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Author Topic: First timer, went wet testing today (long)  (Read 9708 times)


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First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« on: August 06, 2007, 12:03:00 am »
My husband and I wet tested the following tubs today. HS Vista, Caldera Geneva, Sundance Maxxus, Artesian Pelican Bay and a Catalina model (forget which one now) and sat in MANY more dry to see what we liked and were willing to pay for.

 Listed in reverse order of preference

 Catalina - The tub wasn't small, but the interior was cramped, I kept banging into things, so it seemed on the small side. We were told to sit in it first (before the Artesian) to get a feel for it and better see the differances between the tubs. We were really unimpressed considering the dealer was asking premium dollars for it.

 Artesian Pelican bay - We thought this would be our favorite after reading the brochures, but both of us were unimpressed with this tub, The controls were hard to figure out, we never could get a handle on what knob/divertor controlled what jet. Also two of the seats in the middle had little to no water pressure from the jets (dealer couldn't figure it out either).  On a positive note, my husband really like the fact that the lounger had jets that hit his hamstrings while seated in it and the build quality seems high. Perhaps we were in a broken tub but we expected more from this tub.

 HS Vista - Very nice tub, my husband liked the Moto Massage but not the lounger. We thought the other seats were great though. I didn't like the Moto Massage and thought the lights and foot jets were so-so. Also, I was not a fan of the waterfall option.  We sat in a Grandee dry, as it has no lounger, and 2 moto massagers.

 Caldera Geneva - We both liked this tub a great deal. The lounger was great and the other seats also provideded a nice massage. We felt that every part of our bodies was massaged as we moved around the tub to different seats. The controls were simple and easy to use. The lights and waterfall function were also pleasing to both of us. Not sure why it is priced below the very similar HS Vista, but it is.

Sundance Maxxus - We also really like this tub as well. A high number of jets, all of the seats fit us well, the dome in the bottom that you can rest your feet on while they get massaged is also a plus in our book as is the 41.5 inch depth. The only downside was the $$$. As a result we are considering the Optima model as is is more in line with what we would like to spend. It has no lounger though.

 Bottom line. is that the Geneva is $9,000 out the door while the Maxxus is $12,500. We can get the Optima for $10,000 though. Both the Sundance dealer and the Caldera/HS dealer will include the cover lifter and steps with the purchase of a tub, but the Caldera also comes with a sub panel for the electrical.

 Is the Sundance worth the extra money? Is the Caldera a good tub? Any and all advice is appreciated. We would like to get this right the first time ;D




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First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« on: August 06, 2007, 12:03:00 am »


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2007, 09:17:21 am »
Is Sundance worth the extra money?  Only if you like it best.

Is Caldera a good tub?  Yes, it is very much like the Sundance owned by Watkins, the biggest spa builder whcih also owns HotSprings.

If you like the Optima but want a lounger, try out the Sundance Cameo.


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2007, 09:39:10 am »
Is it the brand or the features you are rating?  

You say you like the Maxxus best, except the money.  You like the Geneva 2nd but have questions about the brand.  You like the Vista 3rd, but not the lounge.  Now you are considering the Optima, which has no lounge.  You should wet test non loungers if you are leaning that way (HS Grandee, Caldera Niagara, Sundance Optima) if you can.

To answer your questions directly, only you decide if Sundance is worth the extra $$$.  To me saving $1000 (Geneva vs Optima) for your #2 spa vs one not really on your list kind of answers that question.

Of your final 3 brands you are looking at, all are good.  Good luck with your final decision.
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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2007, 10:24:35 am »
I have owned the Optima for about two months and am very happy with the tub. We added the stereo and are glad that we did.

Lounge v. no lounge: this is very much a personal choice. However, we opted for the four corner sitting arrangement and are happy with the choice. You can easily stretch out in the Optima (along a side or diagonal). The benefit is that the Optima also allows for four people to comfortably sit in the four corners. We like the fact that there are different jet arrays in each of the four corner seats. We like them all. We also enjoy the reflexology dome (not available in most lounge equipped spas including the Cameo).



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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2007, 10:53:12 am »
Is it the brand or the features you are rating?  

You say you like the Maxxus best, except the money.  You like the Geneva 2nd but have questions about the brand.  You like the Vista 3rd, but not the lounge.  Now you are considering the Optima, which has no lounge.  You should wet test non loungers if you are leaning that way (HS Grandee, Caldera Niagara, Sundance Optima) if you can.

To answer your questions directly, only you decide if Sundance is worth the extra $$$.  To me saving $1000 (Geneva vs Optima) for your #2 spa vs one not really on your list kind of answers that question.

Of your final 3 brands you are looking at, all are good.  Good luck with your final decision.

I'm not a big fan of the Maxxus due to fact that dispite it's size, the seating is very confining (I like a little more open seating) and with it's price, you have to really like everything about it. My seating preference aside, its certainly a premium spa.

My thoughts pretty much mirror Dan's. I'd wet test the 3 non-lounge spas and/or decide between the Geneva/Optima. Both brands will do well for you.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 11:04:48 am by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2007, 10:56:48 am »
Is it the brand or the features you are rating?  

You say you like the Maxxus best, except the money.  You like the Geneva 2nd but have questions about the brand.  You like the Vista 3rd, but not the lounge.  Now you are considering the Optima, which has no lounge.  You should wet test non loungers if you are leaning that way (HS Grandee, Caldera Niagara, Sundance Optima) if you can.

To answer your questions directly, only you decide if Sundance is worth the extra $$$.  To me saving $1000 (Geneva vs Optima) for your #2 spa vs one not really on your list kind of answers that question.

Of your final 3 brands you are looking at, all are good.  Good luck with your final decision.

 Sorry to be confusing. The lounger dilemma stems from there being two viewpoints here. My hubbie enjoys it, but claims he can go without it. While I don't like them, but I don't want to him to have to miss out on it. It confuses us too.

 In the meantime, we just want to make sure that both brands are well built, no history of problems etc. and "worth" the purchase price.  Both dealers were exceptional, very nice, willing to throw in accessories and no  history with the BBB.

 We will probably be heading back to wet test just the 2 tubs we are focused on  and to take some detailed notes too.


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2007, 11:30:10 am »
I'm not a big fan of the Maxxus due to fact that dispite it's size, the seating is very confining (I like a little more open seating) and with it's price, you have to really like everything about it. My seating preference aside, its certainly a premium spa.

Out of curiousity, have you test soaked it?


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2007, 11:57:27 am »

Out of curiousity, have you test soaked it?

I have not and I don't discount those who think the spa is great and like that type seating. For me its a huge spa but its really only for 4 people (and a coold down seat). If I want a lounge I'd get the Cameo instead and pocket the difference because I think it offers nearly as much as the Maxxus or if I didn't care about a lounge I'd get the Optima which is what teh majority of customers do. I just see a huge spa yet see how the seats are designed and having sat in a few spas its just not for me because I really like more open seating.
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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2007, 01:13:46 pm »
I am a new Sundance owner, could not afford the Maxxus or Optima, so plumped for the Chelsee.  Think of the money you could save? My new Chelsee is very comfortable and has seats for all - I am 6 foot tall and my wife is 4ft 5in - and we BOTH have seats that are comfortable.

Mrs Nosh chilling out !  8-)

OK, there are less jets, but you still get the centre 5 jets foot massage.

Also, I did the music chair thing last night - I went from chair to chair spending about 5 minutes in each one and I can truly say the experience was awesome. I got out after 25 minutes and felt that I had been given a 'good going over' by a gang of thugs!!!!!  ;D I have never experienced a massage before (like this) and I don't think my body was used to it!! LOL I have learnt to do things in little doses from now on... ;)

The only negative I see on your shopping list, is the depth - the Chelsee is 36 inches - but as I have said, I can sit in the Power chair (as I call it) and my shoulders are virtually submerged.  8-)

Hope this helps!!  ;)

« Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 03:10:33 pm by Nosher »


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2007, 02:33:57 pm »
I am 6 foot tall and my wife is 4ft 5in



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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2007, 03:09:53 pm »


...the wedding photos are hysterical, as she just comes up to my nipple...... :D



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« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2007, 06:39:49 pm »
Got off work early today and the hubby and I went over to wet test a Jacuzzi 480. The tub was very nice, we both liked the fact that one of the sides rises higher up and makes for a deeper seat. We also liked the foot dome jets and the controls. However the hubby was unimpressed with the lounge seat. We then inquired about a 470 (no lounge) but they only had water in the 480.  
  The pricing was 11k for the 470 with all the accessories (steps, coverlifter, ozonator). This is too high for us, as we were quoted 10K for a Sundance Optima (with all the goodies) so it seems that it is still between a Caldera Geneva and the Sundance Optima (Maxxus is too much money for us to spend).
 The Sundance dealer has an Optima w/stereo on his floor (2006), never been filled, that he wants to move out. he is asking $9,800 which is the same as a 2007 minus the stereo. Are there any major changes from 2006 to 2007?


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Re: Update.........
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2007, 11:13:54 pm »
 The pricing was 11k for the 470 with all the accessories (steps, coverlifter, ozonator). This is too high for us, as we were quoted 10K for a Sundance Optima (with all the goodies) so it seems that it is still between a Caldera Geneva and the Sundance Optima (Maxxus is too much money for us to spend).

I'm not sure where you're located, but I was quoted $10,000 for a Jacuzzi J480 with steps, lifter, and ozonator.  Of course, as I've learned here on this site, there is a big difference in prices depending on where you're located.  I'm in eastern PA.  If you're in CA, particulalrly LA, I've been told that they go for a grand or so more.

I liked the J480 and was almost sold on it.  However, like your hubby, I wasn't overly impressed with the lounge and that was a feature that I desired.  Although the foot dome was very nice.  There's a Jacuzzi J355, I believe, which has a nice lounge and is much cheaper.  You may want to check that out.

We ended up going with a Sundance Cameo specifically because of its lounge.  It was a grand less with the steps, lifter, and ozonataor. Used the extra cash to build a paver patio.  We love it!  Don't recall the exact quote on the Maxxus, but it was considerably more than the Cameo and J480.  Never really thought about the seating arrangement on it as Spatech noted, but looking at it online I can see what he means.  Even the smaller Cameo with a lounge appears more open.

You're definitely going about it the right way by wet testing.  I was at the same dealers a couple times wet testing and comparing before finally pulling the trigger.  Enjoy your search and your tub when you decide.  I don't think you could go wrong either way.


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2007, 12:01:52 am »
Our qoute on J480 with all the accessories was 12K, so a 2K difference from your area to mine. We are located in southern CT, not too far from your neck of the woods, but we often end up paying top dollar on everything. The price of being near the Big Apple I guess.
  They have a 2006 J355 on the floor that we were qouted 8K for (it does have a stereo) and also a 2006 J365 for 7.5K (no stereo).
 We also like the Sundance Optima and Cameo, and may end up in one yet, but up here they were both 10K, so we are trying to justify paying 1500 dollars more than the 8.5K the Caldera dealer qouted us on a Geneva. We could swing the Sundance, but as you stated, that money could be used for other stuff, like paying for the slab and the electrician.  
 Very hard to gauge the relationship between price and quality. Both Sundance and Caldera seem like great companies, both tubs were phenominal nd both dealers are great too. The easy answer is get the Geneva, but this is a big decision and we are trying to get it right the first time.


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2007, 09:31:02 am »
It's August of '07,  Why do these dealers still have '06 spas?

If you are interested in one of those, get a better price. ;)

They don't want to have 2 year old spas on the floor.
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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2007, 09:31:02 am »


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