It is the end of a really long day.....
...the sort of day where the ONLY thing I can think about is having a soak in the hot tub!! But alas, not at the moment!!
Temp is currently 17.5 and it hasn't really moved, although the heater light is on..
Well, the colour is lush - I really liked the marlble effect and the colour of the skirt looks spot on - the cover is now on and it looks great. I just tried out the different light effects and now the ONLY time I wantoi to soak is in DARKNESS (more attuned to my body size, but the colours look great!). The pumps work ok and all the jets are functioning....
I expected a lot and I seem very well 'done by'
The kids are excited and so and I and we all want to just SOAK !!!
So some questions -
Can I just jump in tomorrow morning and enjoy, or is there something I need to do (it has bromine tablets in the dispenser already and I have shocked the water)? SHould I do a test with the strips the guys give me and check PH's or just jump in??
Questions, questions......... just KNOW there is gonna be more!!!
Cheers all for you nice comments !