Sorry, just testing the pics...
So my Diamante arrived this week, 7 weeks after order date. The salesman tried to get the tub to me in 4 weeks, but because of the 4th holiday and such, I knew it would be a stretch to get it here that quickly. My wife and I were patient, they had offered us a replacement tub with a stereo in it, but I declined because it was a different color scheme.
I am glad we waited. The tub is just beautiful.
I had the electrician (WJ Electric in Albuquerque) out the morning of the delivery date, running the first leg from the main panel to the GFCI box. All went well there and they wrapped up by 11am, told me to call them when the tub arrived that afternoon and he would be by to finish the install.
The delivery guys didn't show up until 4:30, with a pending thunderstorm on the brink. We (yes, we) managed to wrestle the tub from the truck and get it on the dolly. I'm sure the 3 guys they sent would have eventually got it in my backyard, but I think my help was appreciated!
The electrician was in the neighborhood and swung by as we were moving it to it's location, but wouldn't stay to finish the electrical, so I had to wait until the morning. The tub guys did the once over on tub basics, had me sign off, and they were on their way.
I must say, the tub arrived in immaculate condition. Not a scratch or nick on the cabinet, which is absolutely beautiful craftsmanship.
I cleaned out the bottom of the tub after they unwrapped it and started the fill. Needless to say, I was anxious for power.
Will from WJ showed up at 0730 the next day and was quickly working towards completion. We had power to the tub by 0900. He set it up on a 50 amp service, but he put an ammeter on the lines and with all pumps running and the heater on full this thing is pulling 62 amps

. I am having him switch to 60 amp breakers, although the tub is not tripping the 50amp now.
I watched in horror as the meter spun out of control....

The tub is just wonderful. The 3- 5hp pumps are plenty powerful enough, but when you add the blower, it just has incredible action. Run the blower on it's own and you get a totally different sensation. I do have a problem, it seems, with my neck jets in the lounger. Only 1 seems to spin full time, and I can no longer shut them off. They may just need an adjustement...Everything else works great and we love the tub.
I think my water chemistry is in the ballpark, they've got me using strips and brought over Sea-Clear chems. Then promptly told me I should use Nature-2? I'm still up in the air on which way to go with the chems.
Anyway, we're soaking away! Here are a few more pics...