So, I hadn't changed my water since Jan. I know bad bad. The water really wasn't too bad. The tub hasn't gotten much use this year since J's accident. We've been in the upper 90's for several weeks now and that has hindered tub use even more. I decided to drain, clean, fill today... better than cleaning the house. I was hoping by setting it for 80, I'd have a chance off keeping it cool for a while. Well... the water started at 82 so I'm not sure how long it will stay cool for. Today's temp is only suppose to get to 89. Will it automatically rise to the outdoor temp and maintain it? Will it go above that? If I do nothing to it (i.e. prop it open, put the hose in to cool it off) what do you think it will stay at overall this summer? We should be right at about 100 during the day 80's at night most likely.