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I found a Master Spas 1999 or 2000 FS 670 L 5 seater for $750 bucks that's been inside all it's life so the tub is in good shape
My current CalSpa probably costs me $60 to $80 a month in the winter to run. I really want something that has digital controls so I can set it at one temperature and not have to worry that when I go out to get in it at 10:00 at night that it's 120 degrees which has happened more than once or that it only 70 because the stupid timer got stuck 2 days ago and hasn't heated or filtered the tub and yes I've replaced the timer twice.
Have you seen it running? If not you're simply moving it out of the way for the owner and hoping it won't be too much hassle or too costly to get/keep it running. If you don't see it running this isn't much better than all those cases of people getting "free" spas where they are really just taking a big boat anchor off somone's hands. Then again, sometimes there are great bargains out there on these nearly free spas so it's a crapshoot. While it may not be a favorite brand of many, if you see it running and it checks out fine its not a big gamble $wise. If you're only going on a promise of "it was running just fine before I unhooked it!" I'd say thanks but no thanks (unless you don't mind projects with undefinable outcomes).
Wow. that's a lot. I bet your had the original cover on that? A tight good fitting cover will make a huge difference in any spa. This is complete conjecture, but I would guess that the old Master with a good cover would cost about the same as cal spa with a bad cover (assuming the master has a good tight skirt). if it's got holes then forgattaboutit. You need a new tub.