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Author Topic: Update on my Sundance Chelsee problems  (Read 1829 times)


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Update on my Sundance Chelsee problems
« on: September 19, 2007, 08:15:00 pm »
My problems unfortunately continue!
Last night while I was enjoying a wonderful soak I turned on the value that injects the air bubbles and felt a force of air and the knob came out in my hand!! I tried to put back on but would not engage. This is the third value of the four on tub to break!
So- as many of you suggested with regards to the other problems I went in to the dealer. The tech had kept him up to speed on the two other air value problems and I expressed my concern with cutting the tub frame. The dealer said they wouldn't cut but may have to lift tub out of frame.
I told him that three broken air valves and the broken part inside the tub-with its patch really had shaken my faith in the tub. He agreed and has put me in touch with the regional manager. I discussed all the issues and he has passed me to the Customer Service Mgr at Corp office.
I will talk to them that  mgr tomorrow- must admit I feel like I have a dud of a tub.
Not sure if I will get far with mgr who is very disinterested party- and not sure what the outcome should be.
I just what my tub to work!!

Hot Tub Forum

Update on my Sundance Chelsee problems
« on: September 19, 2007, 08:15:00 pm »


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