So I have not been around much, been busy with the Fair which ended Saturday night, thank God! Least its only once a year.

Anyway the show was one of the strangest ones I have ever worked 2 hours of dead time then a rush with more dead time. Going into Thursday we were only at 8 spas sold

coming out of the Fair Saturday night we had 25

My be back bus was fully loaded. All this right across from a Sundance dealer with the NDS boys selling there line of Bull chit,they still managed to sell 10 to 15 from what I heard.
Marquis did 6, D1 not sure, he was really pushing Cal spas dont really think they sold any D1s price is way to high on them and I didnt get one person asking about them only Cal-spa.Hot springs from what I heard to 3 or 4??
All in all it was a good fair and its nice to get my life back in order

So whats new around here? Looks like folks have been buying and getting spas delivered.