Hot Tub Review
Manufacturer: Sundance
Avg. Price: $0
I have owned this tub for about 6 months so far.
I have not been in a lot of hot tubs. Only 2. But it is definitely a lot bigger then any other bot tub out there. Something I really appreciate with it is that it is so roomy in the middle that you can actually float around in it. You can really stretch your legs without touching other people in the tub. You can also use the center whirlpool jet to massage your hamstring and other parts of the legs that you couldn’t do with smaller tubs.
2 seats in the tub are very deep: The lounger and the accu-seat (the one with lots of jets). If you are around 5'4 or smaller, I would recommend one of those booster seats. The other 2 will accommodate pretty much anyone accept small children.
Other hot tubs have the option of having jets that stick out of the water and pour onto your shoulders. I would recommend against this since that will be very noisy. Something to consider. You can have your shoulders massaged in the maxxus with the 2 neck jets. You can point them in different directions and just lower yourself so that they hit the right spot.
Speaking of jets. They are very strong. Some are to strong for my spouse to handle and cannot be adjusted. The 2 seats closest to the control panel can be adjusted to be very strong or very low.
The odor therapy is crap. Like in any other tub it is useless.
The sound system is good for highs and lows. Forget about midbase. It doesn’t sound very balanced at all. The subwoofer tries to compensate too much for the tiny speakers. Result is very boomy music. I have the bass turned down to minimum for it to sound reasonable. Some people might enjoy it though. The floating remote sounds like a good idea. However it just ends up being swallowed by the filter area. And if you leave the remote in the water to much, the rubber cover will slowly start to deteriorate.
The hot tub lighting is awesome. You can choose what color to use or have them scroll through all the colors repeatedly. You can also adjust the brightness or all together turn it off.
The flimsy diverter valve knobs have a habit of popping off. So that feels somewhat cheep. But you get use to it. As a whole the tub feels and looks very luxurious.
The accu seat is wonderful... it is extremely powerful. The most powerful of all the seats since one pump is dedicated to only it and 1 or 2 whirlpool jets. But you can divert all the water to that seat only (turning off the whirlpool jets). It can literally push you out of the seat.
All seats have access to foot massage.
The neck jets are so strong when turned on to full (you can adjust them but unfortunately not tern them off) that they will sometimes run up your neck and wet your hair. That is somewhat annoying.
One thing to consider when looking at hot tubs, it that you can’t look for seats to fit you perfectly. No seat will get all of your sweet spots. You need to move around in them to target specific areas.
I personally really enjoy most the jets in the seats near the console since they can alternate from side to side witch really works the back muscles.
All and all, I am glad I went with this huge tub. It looks fantastic and is lots of fun. It is very relaxing and powerful. We have had a few parties, one evolving kids and they had lots of fun swimming and “snorqueling” in it. We also once had a party where we were 11 in it. We were all comfy…but everyone had there girlfriends sitting on them. A testimony to its size and versatility.
Date Purchased: 06/05
Price Paid: $13500
Recommend: Yes |
Lots of room for lots of people, never feel cramped . Lots of leg room. Extremely powerful jets. Jet variety. Feels and looks very expensive.
So big, doesn't feel cozy when only 2 or even 3 for that matter. The heater only heats at one end of the hot tub. Flimsy diverter valve knobs. Big heavy cover. To much base... no midbase. No mp3 compatibility. |
I have owned several spas in the past, none can compare to the universal job this apparatus can perform. having a community heated swimming pool, this is a perfect filler for having a theroputic appliance out back when it is inconvient to use the developement facilities.
Date Purchased: jan/05
Price Paid: $12
Recommend: Yes |
outstanding size and features,the best of the best. for broken bone injuries and old age related problems, there is a jet for every area.
flimsey water diverters, however the replacement policy is liberal for cracked pieces. |
Excellent spa. Lounger, seats, dome, waterfall, ozone, all wonderful. Composite cabinet very good. Jets, heater all good.
Can't think of anything to detract from it.
If you have negative aspects, let me know!
Date Purchased: 9/16/05
Price Paid: $12000
Recommend: Yes |
Excellent jets, circulation, heater
None. Perhaps heavy cover. |