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thanks for the replythere have not been a lot of people, mostly me, couple of times 2 people and once 3.when i took the water on thur the numbers were very lowph was 7.1alkalinity 73, calcium harness 147 and sanitizer (chlorine) was 0not sure why i had been checking it and it wasn't over usedit has been very hot here thou.don't know if that has any effectSO...i added all the chemicals thur and fri and didn't use the tubthis morning it is still cloudy so I took another sample(the store guy is probably tired of seeing me walk in)now everything is high alkalinity 151total chlorine4.2free chlorine 4.0combined chlorine 0.2 Â not sure why it is all broken down in this report and wasn't on thursday so he said to buy a clarifier for the cloudy water which i did and added 3/4 Â oz this morning and have been running the tub it looks better than on thursday but still not clear like it should beI also have difficulty with the test strips and the colors i look at it and it could be light blue or maybe mediumI have wanted a spa for years and the reason (besides money) that I never got one was I knew the chemical stuff would be a challenge.I really apprciate your replies.pat
now everything is high alkalinity 151total chlorine4.2free chlorine 4.0combined chlorine 0.2
Vinny mentioned cleaning the filters after the clarifier use. Â That was the first mention of filters I saw.Clean your filter at least once a month, maybe more often by hosing them off. Â Chemically clean 3 to 4 times a year.Typically manufacturers recommend chemically cleaning once a month. Â Most folks I know are on a regime similar to what I suggest. Â However, you cannot overclean a filter.Others may have other suggestions regarding how often or how to clean filter. Â Key is to do it!