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Author Topic: Jacuzzi J-365 air lock?  (Read 7974 times)


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Jacuzzi J-365 air lock?
« on: September 08, 2007, 11:06:48 pm »
 :-?  I think I might have an air lock in pump #2.

Drained my tub today and cleaned it thoroughly.  Filled it by placing the hose in the filter hole.  I had the divertors loosened figuring this would allow any air to escape through the top.  Once filled, I tightened the divertors, screwed in the filters and turned the tub on.  Now it seems as though pump #2 is not as powerful as it was before.  It seems as though there are a lot of air bubbles blowing out.  I have the air mixture switches in the off position.

If this is an air lock, how do I clear it up???  I already tried by loosening the divertors again but that did not relieve it.  Will I do any harm to the pump if I don't clear this up and the automatic setting runs during the night???

Thanks in advance... 8-)


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Jacuzzi J-365 air lock?
« on: September 08, 2007, 11:06:48 pm »


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Re: Jacuzzi J-365 air lock?
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2007, 09:35:15 am »
:-?  I think I might have an air lock in pump #2.

Drained my tub today and cleaned it thoroughly.  Filled it by placing the hose in the filter hole.  I had the divertors loosened figuring this would allow any air to escape through the top.  Once filled, I tightened the divertors, screwed in the filters and turned the tub on.  Now it seems as though pump #2 is not as powerful as it was before.  It seems as though there are a lot of air bubbles blowing out.  I have the air mixture switches in the off position.

If this is an air lock, how do I clear it up???  I already tried by loosening the divertors again but that did not relieve it.  Will I do any harm to the pump if I don't clear this up and the automatic setting runs during the night???

Thanks in advance... 8-)


If you have an air lock you will get a flow message on your topside and no water will come out of the jets.  It just seems like your system has some air in it that is being worked out.  To double check, power down the spa, remove the filters, make sure there is nothing in the spa that can be sucked into the plumbing, turn on the spa and see if everything works correctly.  If so...power back down, burp your filters to be sure there is no air in them (make sure they are clean), replace filters and power up.

BTW, pump 2 generally does not air lock.  It is pump 1 that usually does.  Actually, if it is pump 2 forget about above...that would be for pump 1 or the circ pump.  I don't believe pump 2 draws through the filters.  Just run pump 2 until the bubbles work themselves out.  There should be no bubbles with the air venturis shut off.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 09:45:32 am by tony »


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Re: Jacuzzi J-365 air lock?
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2007, 02:04:56 pm »
Thanks for helping Tony.  I just checked pump 2 and did not see a bleeder valve like I see on pump 1.  I just want to make sure the pump doesn't burn out .  I'll let her run for 20 minutes and see if it works the air out.

I'll keep you posted.  Thanks again....


GO  BEARS! >:(

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Jacuzzi J-365 air lock?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2007, 09:04:28 pm »
Something else to check is the diverter you unscrewed. does the handle still move all the way left and right?

 If not, it may be off center,way to fix it is unscrew the cap all the way make sure your pumps not on or you will get real wet real quick.  Make sure the diverter gate when you put it back in that the cut out part is facing to the center of the spa then hold inplace a tighten it back on the handle should move left and right.

 If it is the pump you need to open the cabinet and bleed the air out via the bleed valve at the btm end or the side  of the pump!! its not in the same position as pump 1
« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 09:05:41 pm by Jacuzzi_Jim »


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Re: Jacuzzi J-365 air lock?
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2007, 08:29:58 pm »
Jacuzzi Jim & Tony,

Pump 2 is working fine.  I think I was just a little too impatient waitng for some air to clear out of the system.  This was my first drain and clean - now I know what to expect.

What is the best way to bring the Ph level down???  I've tried using "Ph Down" but it really doesn't move the level at all.  A guy at the place where I bought the spa said to use muratic acid 2 oz at a time.  This worked the first time I filled the tub - took 4 days & ended up using about 8 oz.  Is this really the best way?  Seems a bit harsh to me. :o

My Ph is currently at approx 8.5.  I am using "Natures Way" products.



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Re: Jacuzzi J-365 air lock?
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2007, 09:02:06 pm »
I use Spa Down or PH Down which is sodium bisulfate, aka dry acid to bring pH down.  My pH naturally comes down so I don't use it much.  When I do, I mix it in a bucket with water and it takes it right down.  I know muriatic acid is used in pools, but I have never tried it.  I do believe it works very well but you have to be very careful when adding.  I use a Taylor K-2005 test kit to check my levels.  There is an acid and base demand reagent for pH.  The acid demand procedure tells you how much dry acid or muriatic acid to add to bring your pH into line.  You may want to check it out.  


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Re: Jacuzzi J-365 air lock?
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2007, 09:12:41 pm »
Thanks Tony... I'm gonna get the Taylor kit this week.  Spa down vs Ph down.  Don't you use Ph down when your alk is good and you don't want it to drop anymore?  You use Spa down when both need to come down?


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Re: Jacuzzi J-365 air lock?
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2007, 09:28:59 pm »
Thanks Tony... I'm gonna get the Taylor kit this week.  Spa down vs Ph down.  Don't you use Ph down when your alk is good and you don't want it to drop anymore?  You use Spa down when both need to come down?

Spa Down, pH Down, Alk Down....its all the same...sodium bisulfate.  The two chems used to bring both pH and alk down are sodium bisulfate and muriatic acid.


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Re: Jacuzzi J-365 air lock?
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2007, 09:30:17 pm »
Spa down, pH decreaser, etc. are all the same, sodium bisulfate.

What is your TA reading?  How much pH down are you using?
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Re: Jacuzzi J-365 air lock?
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2007, 09:30:17 pm »


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