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Author Topic: First timer, went wet testing today (long)  (Read 9787 times)


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2007, 11:58:49 pm »
Hi Lynn, we were pretty much in your shoes a year ago.. trying to decide between a Caldera (niagara) and  Sundance (optima).  We also had roughly a $1,500 difference between the two.  The Sundance was our first choice, however the Caldera was a VERY close second.  

We really, really, really liked just about everything about the Caldera, and we especially liked saving the $$.   The decision consumed me for nearly a month.  We ultimately went with the Sundance because we felt it was a little higher quality (and my husband was impressed with the circ pump and filtration)  and it was 'the one' for us.   I'm positive we would have been very happy with the Caldera but my husband said as long as we were spending that much money, we should get EXACTLY what we want.  (Was really MY husband talking?!?  :o)    

I've read it here a few times.. that once you hop into your tub you don't really think about what you spent.  And I could not agree more!     FWIW we did spend another 1,500 or so adding an extension onto our existing deck... but we never regretted spending the extra on the spa.

They are both great tubs and I think you'd be happy with either of them.  If you like them equally then by all means go with the Caldera.   Good luck with your decision!!

PS we did wet test each 2 or 3 times.. don't be bashful about multiple wet tests if you are uncertain.  We noticed different things each time we went.  

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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2007, 11:58:49 pm »


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2007, 12:37:12 am »
Thanks Pt, we are going to wet test them both again soon. We remember liking both tubs equally, however we wet tested a Maxxus, not an Optima or Cameo. Also a large part of the problem is that the hubby likes the idea a lounger (Geneva has) and I liked the foot dome (Optima). However in our house it is I who am the frugal one and $1,500 is enough to do the electrical and the pad so at the moment, the Geneva is the leader.
 There is an 06 Optima with a stereo that the dealer is asking $9,800 for, if I can get the hubby to forgo the lounge and also get the dealer to drop his price that may the tub for us yet.


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2007, 08:31:47 am »
We paid $8,800 for our Optima, no stereo so $9,800 w/ stereo is not a bad price... if you can get him down.. even better!  

I do wish we'd sprung an extra 1,000 for a stereo.  We haul out a small boom box and set it on a table near the tub.. not nearly as convenient as having it integrated into the tub.  And the volume/jet noise balance is harder to control with the boom box.. so we generally keep the volume pretty low.

Re lounger/no lounger .. we went back and forth on that also  :)    We have 2 kids and wanted to have the most seats (space) available so as not to be on top of one another.  Seemed like most loungers take the place of 3 seats.  One of the Caldera's had a 1/2 lounger which was very comfortable without compromising the # of seats.    The Optima has does have several seats that are designed to sit sideways (the ones w/ the long headrests) so you sit in a lounger position - just w/out the plastic under your legs.  Also I've found that you can stectch out on the foot dome and you get a fairly reclined position.  We had a man from church put our electrical in so we got a good price on that.   Anyway,  good luck w/ your decision!   Either one will be great!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 08:38:15 am by PW_Soaker »


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2007, 09:54:49 am »
Seemed like most loungers take the place of 3 seats.

Cameo (lounge) and Optima (no lounge) are identical dimension-wise and the seating arrangement is similar.  Except of course for the lounge, which appears to take up only two seats.  It was a tough choice deciding between the lounge or foot dome.  Maxxus offers the best of both worlds, but I didn't see it being worth the price difference.


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2007, 01:33:20 pm »

 In an ideal world, we would be getting the Maxxus with a stereo, but at 13K for that package from our local dealer, and with so many other toys to buy ;) thats not going to happen. Honestly at this point, we are most likely going with the Geneva. We are going to wet test again on Saturday and make a detailed list of pros and cons and also get a "best" price from the 2 dealers. However in all honesty it will be tough for the Sundance dealer to make up the $1,500 difference IMO.
 Thanks for the inputs into our quest.


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2007, 03:23:41 pm »
In an ideal world, we would be getting the Maxxus with a stereo, but at 13K for that package from our local dealer, and with so many other toys to buy ;) thats not going to happen. Honestly at this point, we are most likely going with the Geneva. We are going to wet test again on Saturday and make a detailed list of pros and cons and also get a "best" price from the 2 dealers. However in all honesty it will be tough for the Sundance dealer to make up the $1,500 difference IMO.
 Thanks for the inputs into our quest.

How'd the wet tests go? Did you pull the trigger. :D


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2007, 04:46:02 pm »
Sems like you only examined the jets and the lay out - dig deeper make sure you evaluate
cost of operation, construction technique( solid foam vs. frame with light duty foam), sanitizer options, dealer reputation, ease of maintenance and chemical costs.

You have wet tested some of the best ( and actually some of the worst) do a little more digging before laying down 10K- THERE IS A WIDE VARIANCE


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2007, 09:28:58 pm »
Hi All,

 Well we spent the day wet testing again. We started out in the Geneva. My husband is tall and had some issues with the neck massaging seat that needs your shoulders under the collar to work correctly. The slouching required on his part negates the therapy he gains. He also did not like the lounger so much as he did last week. After sitting in it for 10 minutes he complained that his low back was getting sore due to him not fitting the seat well enough (he was essentially braced by his upper hamstrings and shoulders in the seat with his back suspended). So this threw a wrench into our plans. We went over all the delivery instructions anyhow, but it seems that the Caldera Spas are not going to be the one.
 We then drove over to the Sundance dealer and hopped into the Maxxus. We enjoyed it. He fits everywhere very well and I love the foot dome. Again the only rub is money. They still had the 06 Optima with stereo and now say it can be ours for 10K including tax (6% in CT). We left without buying anything, but both feek that we may now have to suck it up and get a Maxxus as we both really enjoy the tub and it has everything we want in a tub.
 The only real discussion left for us is if we want to re-visit the Artesian line as we are now looking at a different ballpark money wise that will allow us to see about a Pelican Bay. Although we will visit a different dealer, the last one left us cold ;).
 So, another day testing and still no tub. More to follow I am sure....


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2007, 10:46:06 pm »
It's a good thing you tested the Caldera again as you found that it wasn't a good fit for hubby.   :(  The Maxxus is very nice, we have only sat in one dry and it felt very comfy and roomy even without water.   Any way to talk the dealer on lowering the price?  We live in the midwest and the Sundance dealer here has a pretty good sale going on, has the Maxxus for $11,399.


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2007, 11:27:10 pm »

 Well we did ask about how firm the price was and the there is a wee bit of wiggle room there, say 200 bucks and an upgraded set of steps. We are debating the stereo option now. Without it, that would put us at $11,700, not too far off of the mid west price.


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2007, 11:45:04 pm »
If you have a big family or if you plan to have a lot of parties, don't get the lounge. If its just two of you, then get the lounge because, you don't have to sit in it, and you might find later that you enjoy it more than you thought you would.


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2007, 08:40:32 am »
Wow, the Pelican Bay must be new this year b/c we didn't see it when we bought our Piper Glen and it's not in the Platinum class book from 2006.  It looks nice....I guess it's around the same size as the Maxxus?  One nice advantage to the Artesian Platinum Class Line is the individual controls for each seat..... big plus IMO.  I don't think you can go wrong with any of the ones you're wet testing!  Good luck.....let us know the outcome.


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2007, 11:28:31 am »
We have had an Optima for 2 1/2 months. We absolutely love it! I hardly use any chemicals. The filter doesn't need to be cleaned or soaked in solution, just change it every nine months. The service has been amazing (Rob in Kitchener). If we ever get another hot tub we will have a tough time buying anything but Sundance. Hope this helps.


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2007, 08:53:04 am »
Lynn - just curious as to what happened with your other wet tests?


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2007, 12:32:17 am »

 We have a quote from an electrician for 500 for the hookup. So thats one thing taken care of. We also have had 2 contractors out to see about a pad and/or a deck for the tub. Another contractor will be here in about 8 hours for a third qoute.
 Now if only we could decide on a tub ;) We went out on Thursday night and wet tested an Artesian Quail Ridge. However since it was an 06 AND we are interested in the Pelican bay, not a real valid comparision. They have a Pelicab Bay in the back bay area and we got a chance to see it and how it was layed out. We both thought that the layout was superior to the Maxxus as both tubs are the same size, but the Maxxus has far fewer seating areas.
 So we like the layout better, but since we couldn't wet test there and the other Artesian dealer was horrendous,  we simply cannot get a feeling for how the Pelican bay will work out for us. We also know that we both like the Maxxus jets and the tub fits us (no floating etc). Also the Maxxus is a bit cheaper (500 dollars) and the comes with steps and cover lifter , while the Pelican Bay comes with neither.
 So while the Pelican Bay has its advantages and MAY be a great therapy tub, the lack of being able to try one wet will most likely make the Maxxus the winner by default.


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Re: First timer, went wet testing today (long)
« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2007, 12:32:17 am »


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