I'm a newbie when it comes to spa chemicals. I've had my tub for two and a half weeks. When we first filled it, on 06/27, we took a water sample to our dealer. According to the analysis, our calcium hardness level was 273ppm. Supposedly it's supposed to be between 200-400ppm. Took another sample in on 07/06 and the calcium level was 257ppm. Had it tested again today and it was 187ppm. Their prinout suggested that I add Calcium Hardness Increaser. When I got home to do so, I discovered that was not part of our chemical start-up kit so I need to run out tomorrow and buy some.
My question is, what causes the calcium level to drop? We have an ozonator on the tub along with a complimentarty Nature 2 cartridge. We shock with MPS after every use and use Dichlor Granular as our sanitizer. Also, is there any way to test for calcium besides taking a sample to the dealer? Thanks in advance.