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Author Topic: Problems with new chelsee  (Read 8394 times)


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Problems with new chelsee
« on: September 11, 2007, 08:22:24 pm »
Hi-this is my first posted but I must admit to having been looking at this forum for about a year. I would like to thank you all for the very informative and often entertaining comments.
I purchased a Chelsee in March and love it!! My problem is with the air controls on the two seats closest to the control panel. It started with a loud thud evertime I turned on the air value (not sure if right term). It eventually made one loud thud and stuck in the on position. The tech has come out three times.He had tried to patch the hose? This last time he said it is the manifold and the patch isn't holding.He now said he needs to discuss with Sundance because this is  very expensive thing to repair.
My question is how major is this? I am afraid that a patch may only be sucessful for a time and then I could be off warrantee. What should I expect Sundance to do-replace manifold? Any advise is much appreciated.

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Problems with new chelsee
« on: September 11, 2007, 08:22:24 pm »


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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2007, 09:49:59 pm »
Hi-this is my first posted but I must admit to having been looking at this forum for about a year. I would like to thank you all for the very informative and often entertaining comments.
I purchased a Chelsee in March and love it!! My problem is with the air controls on the two seats closest to the control panel. It started with a loud thud evertime I turned on the air value (not sure if right term). It eventually made one loud thud and stuck in the on position. The tech has come out three times.He had tried to patch the hose? This last time he said it is the manifold and the patch isn't holding.He now said he needs to discuss with Sundance because this is  very expensive thing to repair.
My question is how major is this? I am afraid that a patch may only be sucessful for a time and then I could be off warrantee. What should I expect Sundance to do-replace manifold? Any advise is much appreciated.

It seems that you have a defective part and it should be replaced rather than patched seeing that a patch has already failed.  I imagine the "expensive thing to repair" has more to do with time spent digging to get to the part or parts and refoaming.  A manifold or even a new air control valve is short dollars for the part itself.  You should insist on a repair that is as good as new.


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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2007, 07:57:52 pm »
Thank you for the advise. I will see if the tech is able to get the go ahead from Sundance-if not I guess I will have to take it up with the dealer?
If they do have to replace manifold will I lose insulation-you mentioned digging it out. Will the tech have ability to replace as well as factory?
Sorry for sounding so worried but could this be a sign of bigger problems or just a bad part?

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2007, 08:01:45 pm »
 He should have replaced the part in question in the first place,but if it worked you would have never known.

After the part is replaced he should re-foam it, least we would!  It does depend on where the part is.


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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2007, 10:22:07 pm »
He should have replaced the part in question in the first place,but if it worked you would have never known.

After the part is replaced he should re-foam it, least we would!  It does depend on where the part is.

I agree...the part should be replaced and there should be no issue with Sundance.  They are very good with warranty issues.  The repair should be as good as factory.  Refoaming is no problem if needed.  I wouldn't worry about this being indicitive of other problems...just a bad part.  An air manifold is just a piece of plastic.  It almost seems that the tech is contacting Sundance for technical knowlege more than getting their ok to replace.  


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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2007, 07:34:24 am »
You are right about the tech contacting Sundance for help. He told me as much because at first he was certain it was just the knobs you turn to add the air. I think he replaced those- only to discover that the problem wasn't solved.
One other problem I forgot to mention-the large diverter that controls water flow to the two seats opposite the control panel (not effected by other problem) makes a loud sucking noise in certain positions. I can move it around and it stops but not very happy with this and not sure if it will get worse. I mentioned to dealer couple months ago and he said that can just happen and can't do anything?
 I like my dealer and tech (very small town) and I don't want to drive them crazy so if this is normal I won't mention it again.
Thanks again the helpful advise!


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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2007, 09:27:31 am »
Loud sucking sounds in diverter valves are not uncommon.

Don't know if Sundance considers it a defect that is warrantable.
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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2007, 01:25:07 pm »
Diverters are generally noisiest when the handle is in the middle setting.  If this is what you are finding, it may be normal.  My spa is a little older and has an older style diverter.  It tends to be a little noisy in the middle.  A lot of the noise comes from the hollow underside of the handle...it somewhat amplifies it.  I have filled that section with clear silicone and it deadens the noise.  I thought they had fixed that with the newer style handles.  Next time you are at your dealers, check out the filled spas and see it they are as noisy as yours.


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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2007, 08:09:00 pm »
I had the tech over again today and he gave me a clearer picture to what is going on.
The hose that goes from the knob that injects the air has such pressure built up that it slams against the tub-this is what is causing the thudding noise. The tech also showed me the part that is faulty-problem is he can patch but if he needs to replace he will have to cut frame and remove tub!! Not sure if patch will hold but cutting frame sounds dramatic.
The current concern is what is building up such pressure to make hose snap so? Currently the tech had tied hose to frame to stop noise- not sure if this is just short term    
Thanks for the input about the diverter value- it is just as you mentioned- when I have it right in the center it makes noise. It is good to hear that this is common and not to worry.
I must add that even with above  problem I really love this tub!!


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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2007, 08:47:09 pm »
I am (was) under the impression that every item except the shell and frame was repairable in the tub. Even the shell can be repaired except you will see the repair.

I thought removing side panels and ripping out foam makes anything available for repair/replacement. I guess I'm wrong.

My opinion, do not settle on living with this problem - either get it fixed properly or get a new tub.

I would also contact the dealer directly and talk to them. Maybe this tech doesn't know what he/she is doing.


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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2007, 09:36:28 am »
Mor than likely, the dealer is only allocated so many hours of service time on your spa from the manufacturer and rest comes out of his pocket.  So he may be inclined to suggest a fix that requires less man hours.

So make sure the problem gets completely resolved and that the parts that need to be replaced get replaced.  After all, they sell the warranty hard when you are in the show room buying.  They should honor it to the letter.  

104 degrees

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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2007, 09:43:02 am »
I had the tech over again today and he gave me a clearer picture to what is going on.
The hose that goes from the knob that injects the air has such pressure built up that it slams against the tub-this is what is causing the thudding noise. The tech also showed me the part that is faulty-problem is he can patch but if he needs to replace he will have to cut frame and remove tub!! Not sure if patch will hold but cutting frame sounds dramatic.
The current concern is what is building up such pressure to make hose snap so? Currently the tech had tied hose to frame to stop noise- not sure if this is just short term    
Thanks for the input about the diverter value- it is just as you mentioned- when I have it right in the center it makes noise. It is good to hear that this is common and not to worry.
I must add that even with above  problem I really love this tub!!

If they need to cut the Frame :D go for a new tub.


D.P. Roberts

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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2007, 02:35:14 pm »
One other problem I forgot to mention-the large diverter that controls water flow to the two seats opposite the control panel (not effected by other problem) makes a loud sucking noise in certain positions.

Do you live in Michigan? If so, the problem could be outside your spa - I've heard there's a really loud sucking noise coming from the general direction of Ann Arbor...
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2007, 02:48:47 pm »
 If extra time is needed to work on a spa longer than 1 hour from Jacuzzi or Sundance means you have to call them and get approval to do so by a tech at the factory which is never an issue.   We always take care of the problem first, then call Jacuzzi for the ok.


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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2007, 04:47:39 pm »
I think that the tech has been stuggling to get Sundance to understand problem and agree on course of action. He took pictures yesterday.
He showed me where the part that broke was. It is between the tub top rim and the wood frame-just to the left of control pad-very tight fit. He would have to cut the frame to get at this piece to replace but was able to patch it. The pressure blew the bottom off this part almost like if you jam a glass bottle on top and blow out the bottom. He put in a plug and some cement but like I said before there seems to be a lot of pressure in the hose that goes to it. The hose jumps from the pressure and thuds against the tub.
Tech said sundance is good but they do have to push to get approval for time.

If I insist on new part the frame will be cut-is this really serious or are you joking that I should get a new tub?? Is it really that major?

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Re: Problems with new chelsee
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2007, 04:47:39 pm »


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