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Author Topic: Caldera Moorea not heating??  (Read 10626 times)


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Caldera Moorea not heating??
« on: September 27, 2009, 04:20:45 pm »
Just got how from work and the wife informed me that the spa doesn't seem to be heating.  Temp was set at 98, water temp said 94.  She turned it up to 104 as she wanted to go in this am and an hour later it was still 94.  I come home 8 hours later and it's still at 94. The panel does not show any errors or blinking.  The filter is clean and I just powered it down and turn it back on to reset it. Powered up and went through the usual start up and no errors, hopefully the reset will work I haven't gone back out yet as it's pouring out. Any ideas?? I hope I do not have a problem I'm still uder warranty but my dealer who has been around for ever retired a few months back, and the place that reopened doesn't HS or Caldera's anymore and now the closest dealer is 2 hours away! >:(

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Caldera Moorea not heating??
« on: September 27, 2009, 04:20:45 pm »


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Re: Caldera Moorea not heating??
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2009, 05:22:31 pm »
Well, just went out and still at 94 after resetting. :'( The panel is ok, "temp" is solid. If I turn it down under 94 I can hear the click of something (I always hear this either a relay or the heater shutting off), circ pump is running. If I plug the circ pump hole with my finger for a couple of secs there is no change in the water temp coming out, usually if you do this while it's heating it comes out hotter. Must be the heater or the temp sensor?? By why no blinking or flashing of the display?? I'll have to call Watkins in the am. :'( Wanted a soak tonight too >:(


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Re: Caldera Moorea not heating??
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2009, 11:24:37 pm »
Sounds like thermister.  If it fails, I don't think it causes any lights to blink.  Hope they have someone to service you closer.
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Re: Caldera Moorea not heating??
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2009, 12:55:21 pm »
Well called Caldera/Watkins not very friendly or helpful basically said I have the call that dealer thats 2 hours away. She didn't offer any sugesstions or advice basically said I covered every thing and would need a service call >:( Call the dealer and got voice mail at service, waiting for a call back. So much for buying a top brand from a dealer that was around for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Caldera Moorea not heating??
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2009, 01:19:37 pm »
     Call the dealer and give him a chance to get back to you, if he's a good dealer he will.  Lets see you posted your problem on Sunday its now Monday, have a little patience!  I am sure all will be well again.

  What did you expect Watkins to do, fly a tech out in a helicopter?     Sorry for the harsh words its not Watkins fault you live 2 hours from the nearest dealer.   Any other manufacturer probably would say the same thing.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 01:22:13 pm by Jacuzzi Jim »


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Re: Caldera Moorea not heating??
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2009, 04:01:37 pm »
     Call the dealer and give him a chance to get back to you, if he's a good dealer he will.  Lets see you posted your problem on Sunday its now Monday, have a little patience!  I am sure all will be well again.

  What did you expect Watkins to do, fly a tech out in a helicopter?     Sorry for the harsh words its not Watkins fault you live 2 hours from the nearest dealer.   Any other manufacturer probably would say the same thing.

I did think that maybe they work try to trouble shoot or make an attempt to try to tell me what was wrong, not just tell me to call an unknown dealer. I'm just frustrated as I never thought that a dealer thats been aound for years and years would close his doors. Locally I could have bought just about any brand tub I wanted picked this because of him and the product. I just think it's silly if it's an easy fix they wouldn't help me on the phone and if it is say a thermister as Dan suggested, send a guy 2 hours for a $20 part.  Plus not to mention a trip fee as this dealer owes me nothing, it's not like I'd even buy chems from him.  If it's an easy fix I could do it myself as I have some knowledge, I did the setup myself, and would save everyone some $$


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Re: Caldera Moorea not heating??
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2009, 06:40:58 pm »
Well, pulled the control panel cover off to find a burnt up heater board, tried the dealer again and got voice mail. Tried Watkins again this time a different person gave me a number of a guy 5 minutes from my house, called him and he laughed saying he tried to get parts from them before but they would not send him the parts, but he said he'd happily help me out if they were willing. Called Watkins back and got the same girl and she laughed, she was looking at the Hot Springs side but she called him and they are going to take care of it.  Don't know if he would have charged me, but he said he'd swap out the part, I did ask about labor or costs if he did it but he said he didn't know about them paying him. I guess it's who you talk to  I guess I found a new place for chems


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Re: Caldera Moorea not heating??
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2009, 10:02:34 am »
Two hours is long way away.  Where do you live?  A lot of times Watkins will set up a service center when there is no other dealer nearby.  I know the Caldera dealer in Houston shut his doors a couple of years back.  They set up an independent service guy here to handle the warranty claims.
The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas and my Vanguard!!!


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Re: Caldera Moorea not heating??
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2009, 03:07:19 pm »
Central NY.  After the dealer closed the closest HS dealer was 2 hours away also (not the same Caldera that is also 2 hours), they must have just added this HS dealer,  hopefully someone will pickup the caldera.


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Re: Caldera Moorea not heating??
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2009, 06:57:25 pm »
Heater board came today, good thing it's not cold out, water temp went from 94 sunday to 73 today. I put it in a couple of hours ago, at 94 now can't wait for a soak tonight :D

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Caldera Moorea not heating??
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2009, 06:57:25 pm »


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