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Hi all!Well, here's the update. Â The service guy came a day early...yea. Â The problem was with the heater. Â After 3 weeks of use, the heater went out. Â I was told that this was VERY unususal. Â I am hopeful that this is just a fluke and that I won't have any other weird service problems with my tub. Â I must say that the service person was so nice, professional, and fast.Thanks to all of you who shared some possibilities with me, I didn't really expect to have a problem part at this point of ownership.
Sometimes parts are just defective and fail after a short use. Â Problems generally happen early in ownership when normal use starts to put a stain on the spa that might not show up in a factory test, much to a new owners demise. Â Nothing to worry about. Â Thats why there are warranties. Â If the world were perfect, you wouldn't need one.
the high was only around 69 degrees (F),
Stuart,You're were right!