58 pm »
Brewman, thanks for the help.  So basically if you look at the 2005 Sundance Altamar owners manual off of the sundance website, go to page 49 and look at the diagram labelled 'B'.

That is how my wires are hooked up.  The green wire coming from the spa (insulated ground) is hooked up to the Ground lug inside the Spa disconnect box.  There is a bare copper wire coming out of the spa too, I think the prior owner's electrician put that in and didn't realize he didn't need it.  So that bare copper wire just sits on the floor right now and isn't connected to anything.

Is there a way I can test to make sure the GFI will trip if there is a ground fault?  I guess how can I make a ground fault and not mess up anything in the hottub or myself?  I was thinking of just disconnecting the green (ground) wire coming from the spa inside the Siemans spa disconnect box while the spa is running.. I think if the ground gets disconnected the GFI should trip right?  Will this damage anything inside the tub?

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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2007, 01:10:29 pm »
 Brewman nailed it!   No 110v components like most manufacturers have so no need for the neutral, trust me your spa is still grounded and will trip the breaker if there is a problem, all the lights and stereo are converted to 12v.

 It was converted to 60amp already wasnt it??   Way to tell run pumps on high speed if the heater icon stays on its set for 60.

 As far as leaking goes you will know there will be a constant wet area of you will see water running out from underneath.


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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2007, 01:16:30 pm »
GFI breakers are very sensitive, and if your spa is running okay, and the breaker isn't tripping, you should be good to go.  If you hook the breaker up wrong, it'd trip.
 You can test the breaker itself using the test button on the breaker, but I wouldn't try and simulate a ground fault.  I'm not sure how I'd do that.
 I'm not an electrician, nor a spa tech, so I really don't know if your plan with removing the ground wire from the disconnect would be a good or safe test.  
Or if it would damage anything.  
« Last Edit: September 25, 2007, 01:19:20 pm by Brewman »

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Re: 2005 Sundance Altamar, no lcd display HELP!!!
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2007, 01:16:30 pm »


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