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Author Topic: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno  (Read 27395 times)

104 degrees

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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2007, 04:52:29 pm »
I don't ask questions that I already know the answer too.  But I do ask a lot of questions.  Enough to see a sales person trip up.  You see, most aren't smart enough to remember the lies they told to you last week.  They then say something different this week.  

I have already posted numerous lies in this forum if you have been following.  Such as:

A Vista and a Sovereign will have a nearly identical feel.  Jet pressure out of each head is standardiezed and will feel the same.  After I told him the Soveeeign wasn't strong enough and that I might be interested in the Envoy, he tells me that the Soverign is a 1 pump model and the Envoy is a 2 pump model and the force of the jets will be much stronger.  

How about the face plate for the moto massage?  There is a faceplate but it's not gonna give you the same feel as a moto DX.  In yesterdays visit, he tells me that there is nothing like the moto DX seat in his spa.

He tells me that he must charge sales tax even with my prescription for the spa when another dealer shows me his invoices that don't charge the sales tax and points me to the website that shows it.

Every dealer has told me that their spas are the most energy efficient (how can that be, can't only one spa be the most efficient?).

Labor day sales prices that are good any time.  

The Hot springs rep told me that his classic series was as only cosmetically different from the nonclsassic.  Then later said that the motors were different.

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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2007, 04:52:29 pm »


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2007, 05:40:17 pm »
Haven't you ever purchased anything before, watched a tv commercial or listened to the radio?  Everyone says that their stuff is better than everyones else's. That's how they sell stuff.  It's up to you the consumer to figure out for yourself what's best for you not what's the best of the best of the best.  

Apperantly you are into doing your research, so do some.  Find out what is most important to you and then decide what you would like to look at.  Stop wasting people's time and arguing about things that don't matter. If you don't trust a dealer than DON'T BUY FROM HIM!  It's that simple.  Why continue to talk about how much he is lying to you and then go and wet test.  If you don't trust him than ask to talk to someone else and if it bothers you that much, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #32 on: September 17, 2007, 06:53:30 pm »
Haven't you ever purchased anything before, watched a tv commercial or listened to the radio?  Everyone says that their stuff is better than everyones else's. That's how they sell stuff.  It's up to you the consumer to figure out for yourself what's best for you not what's the best of the best of the best.  

Apperantly you are into doing your research, so do some.  Find out what is most important to you and then decide what you would like to look at.  Stop wasting people's time and arguing about things that don't matter. If you don't trust a dealer than DON'T BUY FROM HIM!  It's that simple.  Why continue to talk about how much he is lying to you and then go and wet test.  If you don't trust him than ask to talk to someone else and if it bothers you that much, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!

Great advice.  Somehow, I don't recall asking for it...


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #33 on: September 17, 2007, 07:05:29 pm »

Great advice.  Somehow, I don't recall asking for it...

...now I remember why people started treating you like you were a D!©K#€ÅD.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 07:08:22 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #34 on: September 17, 2007, 07:11:46 pm »

...now I remember why people started treating you like you were a D!©K#€ÅD.

I make it a point not to tell someone what they should or should not do unless they ask.  I wish more people thought this way.


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #35 on: September 17, 2007, 07:38:03 pm »

I make it a point not to tell someone what they should or should not do unless they ask.  I wish more people thought this way.

LOL, I make it a point to give my opinion, sometimes even if it isn't requested. Like in the grocery store or on a plane when someone is being an ass to the cashier or steward I have multiple times chimed in and I always get the "I wasn't asking you" response to which I always reply "I don't wait for an invitation, too bad if you don't like it, you're being an ass".

If you don't want people's opinions on this site then leave. When someone does chime in and you respond with the always clever "...I don't recall asking for it..." don't be surprised if you don't get much respect.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 07:38:18 pm by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #36 on: September 17, 2007, 07:56:58 pm »
I certainly wouldn;t be in this forum if I didn't want peoples input.  But I find it nice when people stick to the topic at hand.

This guy blasts me for talking about how much a dealer lied to me when I was simply responding to a question from 104 degrees.  He tells me not to waste anyones time.  Which I haven't.  Porbably just my own.  

He tells me not to buy from a dealer I don't trust...that would leave me buying from costco which isn't gonna happen.

I don't see how he felt he was truly helping me in any way.  It was like he just wanted to interject for the point of interjecting...now that's being a dikhead


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #37 on: September 17, 2007, 08:21:18 pm »
After reading all your posts it seems to me if you don't get tha answer you like you think everone lies or that there
no good. I wet tested and found the one I liked and made a deal. I bought a HS vanguard with everything
for 7700.00 out the door no BSing with the dealer.


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #38 on: September 17, 2007, 08:35:26 pm »

I make it a point not to tell someone what they should or should not do unless they ask.  I wish more people thought this way.

Greeeaaaaaat... An entire world of Solo's that can't deal with others due to their own crippling paranoia. You come to this forum asking for advise, and you have gotten lots of good help here from lots of different folks. I'm shocked that after a couple of weeks of your BS that some folks are still trying to help you, when every one of your threads has turned sour. You so very much miss the point of buying a spa. It is a luxury item. In some cases it is a needed therapy device (hence the sales tax breaks in some states). It should be fun. It should be something you look forward to, either for the relief of some affliction, or the simple enjoyment you will get if you ever own one. But in your case, all you can see is people out to take advantage of you. Then, for whatever reason, you demonize the very folks on this forum that you ask help from. Simple fact is, if the dealers were dishonest, they could not stay in business. I would bet there are some "off brand" spa dealers that really are just out for the buck, but the dealers of the mainstream brands have nothing to gain and much to lose by jacking you over. No one on this board has any stake whatsoever about what, or even if, you ever but a spa. They are just enthusiasts that want others to enjoy what some call spatopia.

You do need help, but I don't think this forum is the place to get the type of help that you need.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 08:52:04 pm by txwillie »


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #39 on: September 17, 2007, 08:38:19 pm »
After reading all your posts it seems to me if you don't get tha answer you like you think everone lies or that there
no good. I wet tested and found the one I liked and made a deal. I bought a HS vanguard with everything
for 7700.00 out the door no BSing with the dealer.


1.  It's fine for people to disagree with me, but be ready to discuss your point as I enjoy a good debate
2.  I do think that most sales people lie
3.  There are only a couple of people in this forum that I think are pure evil

I am curious, you paid $7700.  What was the dealers initial asking price?


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite eno
« Reply #40 on: September 17, 2007, 08:48:23 pm »


1.  It's fine for people to disagree with me, but be ready to discuss your point as I enjoy a good debate
2.  I do think that most sales people lie
3.  There are only a couple of people in this forum that I think are pure evil

I am curious, you paid $7700.  What was the dealers initial asking price?

Cripes, this guy is sounding more and more like Jimbo..... :o

D.P. Roberts

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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite
« Reply #41 on: September 17, 2007, 09:03:12 pm »
Not exactly a fair statement STEVE.
 How can one be serious about buying if you don't know if the tub is in your range or if you haven't been in one that has water?  By the way, neither the Hot Springs nor the Sundance tubs were in my price range until I negotiated them down.

So it's kind of a viscous cycle.  Dealer wants me to be serious about a tub before they will fill it.  How can you be serious until you test it?  How can you be serious until you know it's in your price range? See the dilemma?

I think the "viscous cycle" is somewhat of your own making, because your "price range" seems to be defined differently than most other shoppers'.

I just can't figure you out. You're being a real hardliner on price, which is fine if you literally can't afford more. This is fine, I'm in the same boat. You're also not even looking at a particular model unless you haggle first, which tells me that your budget is very strict, down to a few hundred dollars.

However, in this thread you've mentioned that you didn't like the spas you wet tested, and you may have to "adjust" your budget. I just don't get that. You originally weren't even considering more expensive models (like the Sundance 800 series you mentioned), because they were out of your "budget". You didn't want to even TALK to a dealer about a certain model (let alone wet test one) because it was out of your "budget" - doing so would have been a waste of your time.

And now you're going to throw that whole budget out the window, and start the process all over again. If your budget is somewhat nebulous or at least adjustable, why are you being such a stickler for trying to stick to it?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 09:04:24 pm by KevinofOH »
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite
« Reply #42 on: September 17, 2007, 09:17:15 pm »

I think the "viscous cycle" is somewhat of your own making, because your "price range" seems to be defined differently than most other shoppers'.

I just can't figure you out. You're being a real hardliner on price, which is fine if you literally can't afford more. This is fine, I'm in the same boat. You're also not even looking at a particular model unless you haggle first, which tells me that your budget is very strict, down to a few hundred dollars.

However, in this thread you've mentioned that you didn't like the spas you wet tested, and you may have to "adjust" your budget. I just don't get that. You originally weren't even considering more expensive models (like the Sundance 800 series you mentioned), because they were out of your "budget". You didn't want to even TALK to a dealer about a certain model (let alone wet test one) because it was out of your "budget" - doing so would have been a waste of your time.

And now you're going to throw that whole budget out the window, and start the process all over again. If your budget is somewhat nebulous or at least adjustable, why are you being such a stickler for trying to stick to it?

The reason I can afford to look at the more expensive models now is because my mother wants to help me pay for it.  I didn't know this until just this weekend.  I had a strict budget of $7000.  This past weekend she offered to pay for it all, but I wouldn't let her.  That's too big of a gift and I want her to spend her money on her.

But if she wants to kick in $1000 or maybe $1500, that expands my options and helps out tremendously.    


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite
« Reply #43 on: September 17, 2007, 09:24:47 pm »

The reason I can afford to look at the more expensive models now is because my mother wants to help me pay for it.  I didn't know this until just this weekend.  I had a strict budget of $7000.  This past weekend she offered to pay for it all, but I wouldn't let her.  That's too big of a gift and I want her to spend her money on her.

But if she wants to kick in $1000 or maybe $1500, that expands my options and helps out tremendously.    

I gleaned from this, or another post that: Mom is in her early 70's (55th HS reunion and all). This would put boy Solo in his/her 30's or 40's. Certainly no child. (updated as I have no specific gender info.)

Your momma gonna help you out?!!! ridcule deleted. WTF is that all about?

« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 09:40:05 pm by txwillie »


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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite
« Reply #44 on: September 17, 2007, 09:33:19 pm »

I gleaned from this, or another post that: Mom is in her early 70's (55th HS reunion and all). This would put boy Solo in his 30's or 40's. Certainly no child.

Your momma gonna help you out?!!! ridcule deleted. WTF is that all about?


Maybe she read about how dangerous hot tubs can be and is hoping for a miracle? If she chips on a bunch of hard liquor to go with your initial soak I'd be suspicious.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 09:33:56 pm by LtDan »

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Re: Wet test:  Hotsprings Sovereign not quite
« Reply #44 on: September 17, 2007, 09:33:19 pm »


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