Well, after 8 and a half long weeks since we ordered our tub and 3 months after we started looking for one, we took our first soak today. It was worth the wait with the exception of our 6 yr old had to get in on it and I was hoping for a little more "intimate" atmosphere for our first time

The tub is great! It has more thean ample power when and you use the diverters/air controls it will literally push you out of a couple of the seats. I got it hooked up yesterday ($472 total for the electrician), running 60 amp so the pumps and heater all can operate together. Start up chems took awhile to run through but once I was done and took a final reading the water was dead nuts in the middle, right where it should have been.
Chad, to answer a previous question, the 10 jet "therapy seat in the right rear of the tub is probably my favorite. I like the LX jets in the front right seat but wish they had 2 more of them vertically over the exisitng 2. The front left seat is also pretty sweet and the right elft with the 3 big MX jets has power to spare wehn the diverter is kicked that way. I kind of liked sitting in the middle of the left side and hitting my feet on the foot jets. In other words as the old saying goes..."its all good"

I will post a couple night shots later on, too tired to deal with it tonight