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under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470 - FIXED!
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Topic: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470 - FIXED! (Read 10881 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 61
under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470 - FIXED!
June 01, 2014, 08:51:58 pm »
So we are enjoying our 470. We are just coming up on one month of ownership. It is nice, but I realized something I'd like clarified.
Under the waterfall there are 2 jets. Big circle ones. When looking at the waterfall from the control panel, the one on the right seems to have only 1/2 the power & speed of the one on the left. Is this normal? I asked my dealer and they said their rep is out of town till mid week next week, but to try swapping the jets. I did, no difference. He also commented "if its a pinched line the alternative of ripping apart the spa and the insulation in my view makes no sense to try to address it i would enjoy the spa as is if it was mine." I'm sorta a bit offended or annoyed I guess by that comment. I have to talk to him more later when I hear next from him. I took an underwater video of the jets where you can see it clearly is slower.
So, is that jet slower normally and as designed? Should I be a bit annoyed that I should just "enjoy the spa" even though it is not the way it should be new? I mean it is like ordering a brand new car and the rear AC does not cool, or all black interior, but a neon green passenger seat. I figure I paid over $10,000 for this tub, it should be working the way it is designed to, or it should be fixed to be that way.
Just curious on everyone's opinions on the matter. Thanks.
Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 11:29:59 am by mrpenguin
Hot Tub Forum
under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470 - FIXED!
June 01, 2014, 08:51:58 pm »
Jacuzzi Jim
Ultimate Member
Posts: 3584
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470
Reply #1 on:
June 01, 2014, 09:48:28 pm »
Flow should be the same out of both.
Topline Mike
Full Member
Posts: 240
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470
Reply #2 on:
June 01, 2014, 09:56:06 pm »
I believe all of the larger jets can be turned on and off by turning the chrome ring around them, just making sure you are aware of that??
Full Member
Posts: 512
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470
Reply #3 on:
June 01, 2014, 10:12:16 pm »
Agree with Topline Mike. We went for our first soak in our new J-345 last night and found we had to adjust a number of the jets to get full power out of them. Sometimes the answer is in the simple things!
Hope this works for you.
Full Member
Posts: 274
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470
Reply #4 on:
June 01, 2014, 10:53:45 pm »
Obviously your aware of the jets being able to be turned down as you've gone as far to remove them and swap as indicated in post but like jim said...they should be the same pressure and I too would want it correct..I completely agree yet you and no doubt I would be offended by that comment...or I'd say if I wanted a "seconds" unit I want my "seconds" price...not a full boat price like you paid...makes sense to me
Junior Member
Posts: 61
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470
Reply #5 on:
June 01, 2014, 10:57:25 pm »
Wow, thanks for the fast replies!
Yes, I have rotated the jets to turn them on or off. I actually was told to, and swapped the actual jets. So the jet fitting on the left was put onto the right port and vise versa. The power out of the right jet remained limited. Turned it all the way off and all the way on in both cases. It is obvious something is not right port.
So, Jacuzzi Jim verified my concern that it is indeed the jet/port that is low, because it should be the same as the other.
I just don't think I should accept that and just "enjoy the tub". If I got a used one, even from a dealer, at a cheaper rate, or if they refund cash to make it like that, I'd be more accepting to just "enjoy the tub". I guess it may be just me, but when I pay premium for something, I do expect it to be 100% working when I get it and for the length of the warranty. Thanks for backing that thought up dunecritter.
Full Member
Posts: 274
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470
Reply #6 on:
June 01, 2014, 11:27:33 pm »
I wouldn't sweat it to bought a good product and they should have no issues getting it serviced for you.
Full Member
Posts: 512
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470
Reply #7 on:
June 02, 2014, 03:00:39 am »
Sorry Penguin,
I missed reading part of your post. I sure wouldn't accept it and just "enjoy the tub" either. You paid good money for your tub and it should work properly. Let us know how you make out.
Jacuzzi Jim
Ultimate Member
Posts: 3584
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470
Reply #8 on:
June 02, 2014, 08:58:28 am »
I agree they should fix, or at least send a guy out to confirm the problem, not a "rep" but an actual service tech. I don't think it will make a difference but what's the flow like with both jets out. Finding the problem might be easy or not.
Junior Member
Posts: 61
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470
Reply #9 on:
June 02, 2014, 11:27:43 am »
I wouldn't sweat it to much
Not letting it get to me yet. We'll see how it all turns out. It is not the end of the world, just disappointing.
I figure eventually someone will have to come out. I wanted to switch to the 60A setup anyway one of these days. Dealer was going to try 3way call with me and Jacuzzi, but they wanted dealer (or tech) to do it himself, which is fine by me. I'm not gonna mess with anything and risk messing up a warranty.
I did take out both jets and turned on the system. WOW, I was shocked at how little water was coming out of the right port. Hardly anything. I was expecting more than was, but without the restrictions the jet adds, there was barely any. The left port had pleanty of flow coming out.
Mentor Level Member
Posts: 6340
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470
Reply #10 on:
June 02, 2014, 11:54:08 am »
Poor choice of words by that dealer or he just doesn't get it.
220, 221, whatever it takes!
Jacuzzi Jim
Ultimate Member
Posts: 3584
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470
Reply #11 on:
June 02, 2014, 01:28:36 pm »
Sounds like there is either a kink in the line or worse case something blocking the flow from the manifold. Hoping it's just a kinked hose, the other would be a pain. Give them a bit but make sure they know you want it fixed.. Jacuzzi shouldn't have to get involved yet, your dealer should be taking care of this, not pawning it off on corporate!
Junior Member
Posts: 61
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470
Reply #12 on:
June 16, 2014, 10:20:03 pm »
Quick non-update, was away last week. They called to make sure I still wanted this fixed. Said that they researched it and the tub will need to be taken apart and the foam insulation cut to get to it, am I sure I still want that done, since it is a new tub you're cutting into. Told them YES I want it fixed. He said they'll set up for a tech to diagnose the problem. I figure the repair if they cut out the foam insulation, they can spray some new foam in its place. I assume the repair will put it back as if it was new. I'll see a line where the new and old foam meet, but that's it. I won't have a big area with no insulation, right? I also assumed and accepted that this will be at least an hour job, probably more than that to take off the lifter, off the panels, cut the foam, find the problem, then fix it.
Will update more if anything happens.
Junior Member
Posts: 61
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470
Reply #13 on:
June 22, 2014, 11:29:45 am »
Good news!
Dealer got tech (AJ's Spa Service) to come out and the problem is FIXED, what a difference! Opened the back, dug out some insulation, followed the hose, found the issue. Hose was kinked out of the manifold. He disconnected the hose from the jet port, put his finger in the port to stop the water, pulled the hose out from behind others and rerouted it in front of them, and reconnected it. Tested it, checked for leaks, pushed the insulation back in, sealed it up. Took less than an hour. I am also content with how the repair was done and as far as I am concerned, it is the same as a new tub still. Having the insulation torn out and then just jammed back in there is just fine. Nothing major was "torn apart".
Pretty poor quality control by Jacuzzi I think. If they test these before sending them out like they say they do, an easy "Does each jet have water coming out" checklist should have caught this. Maybe the foam pushed the hose to the kink point, but a final wet test before sending still should have found it.
I am totally reassured that having them come out to fix it was completely the right thing to do instead of just "enjoying the tub". I'm sure they wanted to avoid the service call, but this was totally worth it and I am really pleased with the service tech. Tech even mentioned how most dealers try to delay the repairs if they can, he had some pretty grim stories about other dealers (thankfully not mine) in his past.
First pic, the jet is the one on the top left and the manifold is to the right of the zero on the wood. You can see where they routed the hose behind everything causing it to kink easily. If you zoom in the photo, you can see the hose a bit better and the kink. Second pic is a close up of the kink.
Jacuzzi Jim
Ultimate Member
Posts: 3584
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470 - FIXED!
Reply #14 on:
June 22, 2014, 11:42:07 am »
Glad they fixed the problem, and yes it should have been caught, but it is built by people..
Least it's not like a GM recall!
Hot Tub Forum
Re: under waterfall jets on Jacuzzi j470 - FIXED!
Reply #14 on:
June 22, 2014, 11:42:07 am »
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