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Author Topic: Tubbin' and Migraines  (Read 2939 times)

KY Girl in OH

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Tubbin' and Migraines
« on: July 25, 2007, 10:01:38 pm »
I see all kinds of articles, references etc. regarding relief of arthritis and back and muscle aches and pains after tubbin'. Wondering if any fellow migraine suffers out there have noticed any short or long-term relief with their migraines? I've had one all day and am going to hop in in just a bit and see what happens. Would've tried sooner, but it was too light (I'm very, very light sensitive when I have one) and raining when I got home from work. So, I came home and slept it off (for the most part) instead. Just wondering if anyone else had experiences to report.

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Tubbin' and Migraines
« on: July 25, 2007, 10:01:38 pm »


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Re: Tubbin' and Migraines
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2007, 10:10:43 pm »
I get the rare occasional migraine, havent had one since I have had my tub...about 6 weeks now...maybe there is a connection between soaking and not getting them??
I have noticed from the start that every now and then my shins itch terribly about 5-10 seconds after getting out. It is only my shins affected for some strange reason and it goes away within about 10-15 seconds. I could see if my water is off, its not, but I would think it would bother more than just my shins...is it just me?
KYGirl...you ready for my wet test yet? :) I would like to see if yours makes me itch too, call it a test for the other users benefit :)

KY Girl in OH

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Re: Tubbin' and Migraines
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2007, 12:20:46 am »
KYGirl...you ready for my wet test yet? :) I would like to see if yours makes me itch too, call it a test for the other users benefit :)
I think I have everything balanced now.  Although I think I may be too OCD for test strips. I'm still not sure about the PH. It looks more of a light fuschia or pinky light orange than red or orange to me, but not bright or dark enough to be high, so I think it's okay [smiley=huh.gif]. Since everything else looks perfect and it's not been a full week, I'm going to wait and see on Saturday. ;)Bring the wife and the cute kid, go to the airshow and then come soak. Of course I'm on call so chances are better than good that I'll get called in since there's more interesting things to do around town and at home. I'll leave the key under the mat for you. ;)


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Re: Tubbin' and Migraines
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2007, 07:55:48 am »
II have noticed from the start that every now and then my shins itch terribly about 5-10 seconds after getting out. It is only my shins affected for some strange reason and it goes away within about 10-15 seconds.

Sounds like Chlorine is too high. (at the moment you soak) a quick rinse with cold water will stop it.  The blood vessels and nerves are very close to the skin on your shins so its susecptible to extreme heat or cold quickly.     The hotter your tub is the more you notice it.   And the longer you soak the more likelyyou are to feel it.  
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Re: Tubbin' and Migraines
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2007, 07:57:36 am »
I think Bring the wife and the cute kid, go to the airshow and then come soak. )

The Dayton airshow is this weekend?  Dang, I missed it. Its been a couple of years.
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Re: Tubbin' and Migraines
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2007, 05:51:50 pm »

Sounds like Chlorine is too high. (at the moment you soak) a quick rinse with cold water will stop it.  The blood vessels and nerves are very close to the skin on your shins so its susecptible to extreme heat or cold quickly.     The hotter your tub is the more you notice it.   And the longer you soak the more likelyyou are to feel it.  
Thanks for the feedback. The only chlorine I use is a weekly shock called boost. bringing it up to about 3ppm and then letting it drop back down before soaking. I am on some chem program where a product call SilSpa is the main disinfectant and its chlorine free,,using silver as the active ingredient, then after the last soak, I throw a capful of something by the name of OxyShock in it. All my readings are dead on except for chlorine which is about non existant, except after I do the weekly shock with Boost.
 It still makes sense what you say about the shins, probably one of the chems I use causing it...it usualy happens maybe 1 in 5 soaks...and only last 5-10 seconds...


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Re: Tubbin' and Migraines
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2007, 05:55:42 pm »
I think Bring the wife and the cute kid, go to the airshow and then come soak. Of course I'm on call so chances are better than good that I'll get called in since there's more interesting things to do around town and at home. I'll leave the key under the mat for you. ;)
Wife and cute kid?? That wouldnt be NEAR as much fun!! :)
Although he does love the Dayton Air Show! We went last year, parked and walked about 1 mile, it was like the hottest day of the year...just stifling hot and of course I had to carry him just about everywhere, adding to my displeasure :( We lasted about an hour and a half, left before the Blue Angels performed...I couldnt take the heat I guess :)
But yes, leave the key under the mat, I am trustworthy :)
I'll bring the wine and will be waiting for you!  ;) ;) ;)

KY Girl in OH

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Re: Tubbin' and Migraines
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2007, 11:41:04 pm »
Airshow advice -- park at University Dayton Arena right off of Edwin C. Moses Blvd. They have a shuttle. It's been a while since I went, but seems it's only a couple of bucks a person and they drop you off at the entrance. About 15 South of actual Airshow. Saves a little hassle. It is always hot it seems, although this year may be the exception. Didn't check the forecast since I'll be at work. :P

Back to topic -- soaking did seem to help my headache. Will see what happens in the future, but at same time won't be wishing for a headache just so I can test it out. :-/

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Re: Tubbin' and Migraines
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2007, 11:41:04 pm »


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