I have been lurking around here for nearly a year and have only posted once or twice. Alot of great info and thanks for the POTDs!

So that I can one day have all those beautiful women that I see on the POTD at my house (yes I will post the pics), I am almost ready to make my purchase. Wonder what the wife will think?
I found a used Prodigy online which was one of the tubs I was considering. The few pictures of it seem to make me think it might have been well maintained. It is suppose to be approx. 5 yrs old.
Anyone care to give me some advise on what I should look for and what questions I should ask? How about the differences in this tub and the current Prodigys?
I live several hours away so I don't want to make the trip only to be disappointed. My guess is I would rent a truck and transport it home.
Am I making a huge mistake by buying used? Price is a major consideration, but I don't want a major headache. Is $3,000.00 reasonable?
The hot tub is set up and running, or so I am told. Is there a way to test the functions once I see the tub? Any secrets regarding how tell if the pumps, heater is good in a short period of time? Will there be any service issues with my local HotSprings dealer?
Thanks in advance to any comments.