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I have been wondering the same thing Brewman...either he is on a long vacation or he doesn't love us anymore  :-/
I received a communique from drewstar a couple of weeks ago to be kept in the strictest confidence...please do not pass this around:Dear chriss,As you know, I hav been  pondering the sad stait of affairs in Masscahusetts, surounded by criminal elements which this sockialist state will not prosecute, nor will they protect the public.  My life's mission which only a select few are aware, has always been to fight injustice in as much as one man is abel.Ra's Ah Ghul taught you and I long ago that one highly motivaited man cna strike fear into the cowrardly hearts of criminals provided that man bhecomes more than a man, if he is man ehnough to be that man.  I have realized after many nights of heavy drinking and overthe counter opiates that I am that man!As of this week, I have tendered my regisnation at Toys'r us and am commencing to exceavate beneath my barn.  Mywife is sowing me a costumre so that I may become a legend, not only in myown mind, but in the feable minds of my enemas!  I am hop0ing to count on you to join me when the time is right so that we may fight these injusticis.  I relaize that you are not one to play second fittle, as I am not neither, so you'r going to have to have your own costume and utuility belt as I don't share.  And y9our own tights (unless you are going to be a mutant).I will contact you via the batfone when preperations are made.  Kepp this under yuor hat....Drew
Spooooon!  opps sorry, wrong super hero.  Hey guys - here I am.  I've taken a new job that is very demanding and frowns greatly on internet play.      Hopefully as I get settled in  I'll find some time in my off time to post, but right now, I'm going full throttle at my new position.   Sorrry for just dropping off the face of the earth like that but The new position came up very quickly and I had to move fast to take advantage of the opportunity.  They actually make me work at this new place and force me to spell correctly. such is the price of success. Â
I can vouch for Drewstar on this one. I ran into him at his work last night. He gave my son a free Slurpie and a Slim Jim. Thanks again bud!!