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Author Topic: I fought the biofilm....and the biofilm??????  (Read 2348 times)


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I fought the biofilm....and the biofilm??????
« on: August 25, 2007, 05:57:36 pm »
won or lost?????

Today, I went to my sisters house after 2 hours sleep.  I am on the night shift.  I read all of the posts and came up with some crossroads to speak.

To Bleach or not to bleach that was the question

Answer:  BLEACH.  We purchased 30L of bleach today and added it to the tub.  It is a darker shell and I was not to worried about it going yellow.  We ran the jets on high and low, with air and no air like I was directed.  We cycled for 1 hour and then drained the tub.  I took a bucket of water and bleach and scrubbed everything, and soaked all parts that I could remove.

Then a refill.  I purchased swirl away and read the directions.  8oz of swirl for each drain.  SO I IMPORVISED AND ADDED THE WHOLE BOTTLE.  MISTAKE MISTAKE, I REPEAT MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So On the refill, it looked like a minature chirnoble in the backyard it was really cute.  Have I mentioned that it was not my tub yet.

So after 45 min. of filtering, I made the following observations to share.   When we first started out the biofilm was yello and stringy and flakey so to speak.  When you touched it, it would stay together and was able to roll in a ball like a little stickey booger.

After the bleach and swirl treatment, the biofilm was white almost see through.  There was alot less more or less left overs.  When you touch it, it would break down not roll up.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I think we destroyed it.  

NOW! back to my mistake.  A whole bottle of swirl away was awsome.  It really cleaned stuff out, however, on the refill, reminents of it was still in the tub.  And like a bad date going in the tub for the first time, with all of thier lotions and conditioner............POOF!!! bubbles anyone????  We got foam party!!!!! It was crazy.

So I sat there and scooped for 1.5 hours with the net and got the foam under control.  Added the bromine reserve and set the brominator.  So we looked at the water and it was a little cloudy, but with the filter and scumb ball we should have clarity by the A.M.

As for the bio foam, FINGERS CROSSED!!!!.  I did not see any on the last fill but it is to early to say.  WORST case scenario, they have the only white lawn on the street and we do another drain and fill tommorow.  If this does not work, stage 2.  I call in CHUCK NORRIS.  Dichlor kills 99.9%  of biofilm and Chuck Norris kills 100% of what ever the F&#@ he wants.  

Seriously, we will get dichlor next week and try that approach.  But I dont think my skin can handle another incident.  I thought I saw two russian spies in trench coats looking at out reactor in the back.  I feel like the bleach has taken my tan away.

I will keep you all posted.  

TERM feel free to add pics and comments!!!!!!

Hot Tub Forum

I fought the biofilm....and the biofilm??????
« on: August 25, 2007, 05:57:36 pm »


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Re: I fought the biofilm....and the biofilm??????
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2007, 02:05:57 am »
Wow. Good job. Yuck........but sounds like you won!
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Hot Tub Forum

Re: I fought the biofilm....and the biofilm??????
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2007, 02:05:57 am »


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