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Author Topic: Ozone and off gasing  (Read 3206 times)


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Ozone and off gasing
« on: September 10, 2007, 02:16:22 pm »
Another subject probably discussed in the dead horse section, but wanted your opinion.  While testing a D1 product that has their water management system that does not require chlorine (but does require weekly shocking), the salesperson was stating that their ozonator was different than most.  After hearing many dealers explain why theirs is different, the details get lost but the overall answer was that their difference is that no off gasing of the ozonator occurs where people are sitting.  So, I am gathering it does in other systems???

Ozone seems to be another one of those people either believe in it or don't.  Hasn't any organization or governmental institution checked into the hazards or helpful nature of ozonation(correct word?) within a hot tub setting?  It seems to me that ozone, other than the layers protecting the earth, is noted as being a bad thing.  Respiratory wise, a very bad thing...

So, what is the consensus about off gasing and the helpful/harmful nature of these devises in a hot tub?


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Ozone and off gasing
« on: September 10, 2007, 02:16:22 pm »

In Canada eh

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Re: Ozone and off gasing
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2007, 06:45:11 pm »

 Â  First of all, let me tell you all tubs need to use chlorine or some other form of a sanitizer, ozone should be treated as a secondary or additional treatment.

 Â Yes your D1 dealer is correct, D1 uses a properly sized, upright canister to allow the ozone to off gas before it reaches the sitting area of the tub.  From what I can see on the D1 site its a very good system in theory.  I can't tell you if it works because I haven't seen it in action.

 Â With regards to you question about ozone off gassing in other tubs its not really anything to worry about.  Ozone as a disinfectant is a very indiscriminate killer.  It will attack anything and everything it comes in contact with.  That being said, ozone also has next to no residual, as it almost immediately converts back to oxygen.  Most hot tub ozone generator produce very little ozone gas so I would not worry about the health effects of a hot tub ozone generator.  Now I also would not stick my head over the ozone bubble stream and take a great big inhale ;)

 Â There has been a lot said about whether or not ozone works in a hot tub and I don't want to get into that, if you read the dead horse section I'm sure you know why :-/  For what its worth I work in the municipal water treatment industry and my tub has a ozone generator

                                  Good luck with your search

To ALL, please lets not start the whole ozone debate, lets stick to ilovemykids question
« Last Edit: September 10, 2007, 06:58:38 pm by Confused_in_Canada »
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Re: Ozone and off gasing
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2007, 07:31:58 pm »
I want to debate ... JK!

D1 used in 2004 an UV type ozonator along with tubing that went around the tub according to the salesperson (sounds like it's different now). If ozone has enough time to get absorbed into the water there will be less off gassing as it destroys what ever is in the water. If an ozonator is put 2 inches from the exit port, you'll get a lot of off gassing.

Some or most of the tubs out there (I have a 2005 Artesian) will stop ozone production when a button is pushed for a specific amount of time (mine is 40 minutes). D1 has continuous ozone as does a few others I think. What are the benefits? There may be none.

If ozone is allowed to off gas it can and will destroy the cover and pillows in a spa, but so will chlorine and bromine. Some people may complain of coughing and respiratory problems if exposed to ozone.

Personally, I would suspect anyone who says you don't need a sanitizer, but that's me. Ozone is an effective sanitizer/oxidizer but a spa's ozone system isn't anywhere near as effective as a water treatment ozone system. Using a sanitizer ensures a bacterially safe tub.

With that said I too have ozone and I do plan on experimenting with a more powerful ozonator comes the spring. I will also be adding a contact chamber to see if I can get it to the point of no off gassing.


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Re: Ozone and off gasing
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2007, 11:03:47 pm »
I'm pretty certain that in other threads it was demonstrated that ozone in about 95% of ozone-equiped tubs is GONE/converted by the time it even reaches the surface so there's really very, very little risk of anyone EVER inhaling even a VERY small percentage of it much less enough to harm someone with Asthma.  My wife has a more significant/violent version of asthma and has no issues with our ozone-equipped tub.
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

Quickly approaching a mid-life crisis one day at a time.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Ozone and off gasing
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2007, 11:03:47 pm »


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