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Sorry to be blunt, but you have some bad advice.My opinion is if you are using chlorine after each soak, you probably don't need the silver cartridge.
My opinion is if you are using chlorine after each soak, you probably don't need the silver cartridge.
Hey guys whats up - I am still a bit ocnfused. Along with your advice and reading the vermonter method I seem to be confused.A couple of you guys say that if you have silver - and to be specific I have the D1 Vision Cartidge - then you should shock after each soak. SPA NE says dichlor after each saok. The Vermonter method also specifies to use some dichlor after each soak to keep CL up to 2ppm for two hours. Is it just personal preference and as long as the water is clean with good ph, alk, etc... then I am ok? I have not read anything about shocking each time I soak? Is there a drawback to shocking each time you saok rather then using dichlor?
You can use either mps(non chlorine shock) or dichlor(chlorine) to activate a silver cartridge. I use a similar cartridge to yours and use dichlor exclusively for my routine sanitation. I do this b/c mps has no sanitizing capabilities and only oxidizes chlorimines(one of the reasons for routinely shocking your water). The sanitizing capabilities of a silver cartridge, in my opinion, should not be used as a primary sanitizer. Thus is why I dose with dichlor, a primary sanitizer, regularly and shock weekly with mps. I think the best way to explain this is just to tell you my routine.First off let me say that I soak 5-7 times a week for 15 minutes and soak alone 95% of the time, so your routine may vary based on your tubs bather load and longevity of soaks. Every other day I add a 3 ppm dose of dichlor. This will last until the next dose thanks to my N2 cartridge. W/o it I had to add a 3ppm dose every day. Anyways, each week or so depending on my CC(combined chlorine) I shock with either a buffered mps(2 TBS per 250 gallons) or a dichlor dose equivalent to 10 x my CC. So if my CC is .5 I would only have to add a 5ppm dose. That's it, I don't use any other chems besides ph and alk + or -. If you want to, tell me your routine and I will try to help you come up with a plan.Chad
So chad here are some questions on your method - you say add dichlor every other day to get to 3ppm - how much is that (I have a 350 gal tub).
Also you say shock with buffered MPS - what does that mean? I use sea clear brand?