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Author Topic: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno  (Read 27400 times)


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite
« Reply #45 on: September 17, 2007, 09:39:07 pm »

Maybe she read about how dangerous hot tubs can be and is hoping for a miracle? If she chips on a bunch of hard liquor to go with your initial soak I'd be suspicious.

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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite
« Reply #45 on: September 17, 2007, 09:39:07 pm »


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite
« Reply #46 on: September 17, 2007, 09:41:19 pm »

I gleaned from this, or another post that: Mom is in her early 70's (55th HS reunion and all). This would put boy Solo in his 30's or 40's. Certainly no child.

Your momma gonna help you out?!!! ridcule deleted. WTF is that all about?


Not that you are sincere in asking, but my mom is very well off and wants to spend her money on her children. She gets enjoyment out of spending her money on loved ones.  And to boot, I never once asked.  

Yes, I am in my 30's but I am not in the typical income bracket that buys a spa.  


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite
« Reply #47 on: September 17, 2007, 10:03:33 pm »

Not that you are sincere in asking, but my mom is very well off and wants to spend her money on her children. She gets enjoyment out of spending her money on loved ones.  And to boot, I never once asked.  

Yes, I am in my 30's but I am not in the typical income bracket that buys a spa.  

Herein lies the problem, you presuppose everything. Does one have to be in a certain income bracket to own a spa, or anything else for that matter? No. I could drive a much more expensive car than I do, or a much less expensive one.

I'm gonna do what I said I would not. Give you some sound (IMO) advise. Look at something other than HS and SD. My first spa was a Marquis Quest. In the same price range as what I think you are looking for. I think I paid around $6500 for it 3 or so years ago. The Quest has been totally redesigned since my old one, so I can't vouch for the current model, but my old spa was awesome for therapy. IMO, you can't beat the stack of HK40's. I think they call it the therapy pillar now. One drawback was that it is a single pump spa and uses a diverter to operate different areas of the spa. It/was great for one, but due to the diverters, when the diverter is set to the middle position(s) the flow is reduced. My guess is this would probably not be an issue for you.

Take it for what it is worth. Who knows, I'm probably lying to you.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 07:58:53 am by txwillie »


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #48 on: September 18, 2007, 12:05:56 am »
Solo, I'm curious what you do for a living?
2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

I want to get in the spa business so I can surf the internet and use Photoshop all day long.

D.P. Roberts

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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2007, 12:24:49 am »

The reason I can afford to look at the more expensive models now is because my mother wants to help me pay for it.  I didn't know this until just this weekend.  I had a strict budget of $7000.  This past weekend she offered to pay for it all, but I wouldn't let her.  That's too big of a gift and I want her to spend her money on her.

But if she wants to kick in $1000 or maybe $1500, that expands my options and helps out tremendously.    

Okay, that makes more sense. I get it now. Not that you need to share your life story here, but if you showed just a little trust in the people in this forum (such as sharing more info like this), perhaps things would go more smoothly in these threads. For example, you could ask a question like "I had a strict budget of $7000, but I wasn't happy with the tubs I've found. I was fortunately able to increase my budget this weekend, and now I think I can afford $9,000 or so. Do you think spa X or spa Y can be had for that?" I think there are a lot of good spas in that range. For Sundance, I would look at a Majesta or a Cameo. I'm not as familiar with Hot Spring, but they have some great higher-end tubs like the Grandee or an Envoy. As others mentioned, it doesn't seem like things may be working out with the HS or Sundance dealers. You may consider Marquis, Artesian, Arctic, D1, or others if they're in your area.

Of course, it may be a little too late to salvage much advice here. I'm just as enthusiastic as the next guy about taking shots at people (especially if the person we're taking shots at is Jim), but we're taking about a guy's Mom now, and that's just not a boundary that should be crossed.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite
« Reply #50 on: September 18, 2007, 01:53:27 am »

The reason I can afford to look at the more expensive models now is because my mother wants to help me pay for it.  I didn't know this until just this weekend.  I had a strict budget of $7000.  This past weekend she offered to pay for it all, but I wouldn't let her.  That's too big of a gift and I want her to spend her money on her.

But if she wants to kick in $1000 or maybe $1500, that expands my options and helps out tremendously.    

Is she kicking in $1000 directly or just letting you skip the rent on the basement for a few months? ;D

[size=8]I'm sorrry, I couldn't resist![/size]
« Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 01:54:38 am by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #51 on: September 18, 2007, 06:03:52 am »
Thanks for the good advice (the latter posts in this thread).

To answer some fo the questions:

1.  I live in Richmond, VA
2.  How much will my mother kick in?  She volunteered to pay for the whole thing but I won't let her.  So she will probably give me whatever I need.  Though I doubt I would feel comfortable asking her for much.

And I agree with the person that said maybe I should look at a brand other than HS or Sundance.  Am going ot look at a Jacuzzi next week.

104 degrees

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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #52 on: September 18, 2007, 06:08:42 am »
Thanks for the good advice (the latter posts in this thread).

To answer some fo the questions:

1.  I live in Richmond, VA
2.  How much will my mother kick in?  She volunteered to pay for the whole thing but I won't let her.  So she will probably give me whatever I need.  Though I doubt I would feel comfortable asking her for much.

And I agree with the person that said maybe I should look at a brand other than HS or Sundance.  Am going ot look at a Jacuzzi next week.

Jacuzzi makes a real nice tub ;) make sure its the updated models


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #53 on: September 18, 2007, 07:04:37 am »
So I have now officially changed my strategy.  Over the next 3-4 weeks I am going to go wet test everyone's spa (the dealers in my area are Hostsprings, Sundance, Caldera, Bullfrog, and Jacuzzi).    I will commit to nobody.  I will not listen to the high pressure sales tactics like (we'll fill the tub if you put down a deposit).  I am simply going to go test everything and make up my mind what I want.

How can I know what I like until I sit in it?

So I'm gonna take a couple of extra weeks to make my decision.  I will then decide which makes and models I like and go to the homeshow the weekend of October 13 to see which dealers have deals there.

I'll get my best homeshow price and then buy from there.

I have been stubborn and hard headed but see the err in my my ways.  As others have stated, I have been doing it backwards.  From here on:

Commit to nothing
Wet test everything
determine what I like and narrow down to 2 or 3 spas
get my best deals on those spas (homeshow if possible)

104 degrees

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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #54 on: September 18, 2007, 07:19:38 am »
So I have now officially changed my strategy.  Over the next 3-4 weeks I am going to go wet test everyone's spa (the dealers in my area are Hostsprings, Sundance, Caldera, Bullfrog, and Jacuzzi).    I will commit to nobody.  I will not listen to the high pressure sales tactics like (we'll fill the tub if you put down a deposit).  I am simply going to go test everything and make up my mind what I want.

How can I know what I like until I sit in it?

So I'm gonna take a couple of extra weeks to make my decision.  I will then decide which makes and models I like and go to the homeshow the weekend of October 13 to see which dealers have deals there.

I'll get my best homeshow price and then buy from there.

I have been stubborn and hard headed but see the err in my my ways.  As others have stated, I have been doing it backwards.  From here on:

Commit to nothing
Wet test everything
determine what I like and narrow down to 2 or 3 spas
get my best deals on those spas (homeshow if possible)

Let us know how you like the Bullfrog


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #55 on: September 18, 2007, 07:50:44 am »
The Bullfrog, in one of it's jet packs,  had the nicest set of back jets of any spa I tested.  Better than single moto in my opinion, but I haven't tested the Moto DX.  So that part I really liked.  The one corner seat gave a really excellent foot massage too.  So if I put the one set of back jets that had the superior back maaage in the corner with the 2 really strong foot jets, that would be a phenomenal seat.  It was also nicely powered.Additionally, I liked not havinbg to mess with diverter valves.  This spa had no diverter valves which I think is a good idea.

On the negative side:

1.  Neck jets?  Didn't care for either jet back that had neck jets.  Neck jets are a nice idea, but no spa that I have tested yet has implemented them in a way that doesn't splash or that gets adequate pressure on the neck.  It might not be possible.  

2.  They didn't carry all the jet packs I wanted to test.  If jet packs are one of your big selling features, my thought is that you dshould at least have one of each type in every store.  

3.  Moving the jet packs around?  I woudl never do that.  I would put them where I want them and leave them there.

4.  The sales rep didn't seem to be too knowledgeable on the filtration system.  

The sales rep was low pressure which I really liked.  Not sure it has the build quality or the technology that  HS or SD have.   It's warranty was shorter, that worries me a little.

But overall, it gave nice hydrotherapy which is my #1 criteria.  It seems like a nice spa.  


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #56 on: September 18, 2007, 07:56:13 am »
So I have now officially changed my strategy.  Over the next 3-4 weeks I am going to go wet test everyone's spa (the dealers in my area are Hostsprings, Sundance, Caldera, Bullfrog, and Jacuzzi).    I will commit to nobody.  I will not listen to the high pressure sales tactics like (we'll fill the tub if you put down a deposit).  I am simply going to go test everything and make up my mind what I want.

How can I know what I like until I sit in it?

So I'm gonna take a couple of extra weeks to make my decision.  I will then decide which makes and models I like and go to the homeshow the weekend of October 13 to see which dealers have deals there.

I'll get my best homeshow price and then buy from there.

I have been stubborn and hard headed but see the err in my my ways.  As others have stated, I have been doing it backwards.  From here on:

Commit to nothing
Wet test everything
determine what I like and narrow down to 2 or 3 spas
get my best deals on those spas (homeshow if possible)

Why don't you start by dropping all you preconceived notions and have some fun while shopping and testing? Who knows, you might even befriend a dealer or salesman who would actually want to work with you rather than alienating them.

You are on the right track by looking at all the options, but then you list out a set process for what you are gonna do. With this mindset, you will wind up right back where you are. And, just FMI, why are you so obsessed with "homeshow pricing"? What makes you think that homeshow prices are any different or better? Answer: the voices in my head tell me so, so shut up you stupid liar.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 07:56:41 am by txwillie »


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #57 on: September 18, 2007, 08:18:46 am »
I will have fun testing the tubs...I just don't have a ton of time and these dealers are spread so far.  I drove an hour to wet test a tub the other night.  I am glad that I did because I learned that I don't want it.  But that was a 3 hour investment of time.  Meanwhile, I am in intense pain every day.  The hydrotherapy helps a lot.  So I am motivated to buy one fast.  But it's a big purchase for me.  It's an important purcahse for me.  It's  not jsut a luxury item for me and I'm not a person that has anything luxury.  

But I am enjoying the tubs when I actually get to get in them.  

Homeshow price?  I have talked ot several people that got great deals at the homeshow.  I have also seen dealers in this forum say that these shows can be expensive for them to attend.  That makes me think that they are motivated to sell tubs at these shows.  Seeing that one is just 4 weeks out, I might as well see.  If it can save me $500-1000, then I won't mind so much filling up my bathtub twice a day until then.  Again, $1000 saving might not meanmuch to an affluent person wwho can afford any spa they want, but we both know that I am not that person.

But I would like some more information from you.  What exactly is it that you think I am doing wrong in my new approach?  What would you do differently?

104 degrees

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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #58 on: September 18, 2007, 08:25:24 am »

2.  They didn't carry all the jet packs I wanted to test.  If jet packs are one of your big selling features, my thought is that you dshould at least have one of each type in every store.  


This is true. i would take them off my list for now. Caldera has a "no splash" neck jets in there tub. You should try that one and let us know how you liked it.

BTW do you know the name of the jetpack you liked in the bullfrog??


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #59 on: September 18, 2007, 08:31:48 am »
Yes neck jets splash, and??? I don't see any issue with that. I have the mini neck blaster and it works great, one of my favorites. I also agree that the dealer should have each jetpack available to test. And as each seat height and orientation is different you will move them around a bit until you find the right combo.
Bullfrog 562

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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #59 on: September 18, 2007, 08:31:48 am »


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