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I bought the Sundance Optima about 4 weeks ago form a dealer about one hour away - $1,000 less than the dealer I could literally walk to in my neighborhood who would not budge on his price. Â I don't feel comfortable getting advice from this local guy so I have come here for help. Â Those of you that have an Optima, or for that matter anyone as this question may be universal, I am having trouble with cloudy and what my wife says is skunky smelling water. Â Here is what I have added so far to the water: Â Metal Remover - one dosage, the Crystal Shock one dosage and I installed the sanitizer little container ( looks like a yellow small cage type thing that sits behind the filter). Â I use the Non Chlorine Shock before I use it every time. Â Am I supposed to be doing something else on a weekly basis now other than shocking it before I get in? Â I notice we get a ton of foam that accumulates sometimes also. Â Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks to all that responded. Â I just saw these at 12:30 pm today - I have guests coming at 7:00 tonight. Â If I go out and get the dichlor/chlorine can I safely use it and have guests in the water in a few hours after that? Â Thanks.
So many people know nothing about their pool or spa water chemistry and have problems. Sometimes even people with experience have problems. My advice: LEARN about water care and understand it's importance. Coming to a site like this is a good start but as an owner you need to understand how all the parameters come into play. It's also important to know that all water needs sanitizer and how much is needed.IMO, buy a Taylor K-2005 test kit - throw out test strips if that's what you're using. Read the booklet that comes with it. I personally don't use my dealer (either pool or spa) for water testing, I do it myself. Sorry, I don't mean to sound nasty but as a novice the worst thing you can do is follow bad advice and not know that it is bad advice. You don't trust the local dealer but the selling dealer gave you bad advice.If the chlorine level is too high when company comes over, use peroxide (small amounts at a time) to eat up the chlorine.
Thats a good question for your dealer. Â Why not ask them? You should also take a water sample to your dealer. Â Did you piss off so many people while trying to "save a buck" that you are not even welcome in either store. Â This is just the first of many times that you will wish that you had purchased from a good local dealer instead of being cheap and trying to save a buck.