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Author Topic: My Frog Experiment - 3 Month Report  (Read 1860 times)


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My Frog Experiment - 3 Month Report
« on: June 21, 2007, 08:47:23 pm »
For those of you who may be following my Frog usage.

Well, I had the Frog in my water for 3 months. During that time I soaked about once every 2 weeks and I will say in the beginning it did work somewhat, I could go 4 days with water looking good vs  2.

I did take the cartridge out about 2 1/2 months out as I figured that all the silver was probably gone from it. I noticed that my water stayed better in the beginning than toward the end. If my water got cloudy and I put chlorine in, the tub would clear up quickly but toward the end it wouldn't ... maybe it was because I had taken the cartridge out, I don't know. I changed out the water last Sat and still have another cartridge but will be saving it for the winter.

So my impression of the Frog is that it does contribute something, Maybe more when it's fresh vs all spent. I would have thought that the silver would have stayed and contributed more until the water was changed. Of course the water being 3 months old may have hindered the silver from working (high TDS?) and it was time anyway.

I guess N2 will work the same way. The one thing I did notice in the beginning was a type of film on the water's surface and I think it was from the composition of the Frog, N2 may not have given me a film.

For me it isn't enough to spend the extra $80 a year but it did enough to justify spending $20 for the winter, in case I can't get to the tub for some reason.

With my tub being 2 years old, my next experiment in a year will be ozone... stay tuned.

Hot Tub Forum

My Frog Experiment - 3 Month Report
« on: June 21, 2007, 08:47:23 pm »


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