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Author Topic: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?  (Read 15776 times)


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D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« on: June 29, 2007, 07:36:50 am »
I read through many posts last night and see this is a very active message board. I also notice nobody really talks about dimension1 spas (d1spas.com) , but I will ask my question anyway. I really like the size, style and therapudic features of the Nautilus($10k). The salesperson says that with the "ultrapure" ozone system, it is very easy to maintain. The extra $2k is killing me. The system shoots the ozone into a tube that takes 30-45 seconds to travel around the tub and then exits into the water after the ozone has done its deed. I have read some people say they don't even need the ozonator?? I am confused.  
I also liked the 'shpeal' the salesman said about 24hour continuous ozone treatment with low power consumption. Is this a marketing tactic, or is it common to most spas?  
We also wet tested a sundance chelsee that I liked, but it had a stereo and seemed like a high price with all the "extras" they had on the floor model. If I pay cash, it's $8k.  
I think I have it narrowed down to the sd chelsee and the dimension 1 nautulis ($10k) or its little brother "sojourn" $7k. I have not we tested the dimension1's yet because they don't keep water in those models.  
I am also temped to consider a similar sized cal spa, but don't know what model. I want 6-7 seats. My son plays football and I expect several of his buds to soak after practice and games.  
Any advise?  opinions, helpful resources would be great. Thanks,  


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D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« on: June 29, 2007, 07:36:50 am »


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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2007, 08:40:26 am »
I read through many posts last night and see this is a very active message board. I also notice nobody really talks about dimension1 spas (d1spas.com) , but I will ask my question anyway. I really like the size, style and therapudic features of the Nautilus($10k). The salesperson says that with the "ultrapure" ozone system, it is very easy to maintain. The extra $2k is killing me. The system shoots the ozone into a tube that takes 30-45 seconds to travel around the tub and then exits into the water after the ozone has done its deed. I have read some people say they don't even need the ozonator?? I am confused.  
I also liked the 'shpeal' the salesman said about 24hour continuous ozone treatment with low power consumption. Is this a marketing tactic, or is it common to most spas?  
We also wet tested a sundance chelsee that I liked, but it had a stereo and seemed like a high price with all the "extras" they had on the floor model. If I pay cash, it's $8k.  
I think I have it narrowed down to the sd chelsee and the dimension 1 nautulis ($10k) or its little brother "sojourn" $7k. I have not we tested the dimension1's yet because they don't keep water in those models.  
I am also temped to consider a similar sized cal spa, but don't know what model. I want 6-7 seats. My son plays football and I expect several of his buds to soak after practice and games.  
Any advise?  opinions, helpful resources would be great. Thanks,  

Not quite sure about the D1 Ultrapure ozone system, but most modern spas come ozone ready with a mixing chamber (long tube) and pretty much all spas with a circ pump ozonate 24/7.  The cost for ozonators tends to be in the $200 - $400 range.  An ozonator is certainly not needed.  I for one have disconnected mine.  Although I feel they help with water maintenance, I also feel they do a number on pillows, covers, etc.

D1 is a quality manufacturer, but so is Sundance.  Both will serve you well.  As far as the football player and his buds...shock, shock, shock. ;)


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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2007, 09:01:40 am »

Not quite sure about the D1 Ultrapure ozone system, but most modern spas come ozone ready with a mixing chamber (long tube) and pretty much all spas with a circ pump ozonate 24/7.  The cost for ozonators tends to be in the $200 - $400 range.  An ozonator is certainly not needed.  I for one have disconnected mine.  Although I feel they help with water maintenance, I also feel they do a number on pillows, covers, etc.

D1 is a quality manufacturer, but so is Sundance.  Both will serve you well.  As far as the football player and his buds...shock, shock, shock. ;)
IMO, the Ultrapure is the main reason for buying a D1! We have put several brands up against them on our showroom floor and nothing, NOTHING has come close to the water quality in the D1's runing them side by side.

Off gas is not an issue with the D1 ozone and it wil not attack your pillows or cover or anything else. That has been their claim to fame for more years than anyone else...they were the first to come out with a "no off gas" O3 system.

My question to you is if you where drinking that water and needed to feel comfortable in how clean it was would you by the best purification system?

I personally would spend more money on the purification system then just about anything else in the spa. My families health and well being is worth it!

TubGuy 21

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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2007, 09:39:55 am »
I recently bought the D1 Chairmain II loaded with all the options....the only thing I paid extra for was the LFX effects package that included the fountain, lighted logo tile, outside lighting, ect.  The ozonator was a standard feature in my tub...you may want to double check and see if the dealer is just trying to get some extra $$$ out of you....with the extra $700 for the lfx package, I still only paid $ 9800.00 (i had a Dr's script, so I didnt pay tax).....$9200.00 before the LFX.  

Also, I was told by the dealer that between the ozonator and vision cartriage, I would only have to add a small amount of MPS once a week.....THIS DID NOT WORK FOR ME.....it took me 2 weeks and my water turning gray before I learned from this board that I needed to add Dichlor or MPS after each soak and maintain the water balance.....the ozonator alone will not keep your water clean...

Dont get me wrong, D1 tubs are top quality and I love my Chairman II...I just think you can get a better deal...I also was pushed to take the floor model (2006) but ended up ordering a 2007 for the same price as the proposed floor model discount.  The 2007 also came with the upgraded control panel.

I am also on the east coast (as far away from the factory in CA as you can get) so dont let them tell you the price depends on location.

Good luck!!!
« Last Edit: June 29, 2007, 09:41:37 am by TubGuy_21 »


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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2007, 02:12:53 pm »
tubguy, nice to know a little more about the D1. Thanks. It seems like you have to pay more for extras on the D1's, and I'm still not sure about other brand ozone system. D1 claims it only takes 98watts to continually ozonate the water with a separate pump. Do other tubs have similar dedicated small pump?

Also, I wanted to know about your dr script since the main reason I am getting the tub is for its therapudic qualities. Most of my back issues clear up within a week so I really have never seen a dr. Do you have to have a running history of dr visits to qualify for this. Some extra info would be helpful in case I can do something similar. I would really like to be able to afford the D1.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2007, 03:01:01 pm »
 I dont think its 2 grand nicer than anyone else's.  You will still have to use said amount of chemicals to keep the water balanced and clean.

 I just think 2000.00 could be spent on something else other than an ozone system.


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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2007, 03:28:04 pm »
All HotSpring Spas come with 24-hr ozone as STANDARD equipment.  There is also no other brand of spa made that is more energy efficient.

Just giving you more choices, my friend. :)

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2007, 03:48:48 pm »
All HotSpring Spas come with 24-hr ozone as STANDARD equipment.  There is also no other brand of spa made that is more energy efficient.

Just giving you more choices, my friend. :)



I think your statement about energy costs is accurate as I do not think you will find any other brands that are MORE energy efficient than Hot Springs but you will find some that are AS energy efficient. I think it is very reasonable that most WELL MADE spas cost "about" the same to operate. It is the poorly made spas that will cost significantly more dollars in energy cost each month.


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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2007, 03:49:56 pm »
D1's ozone system is simply a RIP OFF.  $2K for a $300 ozonator?  This is Purely a sales pitch. Do NOT fall for it.  Ozone does help, but there are levels of sanity (the mental kind)  that needs to be applied to your choices.  Contrary to what the D1 salesperson is telling you ^^^, the competitors treatment processes are JUST as effective.  I have a CD ozonator on my Jacuzzi J370 and have been satisfied with it's 24x7 delivery capabilities (although it only REALLY needs to be delivered periodically).  Put simply, everything has a valid price and D1 salespeople appear to be "too proud" of their products to actually move large quantities of them (and thus the logic why you don't see many people chatting about them online).  Seems like they'd rather "reem" a few customers by charging them a lot than they would to sell at a more "competitive" priced product (as most other dealers do).  So, is a D1 worth $10K?  Maybe.  Is the Ozone worth another #12K?  Probably not and the primary logic is that you can get a top-of-the-line Spa from Hot Springs, Sundance or most any other top teir mfg for the $10K price alone that ALREADY has the ozonator built in.  My rec is that you tell the D1 salesperson that you like it, but in order to compete, he would need to "show goodwill" and "throw it in" for the $10K cost.  Just watch the look on his face when he realizes that your serious!  Take a camera if you can...
« Last Edit: June 29, 2007, 03:50:53 pm by ndabunka »
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

Quickly approaching a mid-life crisis one day at a time.


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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2007, 04:32:53 pm »
What Stuart said is something that I struggled with in both my pool and spa originally - I wanted drinking water quality water. The problem is its not drinking water - it's spa or pool water. People swim in lakes, streams and rivers not to mention some pools with questionable water quality. Drinking water is a closed system once it leaves the the source, pools and spas are constantly battling the elements.

For some people this system may be a neccessity for others not. It really is dependent on how "clean" you want/need the spa's water.

For me I would not pay the extra $2K for an ozone system. As others have said we all have systems that give us clean water, maybe not as pure as D1 but clean enough for us not to get sick (and actually probably a lot cleaner than that).


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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2007, 05:03:36 pm »
I sold a Vanguard to a lady Saturday.  She had come in the week before.  During my presentation, I scooped a handful of water out of one of our spas and drank it.  She said that sold her the spa.

The water in a HotSpring Spa is cleaner than the water that comes out of most peoples' faucets.

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2007, 05:12:07 pm »

Thats impressive.... but I have a guy who's allergic to sitting so can't own a spa personally but comes to me each week for water from our Marquis spas as he makes his beer and homemade wine and tells us that it is the best water he has ever used to make his brew. He said he used to travel to the swiss alps until he found us...... ;)

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2007, 06:09:21 pm »
 Curious how he got the the Alps without being able to sit??  Must have walked.  8-)


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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2007, 06:11:58 pm »
they stuck in him in the coat closet for ride over.... ;)


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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2007, 08:06:04 pm »
Many thanks to everyone who posted to my question. I cannot believe how many posts from just one day. I am going to testdrive another hottub tonight, so thanks again for all your input.  It is fun knowing that I can hangout online with some fellow hot tubbers. I cannot consider myself a hottubber, but soon.

I do need to clarify that the $10k did include the ozonator, and the nautulis is a little bigger than the sojour, so it's not all ozonator that increased the price.

wish me luck.

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Re: D1 ultrapure ozone system worth extra $2k?
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2007, 08:06:04 pm »


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