Thursday a day like alomost any other cell phone rang.......I looked ......a number with a 907 area code. an area code not familiar with the area were we live....of course I thought just another slaes I hung up..........two minutes later, again the same number....907

? I don't know any one at like a responsible consumer who has more than enough insurance and aren't interested in vacation property in Cuba....I hung up again.....
But again this persistent person called me once again..........Who the h-ll....WTF....KNOCK IT OFF...........SO .............once again I did like I did hundreds of times before.........CLICK..... And of course my wife like most wives...........they have a kinder gentler side...." honey you should have answered those never know......well my mind is racing about who I didn't talk to and or what lottery I just won....or who may have been in an accident and neede my assistance.........So like a good husband I promised my wife I would answer those calls ......just to be nice.....( yeah right )
So as sure as there is a sun in the sky .....about 15 minutes after my last interaction with " 907 " my cell phone rings again........and yes you are right 907...

? So is my chance to prove to my wife I will keep my promise to her and be a kinder and gentler person......So I answered the call mind raced about images of nightmarish accidents or funerals or

I heard a soft spoken gentelman on the other side claim to be the " SPA DELIVERY MAN " who has been trying to reach me to set up delivery of my Jacuzzi J365....... TOMORROW......
" TOMORROW" I SCREAMED that wasn't supposed to be here until OCTOBER SOMETIME.............he said " yes tomorrow .....your spa arrived 2 weeks earlier than expected and we have an opening tomorrow afternoon for delivery and set - up........
So my spatopian there a moral to this story

? I can't think of one right now because TODAY is the " DAY ".......
I am counting down the minutes until my own back yard has surrendered itself to SPATOPIA...........
I want to thank all of you for all of your postings....of which I have read with earnest, laughter and some times disbelief......but with that said........ I will hopefully be able to capture some picture to share with all of you of my slice of SPATOPIA......