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Author Topic: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!  (Read 20190 times)


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2007, 10:09:58 pm »
I can't tell what Taylor's test kit I bought.  When I went to the store, I asked him for a specific Taylor kit and the outside is labeled Leslie's Pool & Supply but all components on the inside are labeled Taylor.  But you believe that the test results should be immediate (like the test strips) and most likely I do need to add the sodium bromide--although one web site I was on did not recommend for some reason--so much information--it's hard to remember everything!  

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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2007, 10:09:58 pm »


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2007, 06:18:48 am »
I can't tell what Taylor's test kit I bought.  When I went to the store, I asked him for a specific Taylor kit and the outside is labeled Leslie's Pool & Supply but all components on the inside are labeled Taylor.  But you believe that the test results should be immediate (like the test strips) and most likely I do need to add the sodium bromide--although one web site I was on did not recommend for some reason--so much information--it's hard to remember everything!  
Post a picture of it and we'll try to help you figure out what kit it is. Also, everything that I've read/heard states to record my results immediately but thats with my k-2005.


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2007, 09:42:00 pm »
Post a picture of it and we'll try to help you figure out what kit it is. Also, everything that I've read/heard states to record my results immediately but thats with my k-2005.

I think you are all right--it should register immediately as the pH and alkaline reading do.  

My husband is ready to turn it into a sand box--I almost cried!!    :'(  Is this possible--after one week of use.  He seems to think there is something in the tub eating the chemical up--phosphates (sp?).  

I'm just getting irritated--I have this beautiful spa I can't use.  But I'll be patient because I know in the long run--it will be worth it!

I haven't figured out how you post pictures on this site--so I can show you why I'm so sad with a beautiful tub I can't use.   :'(
« Last Edit: July 19, 2007, 09:42:53 pm by spaz »


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2007, 06:32:45 am »

I think you are all right--it should register immediately as the pH and alkaline reading do.  

My husband is ready to turn it into a sand box--I almost cried!!    :'(  Is this possible--after one week of use.  He seems to think there is something in the tub eating the chemical up--phosphates (sp?).  

I'm just getting irritated--I have this beautiful spa I can't use.  But I'll be patient because I know in the long run--it will be worth it!

I haven't figured out how you post pictures on this site--so I can show you why I'm so sad with a beautiful tub I can't use.   :'(

I got a bromine reading this morning--YEAH!!!!  But of course, as life would have it, the pH and alkalinity were very low now I'm trying to fix that.  I hope to be soaking tonight with a glass of wine!  


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2007, 06:38:40 am »

I think you are all right--it should register immediately as the pH and alkaline reading do.  

My husband is ready to turn it into a sand box--I almost cried!!    :'(  Is this possible--after one week of use.  He seems to think there is something in the tub eating the chemical up--phosphates (sp?).  

I'm just getting irritated--I have this beautiful spa I can't use.  But I'll be patient because I know in the long run--it will be worth it!

I haven't figured out how you post pictures on this site--so I can show you why I'm so sad with a beautiful tub I can't use.   :'(

There's no crying in hot tubbing. :)  Take your time, it will all come together.  There is a bit of a learning curve.  We've all been through this.


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2007, 05:13:19 pm »
Can you believe it--my chemicals are relatively balanced at 5:09 pm--alkalinity was 10 ppm low so I raised it a tad.  It looks like I'll be able to soak tonight.  Thank goodness because my feet are killing me.

Thanks everyone for all the support.  I may keep asking questions when I need your help.  I'll try and help you too if I can.

I do have one last question....even though I have not been in the tub all week, the chemicals seem to flucuate fairly rapidly.  Any idea of the causes?  Could it be phosphates?  Why would my spa rep tell me I only need to test my water once a week.  That almost seems deadly.  Maybe some of you could help answer that question for me.

As soon as I learn how to post pictures, I'll show my beautiful Jacuzzi J-365.  


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2007, 06:51:34 pm »
As you become less of a newbie it all becomes easier and easier.

The chemicals fluctuate because of the heat and/or bacteria. Even though you don't soak, your tub isn't an entirely closed system. Air gets in there carrying spores and the chems neutralize them and disipate.

Phosphates don't really do anything except for help algea in a pool. Right now it seems crazy to test the water once a week but once you get used to how YOUR water is behaving, it is probably all you need.

I would not suggest a once a week test until you feel comfortable in the chemical balance and sanitizing needs.


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2007, 06:56:53 pm »
As you become less of a newbie it all becomes easier and easier.

The chemicals fluctuate because of the heat and/or bacteria. Even though you don't soak, your tub isn't an entirely closed system. Air gets in there carrying spores and the chems neutralize them and disipate.

Phosphates don't really do anything except for help algea in a pool. Right now it seems crazy to test the water once a week but once you get used to how YOUR water is behaving, it is probably all you need.

I would not suggest a once a week test until you feel comfortable in the chemical balance and sanitizing needs.

Thanks Vinny.  Your right, a once a week test seems ridiculous for me right now.  I think I tested it a total of 4 times today.  My family is calling ME a chemist--HA--what a joke that is.  

Can you tell me, how do you post a picture on this site?  
« Last Edit: July 20, 2007, 06:57:55 pm by spaz »


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2007, 08:19:56 am »
To post a picture you need to download a photo to photo webhosting site, the only one I know is photobucket.com.

Once there, copy the image name at the site and as you type a message here you have to use the "insert image" button which is the 3 rd button under the "message icon" drop down box. Stick the image name between the two and depending on the size of the photo, it should be OK. At photobucket you can choose the size of the picture, they have one for web viewing I think.

It sounds more complicated than it really is. Photobucket has 3 photonames and I usually pick the image name (I think it's the third one) and insert.


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2007, 08:27:55 am »
Ahhhh.....the tempature was perfect last night--and so was the spa.  And waking up this morning without any ailments was nice too!  So far so good.  I think I've got the 1st 3 balanced.  My jacuzzi rep told me not to be concerned about the calcium so I haven't been testing for that.  Is it because I'm using the bromine system or what.  I thought the hardness of your water was very important too.  Are there are other things I need to be looking out for?  


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2007, 08:43:09 am »
I'm glad you had a totally enjoyable experience!

Calcium is one of the parameters that is debated, some believe in it others do not. It is part of "balanced water" in the 2 main water indexes - the Langlier & Hamilton.

I personally add calcium to my tub to balance my water and use it as insurance that soft water won't attack anything in my tub. It's cheap enough and I don't add too much as I usually shoot for 150 to 200 PPM and test it once at every water change.

I am sure others will chime in.

The parameters to test for are: Alkalinity, PH, Calcium, Sanitizer and if using chlorine (dichlor or trichlor) stabilizer.


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2007, 09:12:24 am »
I do as Vinny does and only test CH once at the start of a new fill. It's usually between 100 and 250ppm . I have never added any increaser and my water has never giving me the slightest of problems.



ps- Have you figured out how to post pics yet? I have some very detailed instructions that I can post if need be. :)
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 09:17:19 am by WHY_NOT »


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #27 on: July 21, 2007, 03:55:55 pm »
Ahhhh.....the tempature was perfect last night--and so was the spa.  And waking up this morning without any ailments was nice too!  So far so good.  I think I've got the 1st 3 balanced.  My jacuzzi rep told me not to be concerned about the calcium so I haven't been testing for that.  Is it because I'm using the bromine system or what.  I thought the hardness of your water was very important too.  Are there are other things I need to be looking out for?  

I always thought C.H. will eat your components, especially the heater??    :-?
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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2007, 04:42:33 pm »

I always thought C.H. will eat your components, especially the heater??    :-?

Calcium, in the proper range, will put a light coating on the spa components and help to protect them.  Too high a calcium level will put too heavy a coating and add scale.  Water with a low calcium level will seek it from sources that contain it.  Portable spas with acylic shells and modern pumps and heaters are pretty much imune to calcium seeking water which is why many say there is no need to add calcium if your tap level is low.  However, in a concrete spa or pool, it is essential to maintain calcium in the proper range  because water will seek to gain balance and draw the calcium from the concrete.  I like to keep my calcium level just over 100 ppm.  Water from my tap comes in at about 50 ppm.  I raise it because calcium also puts a little polish to the water.  I keep it at the relatively low end of normal because I feel that too high a calcium level can be more troublesome than too low a level.


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Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #29 on: July 25, 2007, 09:35:57 pm »
Okay, I'm looking for a book "Hot Tub for Dummies".  I just don't understand how all of you keep everything in check!  Just for example, on Saturday I went to (4) different places to have my water tested.  I know it sounds crazy but I just wanted to see the results I would get and just as I suspected they were all different.  Why you ask?  One had a machine the strip went thru, one had a physics looking lab that measured in decimals, one just did a strip test and one did a Taylor kit type test.  All with different results, different quantities of chemicals to add to make it perfect.  No wonder this is so challenging!!  I've been in my tub every night but only for 20 minutes.  The bromine reading is still low--in fact the (3) tabs that were in there a week ago don't look any different.  I generally add the oxidizer every evening after getting out of the tub.  The alkaline is perfect but the pH is high.  I've read that a high pH is better than a low pH.  I can't even think about the calcium because just measuring those (3) is enough.  One good thing--all the stress of this has helped me to lose 6 lbs. and a girl can never complain about that!!!

Okay so all you hot tub experts out there--and I know from reading this forum for the past (2) months there are many of you.  What is a person to do?  Should I worry or just sit back and relax?

Also, one more technical question.  We fill the water every night just below the headrests (like we are supposed to) yet the next evening the water is low enough to not allow the top jets to be fully submerged.  Is it normal to experience this type of water loss?  My spa is covered all day but it does get direct sun most of the day however the weather has been cooler than normal with a lower humidity than normal.  Just asking as it seems odd I have to fill it constantly.  

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Balancing Chemicals--HELP PLEASE!!!!
« Reply #29 on: July 25, 2007, 09:35:57 pm »


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