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Author Topic: Since we are talking beer  (Read 12578 times)


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Re: Since we are talking beer
« Reply #30 on: November 20, 2007, 02:53:20 pm »
I just got back from lunch, where I overindulged in the buffet.  Then I read your post.  It's going to be a long long afternoon.....................

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Re: Since we are talking beer
« Reply #30 on: November 20, 2007, 02:53:20 pm »


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Re: Since we are talking beer
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2007, 03:15:12 pm »
Well, I'm off from work today so I decided to get some beer for later. Went into the store saw Blue Moon, they didn't have a 6 pack so I bought Blue Moon - Full Moon a winter beer. I'll see how it goes ...

Also picked up a 6 of Guiness Stout - had a black and tan the other day so I figured I would do it again at home.

Almost picked up a 6 of Hocker shore - Octoberfest but couldn't justify it as I have 1/2 case of Yeungling in the house.

I hope theis Full Moon is as good as the regular Blue Moon.


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Re: Since we are talking beer
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2007, 05:37:52 pm »
Perfect Vinny...look outside...
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Re: Since we are talking beer
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2007, 11:12:37 pm »
OK, I have RA and take an NSAID 3x per day (every day for the past 13 yrs) along with twice monthly injections and cycling onto Prednisone for couple weeks 2 or 3 times per year when I take a turn for the worse (like earlier this month, amazing how it kicks me back to a livable level when I add it). My wife has tried special diets that never work and always comes across some crazy thing she reads for me to try but they never have any effect because mine is not a localized problem but is my immune system creating a protein that attacks all my joints (except my back).

I gotta tell her about this one. She'll probably think I'm making it up to get her to go buy me beer but what the hell, I can't see it hurting. If I even miss one pill at night I go south so it's never difficult for me to see results because I just take the latest crapshoot, skip my night time pill, symptoms worsen noticeably when I awake and I get back to regular meds. It can't be worse than the one diet she once put me on that would starve an Ethiopian. Every time she wants me to try something new now she always justifies it with "it won't be worse than the one diet you almost starved on". Last night she mentioned she wants to put me on a gluten free diet for a couple weeks. Sounds like fun!

I'll let you know.

I'm sorry to hear about your RA condition spatech. For some reason I thought you were a young chap. Can I ask how old you are?

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Re: Since we are talking beer
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2007, 11:21:34 pm »
Gombo, I don't have a clue how old Spatech is, but RA is not necessarily a disease of "old" people!  Look at some of the pharmaceutical adds on TV. I saw one today with a young girl (maybe late 20's early 30's)..Yeah she was an actress, but RA doesn't just select older people.  I have a friend who had two hip replacements at 30 yrs. and there are children who have serious arthritis. These type diseases are autoimmune..where your body attacks itself causing inflamation...even excema (the skin problem) is a type of arthritis.
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Re: Since we are talking beer
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2007, 11:27:36 pm »

I'm sorry to hear about your RA condition spatech. For some reason I thought you were a young chap. Can I ask how old you are?

I am, kind of. This happens to older people more than younger and female more than male. I was first diagnosed at 29 (15 yrs ago) and they gave me the "its probably not RA" followed by "and its difficult to accurately test for it since its about levels and most test in the gray range". Then they tested my blood and I skyrocketed on the levels and got the "ypu, you got it". Lucky me to be the anomoly.

There are worst things to have and the saving grace is today's medicine for this is much better than 25 yrs ago let alone 50 or 100.
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Re: Since we are talking beer
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2007, 11:27:36 pm »


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